The dude missed a total of 3 snaps of the 400+ opportunites over the last 6 straight games.
Glass half full: His base & subpackage role lokks to be pretty much set at this time.
Glass half empty: This probably is a good measure for his ceiling and things can turn south in the long run.
That half empty glass is looking mighty good.
Since Week 9 (his first big game) Paul Worrilow is the #1 LB in my league. We have a slightly modified scoring system, but unless you're in a league that scores "big plays" very heavily, then Worrilow is probably tops in yours as well. Top 3, at least, in most scoring systems.
Take away his first three weeks where he had huge games (which is very silly, btw - big games are part of any player's resume) and he's still 13th in my league.
I'd say being 13th every week is about his floor, and his ceiling is #1. That's very,
very good.
Things change in the offseason, but as of now I'd only start a handful (maybe 4 guys?) ahead of him on a week to week basis.