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R Rated movies - what was your first, what was the first for your children? (2 Viewers)


I know this has been brought up in other threads before, but I was thinking about this again as my son is rounding 13 and still hasn't seen an R movie.  Got me thinking about what I will show him first and when vs. what I saw first and when.  

So - what was your first R movie and how old were you?  What was the first R movie for your kids, and what age were they?

Anyway, the first that I can remember watching all the way through was A Nightmare on Elm Street.   I think I was in the 11-12 range, and my sister let me watch it after school while her and the boyfriend went to her room.  Put me on the path of the horror movie love for sure. 

Klute - my buddy and I were 13 and stood outside the ticket booth looking for people to "accompanying us" - we had a couple Stroh's quarts before and after, along with some doobs.  

The earliest I can remember is Nerds (I assume it was rated R). I don't know how old I was but I had to be 9 or 10? Maybe younger even? My parents never really cared what we watched. They would just tell me to close my eyes at certain parts but I peeked every time. Nerds made a most delightful impression on me. 

The Jerk.  I would have been about 10.  :loco:    My parents saw it the night before and didn't think it was a big deal.  Different times I guess.  We could get into R movies at our small town theater with a note from a parent.  My older sister forged a lot of notes for me.  Cost $1 to see a movie back then.

I don't remember what my kids first R rated movie would have been.

The Split which was the first R rated movie, saw it in 1970. I was out of HS by then.

Never worried about the kids because when mine were growing up tv was pretty safe back then. Not one to be overly protective to begin with.

I know this has been brought up in other threads before, but I was thinking about this again as my son is rounding 13 and still hasn't seen an R movie.  Got me thinking about what I will show him first and when vs. what I saw first and when.  

So - what was your first R movie and how old were you?  What was the first R movie for your kids, and what age were they?

Anyway, the first that I can remember watching all the way through was A Nightmare on Elm Street.   I think I was in the 11-12 range, and my sister let me watch it after school while her and the boyfriend went to her room.  Put me on the path of the horror movie love for sure. 
The sad truth is if he or his friends have a cell phone he may not have seen an R movie yet but has already seen some porn. Was watching a show that stated most kids have already seen some kind or porn by age 12.

Pretty sure mine was RoboCop. Probably age 8. I watched way too many R rated movies as a kid but I think it turned out ok.

The sad truth is if he or his friends have a cell phone he may not have seen an R movie yet but has already seen some porn. Was watching a show that stated most kids have already seen some kind or porn by age 12.
Oh, that's cool.  All that blood and violence is what I take issue with.   ;)

Pretty sure mine was RoboCop. Probably age 8. I watched way too many R rated movies as a kid but I think it turned out ok.
Yeah, I mean I might even be overshooting it 9. I definitely saw Robocop really young and I remember asking my parents a lot of questions because I still couldn't quite understand if he was dead or not dead- it just wasn't making sense to me. I remember him getting killed in the beginning being really scary. Still the scariest moment I can remember in a movie as a kid the Large Marge scene in Pee Wee's Big Adventure. To this day I don't think I would watch that scene, I would still FF past it. 

Nightmare On Elm Street is the first I remember and I was pretty young...maybe 3rd grade?

I also remember renting Bachelor party from the video store when I was in like 4th or 5th grade.

my oldest is 10, I can’t recall him seeing anything R rated yet

Friday the 13th part 7 at a birthday party of  a friend turning 11. Also looked at Playboys. My innocence died that night.

Saw Stripes when I was around 7. Our neighbors mom took us to it and told us to close our eyes when she said to.

My dad took me to see Conan The Barbarian when I was 8.  I dont' think he had a clue it was the way it was. 

I remember seeing Friday the 13th Part 6 during a family party at my parents' friends house. The older kids put it on and I just camped out in front of the TV and watched. I was probably 6 or 7.

First R movie I saw in the theater with my dad was Speed. I think I was 11.

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I was 12 or 13 and my dad decided he wanted to have some action movie night.  Watched commando and road warrior.  Road warrior actually kind of freaked me out for a while.

My mom took me to see both The Blues Brothers & Caddyshack when they were released. 1980 or so - can't remember which was 1st.

I was 12 at the time. Loved both movies.

Once cable TV came round, well, we found a way to view pretty much whatever we wanted by just going from home to home looking for busy/absent parents. 

I have no idea how I would handle my own kids, as no woman has ever been dense enuff to have my children. 

Blues Brothers. 11 year old me was already watching SNL and begged my parents to take me. Went into it for the laughs. Ended up being blown away by the music. Being exposed to Ray, Aretha and the Stax guys set me on a lifelong musical journey.

Watched Step Brothers with my 12 year old daughter. Farrells junk on the drums ended it. My daughter was pissed. “That’s not my kind of humor Dad!”. 

I think it was probably either Aliens or Commando.  Went through a lot of the Arnold 80s movies around then (Raw Deal, Predator, Running Man etc)

First one in the theater was definitely Platoon with my parents.  They felt like I should see to understand Vietnam.

Since it was brought up in here, I do remember seeing Robocop in the theater, which means I would have been 11 for that.  For some reason I thought I was older when I saw that.   I remember being a bit traumatized by the toxic waste scene at the end.  

I don't remember what my first R rated movie was but for many of us, we are old enough that when we saw our first R rated movie, there was no PG13.   As such some of the old R rated movies likely would have been PG13 movies today.


My daughters first R rated was The Matrix.

from the "First Celebrity Crush" thread:

My best female friend, for over 50 yrs now, was also my first girlfriend. We moved to the same town around the same time, i was thunderstruck by her coltish & coquettish qualities and i chased WAAAAY out of my league for my 1st try and struck gold. Very much a hippie chick, my Li'l Bardot didnt wear her first brassiere til she nursed her eldest son, so her sweet li'l cupcakes with big angry marshmallows on top were the first breastices i saw & held

The first onscreen nudity i ever saw was when my auntie took me to see Goodbye Columbus, which featured the angry-marshmallowed li'l cupcakes of the #1 female box office star of the era, Miss Ali McGraw.

Fast forward 30 years. My Li'l Bardot was a real estate agent in Santa Fe, and her firm had a sideline of finding temporary lodgings for people shooting movies in the area. Because of that, her parties were often well celebed. When she called me once in Albq to invite me up to a New Year's Party, she announced that one of the guests would be Miss Ali McGraw, who she'd made friends with @ AA (i'm not talking too much out of school - the only subject the movie star liked talking about more than sobriety was cosmetic surgery).

Come the party, i'm standing around when i see my gal greet Miss McGraw at the door and, eventually bring her my way. And, seeing them together, it struck me - i was about to have my first movie nude introduced to me by my first real nude. I'm usually pretty cool around celebs, but this was too much kismet. So just about this first thing out of my mouth was revelation of that amazing - perhaps unprecedented - coincidence, a faux pas which i promptly compounded by also noting the parallel miracle of the similarity between their personal boobage.

Ali winced so hard that i might have cost her a new botox regimen & my gal did not speak to me for the longest period in our half-century relationship. Still, kinda cool tho, huh?!

My father took me to see Aliens when I was 9. I saw Terminator at around the same age. My current 9 year old has never seen an R rated movie but has seen a TON of PG13 movies (mostly Marvel) since he was 5 years old. 

Probably others beforehand but first I clearly remember is The Deer Hunter.  5 years old.  No idea how that didnt give me nightmares

I watched a lot starting around the age of 10.  But I can't recall which ones my parents knew about, although they were pretty lax about it anyway.  

Some I can think of, Vacation, Police Academy, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, The Exorcist.

I recently watched Alien with my son, he's 14.  I'd like to watch more with him, but my daughter is 9 and we are constantly trying to find something everyone will like and is appropriate.

First one I saw in the theater that my parents knew about was Platoon when I was 13.  First one I snuck into was Eddie Murphy's Raw at 14.

Pretty sure it was The Last Picture Show with my grandparents  :shock:

Pretty sure both of my kids first R rated movie was The Matrix (at different times since they are 4 years apart)

Not really sure, but it was definitely on Cinemax because we didn’t have that channel at the time. If you kept flipping the channel up and down you could get about half second of relative clarity.

The more I think about it, I was probably pretty old compared to a lot of answers so far - local cinema closed before I was 10, no cable or VCR’s for a couple more years.

I would guess either Porkys or American Werewolf in London once they made it to HBO or something.

13 - Saturday Night Fever
Same for me.  It was awesome, but really awkward sitting with my mom in the theater.  I'm sure she had no idea what she was getting into.

For my son, the first was Deadpool when he was 13.  I fast-forwarded through the "Calendar Girl" scene, really just because it would have been uncomfortable for him.  As it was fast forwarding, I was doing a kind of play by play - now they're banging, more banging, different position, etc.  

Another Robocop here.  It was on video, so I was likely 10 at the time.  Watched at a buddy's house one evening.

Saw Jaws at a drive in. Didn't realize until I checked today that that movie was PG. 

Not sure if it was my first, but I vividly recall my dad confirming that mom wasn't home before he pulled out a paper bag with a Betamax tape he rented called Porkys. That was weird. 

I think it was probably either Aliens or Commando.  Went through a lot of the Arnold 80s movies around then (Raw Deal, Predator, Running Man etc)

First one in the theater was definitely Platoon with my parents.  They felt like I should see to understand Vietnam.
Commando was the other one I was going to mention and I similarly did the Arnold movies. And Stallone. I was pretty young when I saw Cobra.

I should mention I saw bits of Jaws when I was like 5 and had nightmares about sharks in my bed. 

As for nudity, I saw parts of Porky's when I was young. But the one I remember most was Revenge of the Nerds. Ahh, memories.

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Another vote for Robocop (though I am not 100% positive). I am guessing I was around 8 at a friends birthday sleepover. Then I pretty much watched nothing but rated R horror movies from then on.

My aunt took me to see Blazing Saddles when I was 12.

First I went to myself was Animal House when I was 16. The audience was ALL high school kids and was insane. The theater didn't even bother carding, I guess because the money was too good.

I don't remember my first.  Maybe First Blood.  But I showed my 12 y/o daughter Terminator 2 the other day and that was her first.

13 - Dawn of the Dead (1978) Me and a couple of friends waited until some old dude (he was probably in his 30's lol ) let us go in with him.


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