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Peyton Manning or Dan Marino (1 Viewer)


Better QB?

Both similar in great arm, big stats, immobile and choke in big situations.

Who is better?

Manning. One of the most glaring weaknesses of Marino was not the lack of a RB, but the lack of ability to do play action pass. Watching Marino try and do that was painful.

Favre was bad at that as well. Both guys held the ball out as far as possible trying to hand it off.

It seems like such a simple act too.

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Marino had the better arm but Manning has the better intellect.

Manning by a head.

Yeah, it's easy to forget how great Marino was, but I think Manning is even better. At times it seems like he understands everything a defense has planned and makes it look so easy to thwart it.

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Better QB?

Both similar in great arm, big stats, immobile and choke in big situations.

Who is better?

We're talking who's "better" - Marino did what he did when the DBs had much more freedom than those today. He helped change the way we see the game. He never had a Harrison or Wayne, no Edge, no Addai. Marino had one of the most conservative run-oriented, domineering coaches of all time, Shula, while Manning called all the shots on his teams, almost every single play, and his system was created by Tom Moore and Jim Caldwell.

Marino by a mile.

Marino today with the current rules with top line receivers would be like having a license to kill.

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Surprised that there are people supporting Marino in this discussion due to how long its been since we have witnessed his greatness, but I personally tend to agree. Not taking anything away from Manning, who is phenomenal, and pleasure to watch, and not saying this is not an incredibly close comparison that could easily be argued either way. But, I agree with the post above regarding how different the game is now as opposed to when Marino played. DBs draped themselves on WRs, QBs were not pampered in the pocket, and WRs were little fast guys...not 6'5" dudes running 4.4's with nobody allowed to touch them. Add in the fact that Marino's best RB of his career was probably Kareem Abdul Jabbar (not the actor from "Airplane"...the very average RB that most people have probably forgotten by now), and the situations that these two guys were in is just really tough to compare.

Both of them are (were) spectacular, and for those of us that got to see Marino play on a regular basis, we are lucky to have been able to watch both of these guys play the game.

Discosure - Dolphins fan!

It's worth mentioning that Marino never wanted a great RB or running game because he wanted to sling it on every down. But he does deserve props for putting up monster numbers in an era where they weren't the norm.

Having said that, Manning is still better. Since I started watching football in the early 80s, Manning is one of the five best quarterbacks I have ever seen play, along with Brady, Montana, Elway and Steve Young. Marino and Favre would be just outside my top 5.

Peyton actually won a superbowl

So Ill go w him
Peyton actually won a superbowl ... vs Rex Grossman & Lovie Smith... in the rain. If there's such a thing as bottom 5 Super Bowl wins, that's in there.

Marino lost his to Joe GOAT Montana and Bill Walsh.
Your Saints played against Peyton in the Super Bowl. That was the playoff run where the Saints had bounties on players, and were trying to knock out players such as Warner, Favre, etc. That was a real respectable Super Bowl run wasn't it?

It's worth mentioning that Marino never wanted a great RB or running game because he wanted to sling it on every down. But he does deserve props for putting up monster numbers in an era where they weren't the norm.

Having said that, Manning is still better. Since I started watching football in the early 80s, Manning is one of the five best quarterbacks I have ever seen play, along with Brady, Montana, Elway and Steve Young. Marino and Favre would be just outside my top 5.
I don't recall ever hearing him say that. Although it is possible, I tend to question the validity of it just based upon how much he clearly wanted to win. He threw an awful lot, yes...but was that most likely because he had a defense that couldn't stop anyone and no RB to lean on, and the arm of one of the all time great QBs gave him the best chance to win, or was it because he didn't want to have a running game?

Peyton actually won a superbowl

So Ill go w him
Peyton actually won a superbowl ... vs Rex Grossman & Lovie Smith... in the rain. If there's such a thing as bottom 5 Super Bowl wins, that's in there.

Marino lost his to Joe GOAT Montana and Bill Walsh.
Your Saints played against Peyton in the Super Bowl. That was the playoff run where the Saints had bounties on players, and were trying to knock out players such as Warner, Favre, etc. That was a real respectable Super Bowl run wasn't it?
:bs: :fishing: :hijacked:

Thanks, but not taking that bait. Week 15 2013, enjoying playoff time.

But if you're actually comparing Manning in SBs, then yes there he faced a great QB and he lost, including throwing the game insurance pick-6, so yes solidifies the point.

If you look at how he got to the 06 SB, in the AFCC he put his team down vs NE like 21-0 or 21-3 or so with, again, a pick-6. He relaxed after that, got some breaks and was lucky to be there in the SB in the first place.

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Peyton actually won a superbowl

So Ill go w him
Peyton actually won a superbowl ... vs Rex Grossman & Lovie Smith... in the rain. If there's such a thing as bottom 5 Super Bowl wins, that's in there.

Or we do ignore the fact that the Colts beat the 13-win Ravens and 12-win Patriots during their run through the AFC playoffs?
Hey I think that all belongs in the discussion if you bring in Marino's playoff wins/losses too.

Not trying to denigrate Manning, he is a great HOF QB.

I'm just saying if as was done above bringing in the SB games, then evaluate them fully.

Peyton actually won a superbowl

So Ill go w him
Peyton actually won a superbowl ... vs Rex Grossman & Lovie Smith... in the rain. If there's such a thing as bottom 5 Super Bowl wins, that's in there.

Or we do ignore the fact that the Colts beat the 13-win Ravens and 12-win Patriots during their run through the AFC playoffs?
Well, Marino had to get to his Super Bowl too, and in it he faced one of the best teams of all time, led by one of your own top 5 QBs of all time...not Rex Grossman. Just to keep it apples to apples.

Marino's achilles injury and the rules at the time kind of destroy this argument. the truth is marino (like fouts) did things at the time that it took Qbs 20 years and a bunch of rule changes before they even got close to catching them. Marino's best season (1984) corresponds to the best year the phins had running the football.

The fact is that the dolphins never won a Super Bowl so marino will always be tainted. I saw Jordan play live. I saw Barry Sanders live, and I was lucky enough to see marino. Elway is the only guy, talent wise, who could give the argument. Brady and Manning are great QBs, as was Montana, but they are as much a product of their system than they are of there talent.

Dolphin fan, but that is how I see it.

Manning is top 2 of all time (Montana). Marino is top 10 of all time.
I didn't realize anyone liked Manning over his nemesis Tom Brady. With all the evidence it's ridiculous for anyone to make a case over Brady. The Chachinator believes you must be jealous of Tom Brady.

Manning. But my knock has always been on Peytons post season play. He always tends to drop his level of play in the post season(the opposite of his brother). The year he won the superbowl for example i believe his post season numbers were really bad. That was the year their poor defense stepped up and pulled out those wins for him. His stats were: 3 tds 7 ints (i think he was 1-6 going into that game) with a rating of 70.5.

I like how he tries to make Manning/Marino look like choke artists... Silly troll. Get a life dip#### they are probably 2 of the best qbs to ever play game.

It's worth mentioning that Marino never wanted a great RB or running game because he wanted to sling it on every down. But he does deserve props for putting up monster numbers in an era where they weren't the norm.

Having said that, Manning is still better. Since I started watching football in the early 80s, Manning is one of the five best quarterbacks I have ever seen play, along with Brady, Montana, Elway and Steve Young. Marino and Favre would be just outside my top 5.
I don't recall ever hearing him say that. Although it is possible, I tend to question the validity of it just based upon how much he clearly wanted to win. He threw an awful lot, yes...but was that most likely because he had a defense that couldn't stop anyone and no RB to lean on, and the arm of one of the all time great QBs gave him the best chance to win, or was it because he didn't want to have a running game?
Me either... two great QBs from different eras.

Who would I rather watch? Marino!

Better QB?

Both similar in great arm, big stats, immobile and choke in big situations.

Who is better?

We're talking who's "better" - Marino did what he did when the DBs had much more freedom than those today. He helped change the way we see the game. He never had a Harrison or Wayne, no Edge, no Addai. Marino had one of the most conservative run-oriented, domineering coaches of all time, Shula, while Manning called all the shots on his teams, almost every single play, and his system was created by Tom Moore and Jim Caldwell.

Marino by a mile.

Marino today with the current rules with top line receivers would be like having a license to kill.
Agree that Marino with today's rules would be unreal...

Manning may be a smarter QB, but he's not more talented.

Judge a QB not by their numbers, but by their numbers relative to their peers at the time they played.

Manning isn't that much better than Brees or Brady... but Marino was WAY better than his peers

Manning, and it's not as close as people want to believe.
I actually agree with this, and I've been watching closely since the early 80's. I think the era argument is a fair one, but more due to the sophistication of the offenses than the rules regarding the defense. I don't think Marino would fare as well in today's offenses as Manning.

This thread is bunk IMO so therefore there isn't much to discuss. Chokers?

Here are the most 4th quarter comebacks since 1960 and guess who the 1st 2 names on the list are?


This is nothing more than a fishing expedition to get under the skin of Manning and Marino fans, would be wise to not engage. Anyone that saw Marino throw the ball(season tickets '83-'92 Orange Bowl and JRS) knows what they saw. Every time the Jets fans came in they had RESPECT for Marino, most of the fans we met asked if they could have him for just 1 week. Choking is when you have a lead and watch it wither away like Romo does almost weekly.

Terrible thread and the stats prove it.

This thread is bunk IMO so therefore there isn't much to discuss. Chokers?

Here are the most 4th quarter comebacks since 1960 and guess who the 1st 2 names on the list are?


This is nothing more than a fishing expedition to get under the skin of Manning and Marino fans, would be wise to not engage. Anyone that saw Marino throw the ball(season tickets '83-'92 Orange Bowl and JRS) knows what they saw. Every time the Jets fans came in they had RESPECT for Marino, most of the fans we met asked if they could have him for just 1 week. Choking is when you have a lead and watch it wither away like Romo does almost weekly.

Terrible thread and the stats prove it.
Romo has more 4th quarter comebacks and game winning drives than any active qb since 2011. :shrug:

This thread is bunk IMO so therefore there isn't much to discuss. Chokers?

Here are the most 4th quarter comebacks since 1960 and guess who the 1st 2 names on the list are?


This is nothing more than a fishing expedition to get under the skin of Manning and Marino fans, would be wise to not engage. Anyone that saw Marino throw the ball(season tickets '83-'92 Orange Bowl and JRS) knows what they saw. Every time the Jets fans came in they had RESPECT for Marino, most of the fans we met asked if they could have him for just 1 week. Choking is when you have a lead and watch it wither away like Romo does almost weekly.

Terrible thread and the stats prove it.
Romo has more 4th quarter comebacks and game winning drives than any active qb since 2011. :shrug:
C'mon Pink, he has half of what those guys do and he's 32 years old, let's not spin the numbers too much here.

Romo has more passing yards than Marino, Montana, and Unitas since 2006…of course those other guys have long been out of the NFL but what does that matter right? ;)

Peyton is a class act, for sure. Pays homage to what was truly an amazing record in an era where 48 TD passes was simply unheard of.

Ben Volin ‏@BenVolin 5m

Peyton on the TD record: "What I think I amazing is Dan Marino throwing 48 back in 84. That record lasted for 20 years. Thats amazing to me"

How long a record stands is a good reflection on how impressive it is. Manning is right to be amazed by Marino's record. It held for 20 years and several passing rules changes. These new records 49 in 2004, 50 in 2007 mean very little since they stood for such a short period of time. Will this current record stand?

Peyton manning is one of the true all time greats, a class act, a true competitor.....so many adjectives.

Marino is the greatest passer this game has ever seen. The guy made throws no one can make.....I mean no one. And the only QB's I would compare to the sheer physical brilliance of Dan Marino's arm is Favre and Elway.

Marino is a gun slinger. A guy who knew he can make any throw, to anyone, anywhere on the field. Favre and Elway were the only two I would hold in that particular catagory. If I needed a clutch pass in the most dire of situations.....give me Marino. If you did not see him play live (I had the privalge of seeing just about every game of his career at home live in the flesh) you have no clue what he was able to do. It was remarkable.

There is no QB playing right now that has what he had in terms of pure ability throwing the ball. That guy retired 2 years ago (Favre).

Total package.....can be debated till we are blue in the face. But pure passer, physical god given talent?

1. Marino

2. Elway

3. Favre

4. Fouts

5. Brady

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Total package.....can be debated till we are blue in the face. But pure passer, physical god given talent?

1. Marino

2. Elway

3. Favre

4. Fouts

5. Brady
Oof. This is more of a "one of these things is not like the other" game. Completely wrong about Brady. His throwing ability comes from busting his ### day in and out for years. He came into the league a skinny kid that didn't have a strong arm or ability to throw a tight spiral. You listed him because although you don't know much about Brady, you still wanted to fill out your list somehow.

How long a record stands is a good reflection on how impressive it is. Manning is right to be amazed by Marino's record. It held for 20 years and several passing rules changes. These new records 49 in 2004, 50 in 2007 mean very little since they stood for such a short period of time. Will this current record stand?
I suspect that the closer we move to Arena/Canadian league type passing rules, the shorter these records will last.

It won't be that valuable to run the ball at all once they take away the ability of the defender to intimidate or even defend very well.

Is it a stretch to think that 3.5 TD's per game or 56 TD's in a season isn't far behind... 5500-6000 yards?

Doug Flutie had a season where he got 367 yards per game passing in Canada which would be 5800 yards in a season... seems like where we are going

I was 6 years old during Marino's great 84' season but I remember it and have been watching the NFL religiously ever since.

There are so many intangibles and subjective aspects of QB play that it's harder to compare than many would have you believe. And the OP is way off base on a number of things and comes off as a bit of a troll. Neither are chokers and Manning has never been what I would consider a big arm guy.

But anyways, I'm inclined to say Manning is a better overall QB based on everything he does pre-snap, his manipulation of defenses and remarkable consistency and longevity. For my money though, I'm going with Marino. As Peyton himself said, what he did in 1984 with the rules of the time and two 5'9 WRs as his primary targets, was just amazing.

No QB I've enjoyed watching more and I don't think there has EVER been anyone better as a pure thrower and passer of the football. Not to mention he was a damn good QB as well. It's a shame that he never got back to a Super Bowl and that his greatness is not truly appreciated because he never got a ring.

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Peyton is a class act, for sure. Pays homage to what was truly an amazing record in an era where 48 TD passes was simply unheard of.

Ben Volin ‏@BenVolin 5m

Peyton on the TD record: "What I think I amazing is Dan Marino throwing 48 back in 84. That record lasted for 20 years. Thats amazing to me"
Does his record of 122 TD's in a 3 years span still stand?

I believe Manning would need 35 next year to break it.

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