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Ran a 10k - Official Thread (4 Viewers)

Just turned down an invite to the Barkley Fall Classic off the waitlist. Just in to bad of shape and couldn't pull it off untrained. Ashamed because i wanted to see the course and do some of the iconic sections.

Barkley Fall Classic You Do Not Want to Do this Race.

Part of me is "Eff that stuff" and another part of me wants to try. I really hate bushwhacking though. And it seems like there is a lot of that.
Seems right up @BassNBrew alley. Every time I see him post on Strava it makes me wonder what kind of ****ed up race he's prepping for on short to no training. The Barkley would have been epic.
@tri-man 47 got to the 21 mile marker in 3:20:27, looks like a tough day with tough conditions. Bring it home, I hope you come out of this healthy.
Yeah, I DNFed right at that point. Discretion is the better part of valor. Cost/benefit of slugging through 5 more miles wasn’t worth it. The heat and humidity won the day. Too bad …I kept careful control over my HR through the first half.
Are you wanting to qualify for Boston 26? If so, you should consider that BQ2 marathon that I ran in the Spring.
Yes, still planning to do a qualifier for Boston 26. My early leaning is the Grand Rapids Marathon on October 20. It's a favorable course, and I can stay at my sister's place. This would give me about 2 1/2 weeks of additional training here after yesterday's "long run." A couple of my best marathons have come shortly after tough efforts (2011 Big Sur, thirteen days after a hard Boston; and then the 2013 Fox Valley, three weeks after a bonk in No. Wisconsin). The GRM is one I've run before and it's very flat (flatter than Fox Valley, actually).

If GRM doesn't work out, I would probably shoot for the BQ2 in the spring, although that would mean another marathon prep cycle.
I signed up for a spring HM. It's the HM I always thought I would run if I ever did one way back when I was a lot younger but never actual did. No idea what kind of goal I will have but figured I might as well get some carrot to dangle out there and hopefully stay motivated over the winter.
I used pretty much the exact same reasoning to sign up for my local HM several years back. I actually now quite like winter running. I think getting out in the elements makes one appreciate the seasons more. Depending on how intense you plan on being it can be a bit of a drag because there will be days that are really inhospitable, like 38F and a steady rain all day. But if you have some schedule flexibility (or a treadmill) to avoid those really crappy days, it can be a nice way to make the winter go faster. It's so satisfying to go out for a nice hard effort on a really cold day and then come inside, take a hot shower and relax on the couch under a blanket.
Yes, still planning to do a qualifier for Boston 26. My early leaning is the Grand Rapids Marathon on October 20. It's a favorable course, and I can stay at my sister's place. This would give me about 2 1/2 weeks of additional training here after yesterday's "long run." A couple of my best marathons have come shortly after tough efforts (2011 Big Sur, thirteen days after a hard Boston; and then the 2013 Fox Valley, three weeks after a bonk in No. Wisconsin). The GRM is one I've run before and it's very flat (flatter than Fox Valley, actually).
I think this makes the most sense as you clearly have the fitness to easily BQ, and it seems unlikely that you would get hit with the weather whammy again.

Also, gives the 10K crew two BMFs to cheer that day, as I'm pretty sure that's xulf's race day.
Tonight was fun. I've been going downtown once a week for runs. Tonight was the first time in a long, long time that I did what used to be a very regular run for me. It's a little over a 5 mile route that includes doing the full canal. An easy-ish pace used to be about 2 minutes/mile faster than what I did to tonight and my HR was a little high still to call this "easy" but it is starting to be easier and I'm starting to like it/look forward to running rather than having to force myself to get out there
Also despite my HR still being considerably higher than it "should be", I'm doing my best to run all this "low and slow". I'm trying to build up relatively slowly to be able to relatively comfortably run about 20-30 miles a week. I did ~10 miles week 1, ~13.1 last week and plan to do about 16 to 17 this week.

So far I'm doing just 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday), while trying to do some core strength weight training a couple days a week. Will add a 4th day in the near future. @gianmarco would also be proud-ish. I'm trying to keep these miles as slow as I can until I can get my HR down. I could/should probably still go a little slower than I am now but this is about as slow as I can go and still enjoy this. Average HR has already dropped about 10 BPM with distance increasing from ~3 miles/run to ~5 miles/run. And the pace has stayed the same (~10:30/mile +/-).
So, went out running this morning and decided to do some exploring and run this ATV trail that connects a couple three bars up here. So I’m thinking this is about a mile or so, so I’m about a half mile in and all if a sudden I see some water pooled up in the middle of the sandy road.

I’m thinking to myself….”what the fu….it hasn’t rained in a month. No streams nearby or water sources”. So i get closer, and I see some boot marks on the ground around the puddle.

Suddenly it occurred to me I wasn’t the only one out there. :lol:

Some guy probably sitting in his deer stand thinking “what is the world of fuuuuuuucks is THAT”
So, went out running this morning and decided to do some exploring and run this ATV trail that connects a couple three bars up here. So I’m thinking this is about a mile or so, so I’m about a half mile in and all if a sudden I see some water pooled up in the middle of the sandy road.

I’m thinking to myself….”what the fu….it hasn’t rained in a month. No streams nearby or water sources”. So i get closer, and I see some boot marks on the ground around the puddle.

Suddenly it occurred to me I wasn’t the only one out there. :lol:

Some guy probably sitting in his deer stand thinking “what is the world of fuuuuuuucks is THAT”
Just saw you in my feed then came here and saw you posted... I was certain I was about to read about a farmer's market.


I'm not sure if Race Reports are still a thing here, but for the three of you still in this thread, here goes.

My First 5K

...well, it's my first officially timed 5K race.


I'm finally starting to get a good volume going again, although my ankle has good days and bad days. My knee will also grumble from time-to-time, but both aren't bad enough to force any days off (right now). So I've logged 3 consecutive 100K+ weeks, and been feeling good generally.

I have an upcoming 50K that I have been (in theory) training for, but it's mostly on the calendar just to grab a couple more lottery tickets for UTMB.

A month or two ago, someone at work mentions that DFW airport is hosting a 5K on one of its runways, and I thought it would be fun to go out there and do a runway race. Always wanted to try that. So I signed-up (so did my wife).

Well, as race day approaches, I'm still pushing volume for my overall fitness and kind of ignoring the 5K. I figured I wasn't in PR shape (unofficial 20:22), and would just go out and fun run it with my wife. I logged about 120K (78 miles) in the 7 days preceding the 5K, and even the morning of the race I went out and ran my usual 13K (8 mile) route to continue building volume. A little progression at the end, but nothing serious. I hadn't run 5K pace since the FBG 5K during COVID.

I shower after my morning run, change into a different set of running gear, and put on my fast shoes (Saucony Endorphin Speed) "just in case".

It's about a 2K walk to the start of the race, and I down a Mountain Dew en route. We get there, snap some photos, and before I know it, they're counting-down to the start. AGH I don't have my camera stashed, my playlist setup, or my watch GPS locked. So I step off to the side, and get all that going while a huge number of runners cross the start line. I didn't want to cross the timing mat to start until I was ready. Took a minute or so to get all that together, fired up a random playlist, and got running.

DFW 5K on the Runway - First 1K

In the moment, the Mountain Dew high kicks-in and I figure I'll run "fast" for the first 1K and see what split that results in. And then probably slow down from there. So I'm bobbing-and-weaving through all the people who started before me. Definitely don't feel like I'm running at a pace for a 20-minute 5K, but the fast shoes always add a bit, as does the Mountain Dew.

First 1K split hits and reads through on my headphones: 3:55 (6:19/mi).

Oh. Well, that's interesting. Maybe I'll try to hold this pace for another kilometer and then I'm sure I'll have to slow down. But this crowd is really starting to thin out -- it looks like I only have ~20 people in front of me. Honestly, I'm feeling a little /flex being so close to the leaders. Hmmm.


3:55 again. Ummm, really? I'm working hard and feeling really punished, but I'm surprised I managed to put two sub-4:00 KMs together. And I'm still passing people. I hit the first turnaround at one end of the runway, and horribly turn really wide, but whatever.

OK let's stick with this pace and fight through the pain, and I'm sure I'll run out of gas and slow down in a bit. See how things go.


3:55 again. I pass my wife going the other direction, and she's cheering me on. Best I can muster is a pathetic semi-hand-wave to acknowledge the cheering and that I saw her. But I'm fully in suffer mode. I keep the pace up deep into 3K and start to approach the second turnaround. But the mental math starts. Can I get through ~1.5K more at this pace? I have 15 seconds buffer from 4:00/km now, even if I fade a little, I have a shot at my long-dreamed sub-20 5K...

Hit the second turnaround, big wide turn again (ugh), but two things happen at this point. One to challenge me, and another to motivate me:



The challenge is that I'm slapped with a headwind all of a sudden. "WTF?", I thought to myself -- "I was running with a tailwind for the last ~2K???". It wasn't fierce by any means, but just the difference was a little demoralizing. That I was keeping those paces with a smidge of help, and now that has turned into a smidge of harm.

The motivator was the big difference-maker. At the point of the turnaround, the finish was more than a kilometer away, but I could see it. I knew it was a ways away, but seeing it helped so much. I just need to keep this pace until I get there.

Then, as I always do when my HR gets high, I start to feel barfy. Oh great. I'm going to have to stop to barf. Wait a minute: Stopping to barf is a quality excuse to end this pain. But "thankfully" it subsides.

And all I have to do is run one more K at a 4-ish pace to hit my long-dreamed sub-20 5K. "BUCK THE **** UP, YOU *****!", I'm telling myself. You now haven't come this far just to miss this goal in the final moments.

I turn a little bit of fade into some extra oomph, and as the finish line inevitably approaches, resign myself to barfing at the finish and push. I hit a 3:40/km (5:53/mi) pace in the last 100m.


I knew from my pace, I got sub-20, but had to Gian and fight off the barf. No convenient trash cans around, and I didn't want to sully the runway of my home airport! Manage to keep things in, finally look down at my watch, and see 19:44. YESSSSSSS.

I waited for my wife to pass the start/finish, and then joined her to finish the last 2K of her race. She's powering-through some nerve issues, so it was tough for her but she got it done.


19:41 official time. 10/1183 overall. 2/93 AG (missed first by 5 seconds).

Got my sub-20 in the books, and now I never have to race another 5K again. The best reward of all!
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Well la-di-fuuuuuckin-da i’ll just go run at the airport because that looks cheeky because of the long flat runways and to prepare run 78 miles a week just so i can train for some long race later and oh hell i forgot about the 5k but figured what the hell i’ll just run 8 miles before the race and then swig some dew because i was a little tired and while i’m out here i may as well PR because why wouldn’t i and then when i’m done i’ll go run back into the race and finish her race with her……….
Well la-di-fuuuuuckin-da i’ll just go run at the airport because that looks cheeky because of the long flat runways and to prepare run 78 miles a week just so i can train for some long race later and oh hell i forgot about the 5k but figured what the hell i’ll just run 8 miles before the race and then swig some dew because i was a little tired and while i’m out here i may as well PR because why wouldn’t i and then when i’m done i’ll go run back into the race and finish her race with her……….
I'd laugh, but...
Glad ChiefD is on it, because yeah, getting a PR in a 5K after running 8 miles the same day is way up there on the LA DI DA scale.

Great job, man. Not really surprising because you have crazy fitness, but there's nothing like hitting a long term goal.
And since Big Z was shaming us a bit, I'll give a bit of an update. It's kind of funny that it comes on the heels of Zasada running a 5K because he's the trail guy. But I, the low mileage 5K guy, have a 40 miler in 3 weeks. It's definitely dogs and cats living together in the thread right now. Anyhoo, my 17 miles today was a bit of a fiasco, which kind of stinks because it's my last long run before the ultra. But, whatever hay I'm going to shovel into the barn is already there, so all I can do now is taper and try to eat right and get my head in the right place. I did learn a few things on today's run and during the 20 miler from a few weeks ago, so hopefully I can leverage that to run smart on race day. We'll see :oldunsure:
And since Big Z was shaming us a bit, I'll give a bit of an update. It's kind of funny that it comes on the heels of Zasada running a 5K because he's the trail guy. But I, the low mileage 5K guy, have a 40 miler in 3 weeks. It's definitely dogs and cats living together in the thread right now. Anyhoo, my 17 miles today was a bit of a fiasco, which kind of stinks because it's my last long run before the ultra. But, whatever hay I'm going to shovel into the barn is already there, so all I can do now is taper and try to eat right and get my head in the right place. I did learn a few things on today's run and during the 20 miler from a few weeks ago, so hopefully I can leverage that to run smart on race day. We'll see :oldunsure:
Well la-di-da i’ll just drop this la-di-double today since i happened to run 17 miles after running 20 a couple weeks ago and oh by the way here comes a 40 miler in a few weeks which most of us would never try in the first place…….

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