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QBs (1 Viewer)


Which QBs will have the best 2nd half?

I have been looking over the 2nd half of the season, trying to figure out which QB will have the best matchups. I was trying to take everything in effect, from schedule, to injuries, to weather. Here are the couple that I came up with.

1) Jake Delhomme- he seems to be putting it all together lately, and has a very favorable schedule.

2) Trent Edwards- he reminds me alot of Garrard, in that his numbers are solid but not flashy. He also has a very nice schedule going forward, I expect consistant numbers, but he probably will not be the top QB any week.

3) Phillip Rivers- he has looked very good so far, and has a pretty easy schedule down the stretch.

I expect Peyton and Brees to be slid starters every week but nothing says that they should dominate in the 2nd half.

Any thoughts?

I think Garrard has some nice upside in the second half of the season, even with Jones out.

I'm going to say Donovan McNabb, he's been a borderline top-5 guy despite missing 2 of his top 3 WR's and his excellent pass catching RB for almost the entire season so far. With everyone back healthy, he could be a monster.

I'll also throw a vote in for Peyton Manning, he's too good and those WR's are too good to be held down forever.

I'm going to say Donovan McNabb, he's been a borderline top-5 guy despite missing 2 of his top 3 WR's and his excellent pass catching RB for almost the entire season so far. With everyone back healthy, he could be a monster.I'll also throw a vote in for Peyton Manning, he's too good and those WR's are too good to be held down forever.
Very valid point with McNabb. But he is funny in that he seems to have very similar stats no matter who his WRs are. (excluding TO)

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