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Please Please Please Fire Tony Kornheiser (1 Viewer)


I cannot stand listening to this guy anymore. He is good on PTI, but just terrible as an announcer.

Sorry, had to vent. :excited: :banned: :banned:

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Actually, I just laughed at something Kornheiser said. Not at the lame joke (the practicing barefoot line), but how there was about 10 seconds of silence from Tirico and Jaws, then Jaws went ahead and continued some analysis. Very nice.

Actually, I just laughed at something Kornheiser said. Not at the lame joke (the practicing barefoot line), but how there was about 10 seconds of silence from Tirico and Jaws, then Jaws went ahead and continued some analysis. Very nice.
I got a chuckle outta that too. In my minds eye I could just see both Tirico and Jaws turn to look at him, roll their eyes & then gone on about the business of calling the game.
Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-thou gasbag.
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It seems he is hated by many people. We should vote by boycotting MNF until he is off. This would be a HUGE undertaking though. Website, publicity, marketing, etc...

www.firetonykornheiser.com available? Checking on this and others.

Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-though gasbag.
Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-though gasbag.
I wonder if I should start a venting thread venting about people venting against people who vent about people who start venting threads?
Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-thou gasbag.
The OP sucks, and I've heard enough about people complaining about Kornheiser. There's at least one thread per week about this. Do a search on the name and bump one of those threads instead of starting a new one. That way you and the OP can truly get a grasp at how unoriginal, tired and boring the argument/complaint has become.
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Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-thou gasbag.
The OP sucks, and I've heard enough about people complaining about Kornheiser. There's at least one thread per week about this. Do a search on the name and bump one of those threads instead of starting a new one. That way you and the OP can truly get a grasp at how unoriginal, tired and boring the argument/complaint has become.
I can understand your frustration. Kind of like I am bothered by really, really long signatures.Just playin' with ya, bud.
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there's a fine line between being an "antagonist" and just being plain annoying. someone should really sit down w/ Korny and explain the difference to him. his "on air persona" is similar to that annoying guy we all know that enjoys getting under our skin when our team is having a lousy outing. BTW, who's the programming genius at ESPN who thinks, "hmmm ... you know what MNF needs is a guy who's annoying". This isn't the WWE.

I was thinking about asking if they can at least broadcast just Tony in low definition. Some things shouldnt be in HD. Tony is one of those things. Make him wear a hat. And a ballgag if possible.

And for the love of crap, stop talking about Favre like he is the only player in the dang league.

Is it just me or does Kornheiser make watching Monday Night Football unbearable?

I have resorted to watching the game on mute, I wish he was mute. Why does ESPN fell he is necessary?

Sorry if this is a repeated post but I didn't have time to search, I just needed to vent.

Is it just me or does Kornheiser make watching Monday Night Football unbearable? I have resorted to watching the game on mute, I wish he was mute. Why does ESPN fell he is necessary?Sorry if this is a repeated post but I didn't have time to search, I just needed to vent.
It has nothing to do with football, ESPN must think more people like him than not. I dont see how this can be possible. HE Must be the Antichrist
I love PTI I watch it almost every day. But Kornheiser does not belong on MNF. It's just not the right venue.

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I work nights and rarely get a Monday off. Tonight is an exception. Just my personal opinion,I had no idea how bad Kornheiser is. The man adds nothing to the telecast,he doesn't shut up,he talks over action going on on the field. His attempts at humor fall flat. I've read his column,he's a good sportswriter. He should keep his day job,he's pathetic in the booth.

I really enjoyED him on PTI. But my hate for him from his time spent yammering on MNF is starting to spill over into PTI as well. Which is really unfortunate, as that is a regular in my TV viewing schedule.

He needs to be replaced. Now. I would go as far as asking to bring Miller back. At the very least there was some humor involved when Miller spoke...

I was thinking about asking if they can at least broadcast just Tony in low definition. Some things shouldnt be in HD. Tony is one of those things. Make him wear a hat. And a ballgag if possible.And for the love of crap, stop talking about Favre like he is the only player in the dang league.
but look at his feet! he's got great feet!
he's a geeky, doufas trying to commentate on something he has absolutely no insight to, which makes any telecast that he's on horrible and can't watch TV

if nothing else he should be fired for that ridiculous cotton candy comb over.

come on man... have some respect for yourself.

Anyone set up the petition yet? If so, where do I sign? For some reason, my mute button doesnt do a thing for that pre-game combover. God help us.

Kornheiser said the same thing about the Broncos tonight that he said about them on PTI today: "They could have lost that game yesterday."

Jaws had the perfect reply: "But they didn't."

What a dope TK is now. I like him on PTI, but he is terrible on MNF.

Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-though gasbag.
:coffee: This forum is starting to turn into a complete "complain about anything", "flame anything" situation. It's getting old.
not to be a jerk, but i find Stewart Scott's dead eye to be VERY distracting. Im watching the post game right now and im comparing his left eye to his right eye and i just missed everything he just said. I mean, it's his right eye that's the dead eye right? damn the guy is freaky looking in HD!!

... and Emmitt? Jeez, the guy is a stammering idiot who still has no grasp of the English language ... and he's got a college degree!! You're telling me that he was able to earn a college degree from U of Florida on his own? $100 to any alum who actually saw him in the school's library ever.

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there's a fine line between being an "antagonist" and just being plain annoying. someone should really sit down w/ Korny and explain the difference to him. his "on air persona" is similar to that annoying guy we all know that enjoys getting under our skin when our team is having a lousy outing. BTW, who's the programming genius at ESPN who thinks, "hmmm ... you know what MNF needs is a guy who's annoying". This isn't the WWE.
:confused: It's the Dennis Miller mistake all over again, w/ Kornheiser reprising the role of the pseudo-social-context of blah, blah, blah.They practice barefoot. :lmao:
Grigs Allmoon said:
Trust me, the weekly threads complaining about something you can't control are much more painful.
Oh, shut up. Kornheiser sucks and the OP has heard enough. My guess is that he'd like to vent via a thread with others who might share his opinion. If you hate venting threads, start a venting thread about how much you hate venting threads and quit being a holier-than-though gasbag.
:lmao: This forum is starting to turn into a complete "complain about anything", "flame anything" situation. It's getting old.
Then why come into these threads let alone post in them? Just skip over them. Do you find the need to click and read every possible thread?
I actually like Tony and I think they got it right bringing him in there. I can see why many people reading here don't enjoy him but I think it is a pretty clever placement. Here is why. The Monday night game draws a lot of very casual fans. Have you noticed how often Tony asks the other guys in the both "why would he do that?" or "shouldn't they"? I think Tony does a great job in asking the questions the casual fan is wondering.

Actually, I just laughed at something Kornheiser said. Not at the lame joke (the practicing barefoot line), but how there was about 10 seconds of silence from Tirico and Jaws, then Jaws went ahead and continued some analysis. Very nice.
That was awesome. :cry:The fourth quarter of that game last nigh was about the least enjoyable football that I've ever seen and it was primarily due to the inane blatherings of Kornheiser.Oh, and another thing, Brett Favre has had almost two months to learn the playbook. That he's still having trouble with it is on HIM, so stop prostrating yourself at his feet Kornheiser.
I actually like Tony and I think they got it right bringing him in there. I can see why many people reading here don't enjoy him but I think it is a pretty clever placement. Here is why. The Monday night game draws a lot of very casual fans. Have you noticed how often Tony asks the other guys in the both "why would he do that?" or "shouldn't they"? I think Tony does a great job in asking the questions the casual fan is wondering.
Like when he asked why Favre was pulled down by 3 scores and 2 mins. left? He knew the asnswer and his question appeals, not to the casual fan, but to beginner or non-football fans. TK is not a true football fan's type of an announcer; he is a someone who is trying to entertain those that have stumbled on to the game by chance and not design. And by the way, thank goodness I don't have to hear M. Irvin anymore :unsure: and I do think TK is better than D. Miller. At least TK has a sports background.
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