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Ran a 10k in June (1 Viewer)

Solid run tonight. Was supposed to be 11 with 7 tempo, but I didn't want to do the tempo portion with the relay race coming up this weekend, so I did an 11-mile "fast finish" run instead. Averaged 8:13 pace for the first seven, then went 7:57, 7:45, 7:25 before really dropping the hammer and nailing the last mile in 6:41. Ended up averaging 7:56 for the whole thing.

Back on the road in a little over 7 hours to do another 8 miles. Hope you all had a great night!
I like how you bolded that last one there, in case- you know- we might've missed it.
It was a tough mile. Couldn't take that chance. :coffee:
You missed 9 mph by :01. Why do you hate your own success?
Solid run tonight. Was supposed to be 11 with 7 tempo, but I didn't want to do the tempo portion with the relay race coming up this weekend, so I did an 11-mile "fast finish" run instead. Averaged 8:13 pace for the first seven, then went 7:57, 7:45, 7:25 before really dropping the hammer and nailing the last mile in 6:41. Ended up averaging 7:56 for the whole thing.

Back on the road in a little over 7 hours to do another 8 miles. Hope you all had a great night!
I like how you bolded that last one there, in case- you know- we might've missed it.
It was a tough mile. Couldn't take that chance. :rant:
You missed 9 mph by :01. Why do you hate your own success?
8 recovery miles done this morning, although they really didn't feel like recovery miles, since some idiot planned a route with the last 3 miles finishing directly into a gusty west wind. 12 more miles tomorrow morning, then off to Minnesota for the relay.

Hope you all have a great day, and happy running!

No 5k yesterday. Went to the gym instead. Did a warmup mile on the treadmill at 7:30, which is very fast for me. No idea why I did that since I was supposed to be recovering. Lifted and came back for a bike ride to wrap things up. They have a simulator that shows you the road, and other racers, to keep the ride interesting, while they change the resistance to match the "hills". I set the pacer to go at 225 watts and beat him, so I still have my bike legs a little bit. My wife and I are picking up a gym quality spinning bike for the house so we can do more of that in our home gym which will be nice. She got it at a deep discount from a good friend who is the director at a chain of gyms a couple towns away. We're starting to get enough of a home gym that I may eventually give up my Gold's membership - we have two very good treadmills (one needs work), a spinning bike, a weight bench, dumbbells, a TV and a mirror. Add in some barbells and a universal machine of some sort and we'd be pretty much done.

Went out last night for 9 and the weather was great. I just kind of felt like pushing it a bit and averaged 7:58 per mile for the run. It was good to know that I could still push it and I felt pretty good out and back. This is a rolling hill course so it does have its challenges, but i managed to keep up the pace throughout.

I could not do the turnaround run this morning like "The Machine" above, but I will do it this afternoon. I have 9 with 6 x 800s to do.

Have a good day guys.

Solid run tonight. Was supposed to be 11 with 7 tempo, but I didn't want to do the tempo portion with the relay race coming up this weekend, so I did an 11-mile "fast finish" run instead. Averaged 8:13 pace for the first seven, then went 7:57, 7:45, 7:25 before really dropping the hammer and nailing the last mile in 6:41. Ended up averaging 7:56 for the whole thing.

Back on the road in a little over 7 hours to do another 8 miles. Hope you all had a great night!
7 miles for me in a downpour this a.m. My plan was to do the first 4 at regular pace then treat the last 3 like a tempo run. Did the first 4 at 8:22 pace, then did the last 3 in 7:58, 7:32 and 6:58.

Fugly bike interval workout last night. First interval was 20 minutes at a 270 watt base with one minute 345 watt bursts at minute 4, 9, 14, and 19. Average 171 hr over the last 10 minutes (4 beats above threashold) and finished up at 182 hr. I didn't see it but my wathch recorded 186 at one point which is a new max but could have been a hiccup. Unfortuanately the gut pain came back in the last 5 min. This time it was in the right hand side and around my back. The last 5 minutes were just a suffer fest. After a 5 min recovery we were supposed to repeat this effort. That wasn't happening and I had to back off the watts. Finished up with two 3 minutes grinds with 20 sec sprint finishes.

Trying to go lactose free for the next few days and see if that helps. Still up in the air about Saturday as I'm not sure how I could complete a run. Swim on tap for lunch.

We're starting to get enough of a home gym that I may eventually give up my Gold's membership - we have two very good treadmills (one needs work), a spinning bike, a weight bench, dumbbells, a TV and a mirror. Add in some barbells and a universal machine of some sort and we'd be pretty much done.
Will there be young, sweaty coeds walking around in tight outfits? If so, I'd cancel the membership, if not; not so much. Some GREAT runs the last couple of days! As a group we must be acclimating to the heat and getting stronger. Giddy'up!
We're starting to get enough of a home gym that I may eventually give up my Gold's membership - we have two very good treadmills (one needs work), a spinning bike, a weight bench, dumbbells, a TV and a mirror. Add in some barbells and a universal machine of some sort and we'd be pretty much done.
Will there be young, sweaty coeds walking around in tight outfits? If so, I'd cancel the membership, if not; not so much. Some GREAT runs the last couple of days! As a group we must be acclimating to the heat and getting stronger. Giddy'up!
Just my wife. Actually, it'd probably be better for me if there weren't. I was talking to a tall blonde at the gym yesterday and my wife came up and tapped me on the shoulder to ask if I had any extra water. I about jumped out of my skin. That probably wasn't the ideal response. She took my only bottle of water and saved her eye roll until later (for emphasis, I think).
First interval was 20 minutes at a 270 watt base with one minute 345 watt bursts at minute 4, 9, 14, and 19.
:hophead: That hurts just looking at it. I did one stretch on my group ride yesterday where I averaged 263 for 5 miles trying to chase the lead pack (got stopped by a car and got behind - I never did manage to catch up). I wanted to puke up a lung.
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7 miles for me in a downpour this a.m. My plan was to do the first 4 at regular pace then treat the last 3 like a tempo run. Did the first 4 at 8:22 pace, then did the last 3 in 7:58, 7:32 and 6:58.
:mellow: great effort! I'm back to feeling very slow...

Actually, I'm feeling rather sluggish overall. I think the end of my tri season coupled with a week on vacation has had an effect on my desire to swim and bike. I need to get going again for cross-training if no other reason...

Yesterday morning I did speedwork for the first time in a few weeks - 6x 800s with 90 second intervals and a mile warm-up/cooldown. Since it was relatively cooler out (70 w/ 70% humidity and overcast) I decided to try my faster pace targets I was looking at back in May, which means a 6:30 pace (as opposed to 6:46).

6:32, 6:25, 6:26, 6:37, 6:57, 7:20

Obviously got crushed after 4, but I'm OK with that for this effort, given how off of those faster targets I've been all summer. I'll get stronger at it as I refocus at it and as it continues to cool off.

The next couple of weeks are going to be pretty busy for me so I probably won't be around as much as I'd like (or at least I shouldn't be!). I'm slammed busy at work again and I have 3 live fantasy drafts over the next 2 weekends.

i'm not a doctor and i haven't had one, but urinary tract infections are no joke. neither are kidney stones, and i have had one of those. it was supposedly very small. sure didn't feel like it. drinking cranberry juice isn't a cure-all by any means, but some people swear by it, and you're putting so much strain on your kidneys when you do long bike rides and train for multiple sports that your occasional day of dehydration may be an issue. if you're having pain near your kidneys for an extended period of time you should get them checked out.

One thing contributing to that 6:58 last mile I ran today -- I took my shirt off again after 6, just like I took it off for the last mile of Sunday's 14-miler. In both cases, it was soaking wet with rain and taking it off was the best feeling in the world. I immediately felt cool, refreshed, and fast.

Might have to think about trying to lose 5-10 more pounds and doing some push-ups so that I can run topless with embarrassment in situations other than pre-dawn downpours.

I've gone on steroids. :lmao:

Actually, in the middle of everything else, I got home from a brisk three-mile walk nine days ago and thought I'd picked up dozens of small mosquito bites around my ankles. But over coming days, it slowly spread and the older 'bites' would all meld together to make my lower legs a general mass of reddish/purplish skin. Ug. Ly. Went to the doc, and he gave me some kind of steroid to hopefully kill this thing off, though he was rather confused by it. I'm convinced it was some sort of little creature bites that caused the rash. The pills are listed with the usual litany of side effects, 'check with your doctor if ..' and 'contact your doctor immediately if you experience ...yada, yada ...vomit that looks like coffee grounds.' :popcorn: The good news, I suppose, is that I'm getting my legs ready for the DWD trails. Whatever I pick up there can't be more irritating than this.

I've gone on steroids. :lmao:

Actually, in the middle of everything else, I got home from a brisk three-mile walk nine days ago and thought I'd picked up dozens of small mosquito bites around my ankles. But over coming days, it slowly spread and the older 'bites' would all meld together to make my lower legs a general mass of reddish/purplish skin. Ug. Ly. Went to the doc, and he gave me some kind of steroid to hopefully kill this thing off, though he was rather confused by it. I'm convinced it was some sort of little creature bites that caused the rash. The pills are listed with the usual litany of side effects, 'check with your doctor if ..' and 'contact your doctor immediately if you experience ...yada, yada ...vomit that looks like coffee grounds.' :lmao: The good news, I suppose, is that I'm getting my legs ready for the DWD trails. Whatever I pick up there can't be more irritating than this.
Not it for sitting next to you in the van :bs: BTW, eating and drinking my way through Disney is not likely going to serve me well for DWD. Pool swam yesterday at the condo pool and I was the freakshow. Wore the Garmin at the Magic Kingdom today. Including the rides. monorail and walking, I covered 19.53 miles today (although, I don't think it is accurate. I covered 1.2 miles while sitting in the Hall of Presidents).

A bit disappointed in my time today, but I left it all out there so I can't really complain. I was so gassed at the end I swallowed back a dry heave and got to taste my cinnamon raisin bagel all over again :blackdot:

Based on what I learned on Sunday's 5 miler, I got there early and took my good old sweet time warming up/stretching. I ran a mile or so (total guess) at a very easy pace, hit the bathroom (the poor women had to wait in line a good 50+ women deep), and then stretched. Followed that up with some striders, butt kickers, and was ready to roll. I felt good and was anxious to get going. It was a good sized turnout (easily 2k people) so I made sure to get towards the front so I didn't have to weave through the traffic on the small streets.

First mile felt good, but it went downhill pretty quickly. My body just didn't have the juice today for whatever reason. It was 80 degrees and near 100% humidity, so maybe the humidity had some affect. At any rate, I didn't have the greatest run but I'm happy I was able to gut it out some. I felt like crap as the race went on and it felt like it deteriorated pretty quickly.



3-8:39 + 0:44 for the last tenth


There were a few characters in the crowd. One older guy wearing Mr T type necklaces, an American flag dew rag, and these. Another guy was in a neon green full body suit just like this. I nearly pissed my pants laughing when I saw him come across the finish line.

Skipped this morning's 12. Tired as hell, and in the grand scheme of things, I'm sure it won't matter anyway. Heading out shortly to make my way towards Minneapolis for the relay this weekend, so I doubt I'll be around here much until next week.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

The humidity has really been tough to fight through in training. It particularly saps my energy towards the tail end of long runs. I tend to run out of steam around 13 miles and fight for whatever I have left.

Jumping up to 17 miles on Sunday so it's going to be a struggle.

I tend to run out of steam around 13 miles
Keep your perspective - for most people, that would read "1.3." Things'll cool down soon enough, and you'll be rockin'.2Young - fear not, my fairweather friend! My legs just have some discoloration and some lingering bumps from the rash. It's not like I have open sores or anything. But thanks for the support. :finger?: BTW, I updated my DWD analysis and will send it to the team. Three more weeks!gruecd, if you still see this - have a great time at the Ragnar Relay! What a blast!!
Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then.

Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.

I tend to run out of steam around 13 miles
Keep your perspective - for most people, that would read "1.3." Things'll cool down soon enough, and you'll be rockin'.2Young - fear not, my fairweather friend! My legs just have some discoloration and some lingering bumps from the rash. It's not like I have open sores or anything. But thanks for the support. :finger?: BTW, I updated my DWD analysis and will send it to the team. Three more weeks!gruecd, if you still see this - have a great time at the Ragnar Relay! What a blast!!
are you really doing the Big Sur marathon? a GB has done it a bunch and calls it the best race in the US.
Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then.

Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.
Good to have you back on board. You'll be back into the swing of things in no time. ______________________________________

5 good miles earlier @8:15. I hammered the last mile in 7:51]. As I ran by a couple of guys on the sidewalk, I heard them ask "Was that guy Tyson Gay?" Or at least I think that's what they said. I distinctly made out the words "that guy" and "Gay," so I pieced together the rest based on context.

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Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then.

Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.
Good to have you back on board. You'll be back into the swing of things in no time. ______________________________________

5 good miles earlier @8:15. I hammered the last mile in 7:51]. As I ran by a couple of guys on the sidewalk, I heard them ask "Was that guy Tyson Gay?" Or at least I think that's what they said. I distinctly made out the words "that guy" and "Gay," so I pieced together the rest based on context.
<_< Did you yell back 'HEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'?

Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then. Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.
Welcome back and congrats! I took a long break after our 2nd was born 4 years ago. I was at about mile 11 of a 17 run, and I just stopped running and walked home - I call it my Forrest Gump moment. My priorities just shifted and that was that. I started working at it again last year. 4 mile tempo run this morning. After my relative success on Tuesday with my speedwork, I decided to target my faster pace goal of 7:34s. About 70 degrees and 70% humidity. Did a 9 minute mile warm-up, then 2 miles at 7:31s and the next 2 at 7:41s - I just couldn't hold the 7:30s. Still ended up with 7:36 average so I was just off my target. Walked for a 1/4 mile to catch my breath then finished with a 9:20 cooldown mile. This was my best tempo run since 6/3!
are you really doing the Big Sur marathon? a GB has done it a bunch and calls it the best race in the US.
Yes, that's my plan. After a conference in Monterrey last fall, I spent a bit of time in Carmel and drove down Big Sur ...turned around at Pfeiffer State Park. As it turns out, the park is the starting point for the marathon. It ends by a shopping mall outside of Carmel. I had some occasional thoughts of doing Big Sur (for the reason you mention), and having been on the exact course, I decided to put it on my list. The original plan was Boston in 4/11 and Big Sur in 4/12. But then I heard about the 'B to B,' and figured that as long as I'm in marathon shape next spring, I'll be stupid and put both together and get the related bling. (2011 is the rare year where the races are two weekends apart instead of one.) I'd hope, then, to 'retire' from marathoning ...go out with a blast, as it were.Welcome back, jb! If you stick with it, you can get reasonably race-ready by October.
Gump moment, :lol:

I think I can be reasonably ready too. Not trying to blaze any trails here. I figure if I can pull off a decent 6-7 mile run by the first week of Sept I'll go ahead and sign up.

Football season usually does me no favors though.

Tri-Man: What a way to go out; Boston then Big Sur. You will be like the John Elway of our 10k thread!

Wraith: Great run. I'm jealous, as my speed is waning and as I'll write below, needs to get better soon.

IvanK: :lmao:

jb1020: GREAT to have you back at it!! HTFU and keep at it now.

WorkHorse: Join the club! I haven't even attempted a run of longer than 8 all summer, as it's not worth putting my body through it. I'll pay for it in a month when I need to get back at it, but it is keeping my legs and body from wearing out.

Gruecd: Have a blast at your relay!


My update:

Yesterday afternoon I had another really good swim (for me). I did a 200, 400, 1,500, 300, 100 = 2,500 yards. My 400 was done in 7:28 which was faster than I expected. I thus decided to try to do my 1,500 in under 29:30 :-)59 per 50 yards). I positioned my watch so that I could see it after every lap. After 500 I was at 9:34 which meant I just needed to maintain just under 1:00 per 50 to get my goal. All felt great and while I slowed a little, I was at 19:13 at the 1,000 point. I then decided I really wanted to save a full minute over the 1,500 and got excited after each lap, with the seconds getting smaller (i.e. from :13 to :11 at the 1,050 point). My 1,200 lap was the only one that was at a 1:00 or slower (1:02), but a coed got up and was on the side of the pool on the side I don't normally breath on (my left), so I adjusted to use that side for better viewing :bag: . I picked it up and dropped to :00 exactly at 1,450. My last 50 was in :54 = my total time was 28:54 for the 1,500 :pickle: This is still far from a PR, but is motivating, as I have been really sluggish in the water.

This morning I decided to follow suit of others on here and get some speed work in. My last interval workout was in April, so I was due. It was brutally thick (97% humidity) and 81 degrees so I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. I did my warm-up mile and then 4x800's with 400 rests in between. My intervals and ending HR's were:

7:13 pace (HR 173) I hit start/stop instead of lap at the start which screwed up my start to this one

7:08 pace (HR 179)

7:04 pace (HR 182)

7:01 pace (HR 184)

I was maxing out on the last interval, and was pretty upset I couldn't even get under 7:00 :thumbup: I'm going to target being able to do 10x800's at 6:58 average by January 1 (to be ready for Houston). While I'm a long ways from being where I want to be, I have at least taken my first steps toward the goal.

A little disconcerting is that my three biggest toes on my left foot are having a sharp pain when walking. They hurt before I started my run, and I was able to run through it. I have no clue what I've done to them, but am guessing it had something to do with last nights swim :shrug:

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4 mile tempo run this morning. After my relative success on Tuesday with my speedwork, I decided to target my faster pace goal of 7:34s. About 70 degrees and 70% humidity. Did a 9 minute mile warm-up, then 2 miles at 7:31s and the next 2 at 7:41s - I just couldn't hold the 7:30s. Still ended up with 7:36 average so I was just off my target. Walked for a 1/4 mile to catch my breath then finished with a 9:20 cooldown mile. This was my best tempo run since 6/3!
Great job! I think we are all in for a very pleasant surprise when the heat and humidity finally break. If you can turn in that kind of effort in that heat and humidity, you will blow it away when it's cool outside.
Gump moment, :boxing:

I think I can be reasonably ready too. Not trying to blaze any trails here. I figure if I can pull off a decent 6-7 mile run by the first week of Sept I'll go ahead and sign up.

Football season usually does me no favors though.
Give me some guidance here. I've told my wife that our fall Sundays are going to consist of me leaving her home alone with the kids for 2 or 3 hours in the a.m. while I do my long run, followed by her making me a big lunch, and then me drinking a beer and falling asleep on the couch while watching football. She is speechless with excitement. At least that's why I think she didn't say anything when I told her what she can look forward to.

Give me some guidance here. I've told my wife that our fall Sundays are going to consist of me leaving her home alone with the kids for 2 or 3 hours in the a.m. while I do my long run, followed by her making me a big lunch, and then me drinking a beer and falling asleep on the couch while watching football. She is speechless with excitement. At least that's why I think she didn't say anything when I told her what she can look forward to.
:bag: :bag: :bag: :bag: :lmao: classic. My wife asked me about my schedule for my live draft next Saturday (one of three over the next 2 weekends). I told her I have to leave by 11am since we're having lunch before the draft. Then after the draft, we're hanging out, having dinner, watching some of the Bears game then the UFC fights... Oh, and I have a 15 mile run to do before I leave. ... unfortunately for me, she did NOT opt for the silent treatment in response...
Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then. Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.
Welcome back and congrats! I took a long break after our 2nd was born 4 years ago. I was at about mile 11 of a 17 run, and I just stopped running and walked home - I call it my Forrest Gump moment. My priorities just shifted and that was that. I started working at it again last year.
Interesting that it happened mid run. I have been thinking about my break and when I want to take it for some time. A lot of if's going through my head, but if I can somehow qualify for Boston for next year, then the end of 2011 I am thinking could be my break. We should be right around the corner from having #3 and I think it will be time to shut it down for a bit. I may not completely stop running, but take a step back and just run smaller races. Nothing over a half mary and enjoy my kids for awhile. By that time the two oldest will be full blown into sports and I think that I can get the oldest to start running a bit (small distances) with me if he is interested.If I don't qualify for Boston than next year I go for broke and see what I can do.
PSL - fantastic swim and great job on the 800s - especially since that was your first effort at it since April. The speed and endurance will both come back as you keep at it.

Hopefully your toes will be OK within a couple of days. My lower legs are such a trainwreck now that I walk like Jerome Bettis when I get up in the morning. And when I get up off the couch. Really, almost any time I get up and start to walk now. My ankles hurt (walking barefoot is a special treat) and my achilles continue to be in their normal state of "yikes!"

My chiro recommended I roll a tennis ball under my feet a couple of times a day to try to work out some of the issues, so I'm trying that. But I'm beginning to think she's experimenting on me to see how much pain I'll endure before I stop talking to her. The jokes on her tho - I just keep going! :useless:


I've gone on steroids. :goodposting:

Actually, in the middle of everything else, I got home from a brisk three-mile walk nine days ago and thought I'd picked up dozens of small mosquito bites around my ankles. But over coming days, it slowly spread and the older 'bites' would all meld together to make my lower legs a general mass of reddish/purplish skin. Ug. Ly. Went to the doc, and he gave me some kind of steroid to hopefully kill this thing off, though he was rather confused by it. I'm convinced it was some sort of little creature bites that caused the rash. The pills are listed with the usual litany of side effects, 'check with your doctor if ..' and 'contact your doctor immediately if you experience ...yada, yada ...vomit that looks like coffee grounds.' :shock: The good news, I suppose, is that I'm getting my legs ready for the DWD trails. Whatever I pick up there can't be more irritating than this.
Just be aware that the USAT has implement drug testing that could include age groupers.
pmbrown_22 said:
wraith5 said:
Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then.

Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.
Welcome back and congrats! I took a long break after our 2nd was born 4 years ago. I was at about mile 11 of a 17 run, and I just stopped running and walked home - I call it my Forrest Gump moment. My priorities just shifted and that was that. I started working at it again last year.
Interesting that it happened mid run. I have been thinking about my break and when I want to take it for some time. A lot of if's going through my head, but if I can somehow qualify for Boston for next year, then the end of 2011 I am thinking could be my break. We should be right around the corner from having #3 and I think it will be time to shut it down for a bit. I may not completely stop running, but take a step back and just run smaller races. Nothing over a half mary and enjoy my kids for awhile. By that time the two oldest will be full blown into sports and I think that I can get the oldest to start running a bit (small distances) with me if he is interested.If I don't qualify for Boston than next year I go for broke and see what I can do.
Sunday, September 17, 2006. I was about a month removed from my 1/2 marathon PR (1:47:52) at the Chicago Distance Classic and six weeks away from my son's due date (11/1, tho he came early on 10/30). My training was going well overall but I'd been losing focus and with a 16 month old at home it was hard to get out much. Add to that the fact that I was actively engaged in a job search (I had just completed my first interview for my current job) and I had a lot going on. Oh - and my wife was going to take 12 weeks off, largely unpaid, but we still had to pay our nanny for that whole time to keep her for when my wife went back to work. I was a little stressed out. So my long run route is a 13 mile out & back on a bike path that basically goes in a 6.5 mile circle, coming within .5 miles of my house again before I head back around. I had added 4 miles to the front 1/2 of the route to make it 17 overall and was cruising without issue physically, but all of this stuff was weighing on my mind. As I got close to my house, something just snapped and I decided that running was no longer a priority for me. At all. So I stopped running and walked home.

I kept running once a week for a while on the weekends, but they were short (4-7 miles). 2007 and 2008 were very spotty tho I did run the Distance Classic again in 2007 (2:02:38). After that it wasn't until May 20 of last year that I rejoined this thread (responding to gruecd's 1/2 Marathon PR, specifically) and really got back on the horse.

pmbrown_22 said:
wraith5 said:
Jumping back in to running. I haven't posted in this thread since January. Did my first half marathon then.

Then moved and my wife had our first born. Needless to say I've gained about 13 lbs since January. I've hit the pavement the past 2 mornings, short (slow) 2 mile runs to get my legs back under me. The goal is another half Oct. 9. I'd like more time, but just got to stick with it.
Welcome back and congrats! I took a long break after our 2nd was born 4 years ago. I was at about mile 11 of a 17 run, and I just stopped running and walked home - I call it my Forrest Gump moment. My priorities just shifted and that was that. I started working at it again last year.
Interesting that it happened mid run. I have been thinking about my break and when I want to take it for some time. A lot of if's going through my head, but if I can somehow qualify for Boston for next year, then the end of 2011 I am thinking could be my break. We should be right around the corner from having #3 and I think it will be time to shut it down for a bit. I may not completely stop running, but take a step back and just run smaller races. Nothing over a half mary and enjoy my kids for awhile. By that time the two oldest will be full blown into sports and I think that I can get the oldest to start running a bit (small distances) with me if he is interested.If I don't qualify for Boston than next year I go for broke and see what I can do.
Sunday, September 17, 2006. I was about a month removed from my 1/2 marathon PR (1:47:52) at the Chicago Distance Classic and six weeks away from my son's due date (11/1, tho he came early on 10/30). My training was going well overall but I'd been losing focus and with a 16 month old at home it was hard to get out much. Add to that the fact that I was actively engaged in a job search (I had just completed my first interview for my current job) and I had a lot going on. Oh - and my wife was going to take 12 weeks off, largely unpaid, but we still had to pay our nanny for that whole time to keep her for when my wife went back to work. I was a little stressed out. So my long run route is a 13 mile out & back on a bike path that basically goes in a 6.5 mile circle, coming within .5 miles of my house again before I head back around. I had added 4 miles to the front 1/2 of the route to make it 17 overall and was cruising without issue physically, but all of this stuff was weighing on my mind. As I got close to my house, something just snapped and I decided that running was no longer a priority for me. At all. So I stopped running and walked home.

I kept running once a week for a while on the weekends, but they were short (4-7 miles). 2007 and 2008 were very spotty tho I did run the Distance Classic again in 2007 (2:02:38). After that it wasn't until May 20 of last year that I rejoined this thread (responding to gruecd's 1/2 Marathon PR, specifically) and really got back on the horse.
I can see why you stopped and probably better that you did until things calmed down a bit. I am not that point yet, and the running is where I can get away from any stress. I know that when/if #3 comes along that running will/should be pushed back a bit until the kids get older. The time it takes to get all of the running/training in just can't be sustained. Atleast that is how I imagine it, but stranger things have happened. I never thought before my 30th that I would be running marathons at all, but that has changed so I will let that day come when it does.Also read in the boss thread that you are in IT. I am as well. I am on the programming side of things and it sounds as if you are more on the server side of things. Small world.

Also read in the boss thread that you are in IT. I am as well. I am on the programming side of things and it sounds as if you are more on the server side of things. Small world.
I'm actually an IT recruiter - I like technology but my brain isn't wired to really understand it. [Tom Smykowski] I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. [/Tom Smykowski] I work for a Cisco Gold Partner and I mostly find engineers to make carrier-class networks and such function or put together IP Telephony systems. I used to hire more programmers and system admins at previous gigs.
I've gone on steroids. :lmao:

Actually, in the middle of everything else, I got home from a brisk three-mile walk nine days ago and thought I'd picked up dozens of small mosquito bites around my ankles. But over coming days, it slowly spread and the older 'bites' would all meld together to make my lower legs a general mass of reddish/purplish skin. Ug. Ly. Went to the doc, and he gave me some kind of steroid to hopefully kill this thing off, though he was rather confused by it. I'm convinced it was some sort of little creature bites that caused the rash. The pills are listed with the usual litany of side effects, 'check with your doctor if ..' and 'contact your doctor immediately if you experience ...yada, yada ...vomit that looks like coffee grounds.' :bag: The good news, I suppose, is that I'm getting my legs ready for the DWD trails. Whatever I pick up there can't be more irritating than this.
Just be aware that the USAT has implement drug testing that could include age groupers.
Yeah, but unlike the pros he can just declare the usage of whatever he is on right there on the spot and then fill in with a doctor's note.---

In other news, this may be the first race ever where I didn't look like a total dork in pictures. And no, I'm not the girl in blue that got in there by mistake. They also evidently missed my water exit - guess I was too fast for 'em. :lmao:

Interesting discussion going on regarding breaks. I ran a 1/2 earlier this year....set a PR. Afterwards, I honestly didn't feel like running....so I didn't. I took about 2 full months off (maybe even 3 months), literally, no running. Nothing physical, just not motivated.

So I signed up for a 1/2 coming up on November 6th....and last week started my training. The first week back was a struggle as I wanted to keep the paces I was at prior to the break. I've since backed off the pacing to a point where I can complete each training run. It feels good to have a plan to keep me focused.

Tonight = 5 miles with 3 at goal pace.

In other news, this may be the first race ever where I didn't look like a total dork in pictures. And no, I'm not the girl in blue that got in there by mistake. They also evidently missed my water exit - guess I was too fast for 'em. :boxing:
Bike picture is cool. And that's before you look closely and see that you're giving Tri-Man the finger with your right hand. Did you know the photographer was there, or were you just flipping him off for the duration of the tri?

BnB: Good luck with that. I'd add some vodka, but that's just me! Also, the French have assumed that Tri-Man has been on the roids (cream and the clear) for years. He's bright enough to know how to cover these things up :cry:

Keggers: Signing up for a race is the best motivation there is...beyond knowing you have to post what you are/aren't doing to this group.

Sand: Love the pic's. Like me when I get tired, you are heal striking pretty hard. I know you are young, but over time this could cause problems much worse than just slowing your momentum.

Wraith: Thanks for sharing your story of quit/start. So glad that you are back at it, and hope all stays "good" in your world so that you can keep at it.

The_Man/Wraith: :boxing: One of the MANY advantages of now being a bachelor is that I only have to train around my, and my daughters' schedules = MUCH easier!!!!!

FWIW: my toes do feel better, but still not "right"

Just be aware that the USAT has implement drug testing that could include age groupers.
Yeah, but unlike the pros he can just declare the usage of whatever he is on right there on the spot and then fill in with a doctor's note.
Dudes, I'm on the sauce until Monday. ;) Re: Taking a break (earmuffs, gruecd!) - I stopped doing tri's for ten years when my second kid (daughter) came along ...got back into it when they were 10 and 12 (and she now loves coming to my races). I put my focus during those years on 5Ks (which is when I picked up my PR). The beauty is that the training is more intense than it is long, so not a big drain on my responsibilities at home. We tend to get caught up in our longer distances here, but there's a lot to be said for the shorter races. One big reason I want to catch those marathons and then stop that distance is so I can go back to more pure speed work (well, it's relative now as my body gets old, crooked, and wrinkly :popcorn: ). I miss my 5Ks!

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