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RB Ezekiel Elliott, DAL (2 Viewers)

Thing about text messages is that it takes two people to have a conversation 

any incriminating evidence would be on the accusers phone too. 

But hey, deflate gate 
Yes. But its possible there were some incriminating messages sent to other people as well. But destroying phone messages isn't an admission of guilt. He might have been trying to hide evidence of drug or steroid use. You never know. But if the NFL made known to him they wanted to see his phone and he destroyed the messages that indicates something. 

Yes. But its possible there were some incriminating messages sent to other people as well. But destroying phone messages isn't an admission of guilt. He might have been trying to hide evidence of drug or steroid use. You never know. But if the NFL made known to him they wanted to see his phone and he destroyed the messages that indicates something. 
That's not evidence. Maybe his screen broke and he wanted a new phone 

I enjoy making sure that the same logic used by Cowboy fans against Brady gets used against Zeke.  :P
I hear you. I came around quite a bit on Brady reading that thread. I think Brady was doing a little something there, but Goodell went out of control and then had to cover his ###. Thought NFL definitely looked like the bigger fools when it was all said and done IMO.

Have no clue why Goodell would want to be in this position - especially in things that deal with legal matters - and would think he wouldn't mind giving this unilateral "God power" up when they have to renegotiate the deal with the NFLPA. Of course he'll probably bend them over again like he has in the past. Goodell could come out way ahead I would think. He won't have to deal with this stuff which they have proven to be not so good at and he'll give this chip up to the NFLPA but get something else in return.

Or he could just be a huge, power hungry, ego driven ####### who loves lording over the players  :lol:

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The issue here is Zeke wiped his phone after the investigation started. He certainly knew better, but he's not a dummy. Maybe I would've done the same thing. Were there incriminating things in texts that would hint at abuse? We'll never know.

Personally, I could care less how the Brady thing was handled. I didn't follow it nearly as closely as many people so I can't comment. However, I'm a Dallas fan so I'm all ears on this one. Even as a Cowboys fan, I don't blame Goodell or anyone else. If my life depended on it, from what I've gathered, I'd say Zeke did something, but what & to what degree, I have no clue.

I realize Zeke is trying to protect his name, but he'd do the same if he was guilty. It's human nature. I put no stock into the fact he's trying to clear himself of these charges. I hope Zeke didn't do anything & somehow gets out of serving a suspension, but if I'm really am honest with myself about this whole mess, neither of those is likely.

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Goodell wanting the judge to end her vacation and come back and settle this very, very important case immediately :lol:

The Dallas Morning News reports the NFL has filed a motion to expedite Ezekiel Elliott's hearing for a temporary restraining order.

Elliott's restraining order allows him to play Sunday, but expires after 14 days. The league wants a decision to be made before next week's game against Washington. Elliott is also waiting for a decision on his reheaing for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, putting his post-Week 7 status completely up in the air.

Source: Kate Hairopoulos on Twitter

I find this whole situation to be bizarre. It seems pretty clear that the NFL acted, at best, questionably during the whole investigation and arbitrarily in doling out punishment.  I think they were in the wrong.  But the way they keep digging in their heels trying to put lipstick on this pig, when they are getting opportunities at every turn to make it right is downright bizarre.  Particularly in light of the fact that the most powerful man in the history of universal everything wants the NFL to back off.

That's not evidence. Maybe his screen broke and he wanted a new phone 
It's not evidence. If he knew the NFL wanted to see the phone, it's sketchy to erase it although, as I said, it's not an admission of guilt. There could have been other things he didn't want the NFL to see. I don't know for a fact the NFL asked to see his phone prior to him erasing/destroying it. If they didn't, his statement of "I didn't know they wouldn't want me to do that" makes sense. 

It's not evidence. If he knew the NFL wanted to see the phone, it's sketchy to erase it although, as I said, it's not an admission of guilt. There could have been other things he didn't want the NFL to see. I don't know for a fact the NFL asked to see his phone prior to him erasing/destroying it. If they didn't, his statement of "I didn't know they wouldn't want me to do that" makes sense. 
I agree with the premise of perhaps there was something unrelated to the investigation on his phone he didn't want anyone to see.  I mean, have you seen his wife?  Yamma-hamma.

The idea that he erased it prior to knowing it was going to be asked for at all is highly implausible because how often do you factory reset or brick your phone? But...okay guess there is nothing one can do about that.

But the idea that he wouldn't think they would want the complete, functioning phone is hard to accept.  "Wait, you mean when you asked me for my phone you wanted it functional? I thought it would be okay to brick it first because y'know that makes sense. Was that wrong?"

Look Brady colluded to change PSI in his game balls, I consider that to be a fact.  However I also think "Who ####### cares?!?!? Let the players use the ball at whatever PSI they want.  ##### ####### ###### NFL, maybe just take even one of the sticks out of your ###." 

Fiascoes like caring about ball deflating, covering up Ray Rice (until they absolutely couldn't anymore), Zeke etc are definitely part of the reason people are less interested in the NFL than they used to be.

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Thing about text messages is that it takes two people to have a conversation 

any incriminating evidence would be on the accusers phone too. 

But hey, deflate gate 
also you don't have to be a criminal to want privacy. I know I don't want my employer looking at all my personal text messages.

Wrong, they are very similar.  Zeke wiped his phones AFTER the the NFL started investigating him.  The investigation started July 22, 2016.  Zeke wipes his phones in the fall of 2016.



The NFL actually says Zeke didn't cooperate and cited him wiping his phones.  Lisa Friel is the NFL's special counsel for investigations.

"During June’s hearing, Friel articulated eight factors the league viewed as a lack of cooperation on Elliott’s part, starting with the fact that Elliott said he bought two new cell phones last fall, after the new iPhone came out. Elliott said he didn’t know he had to keep the data (including text messages) that had been stored on his old phones."
Guess what? I can read. And I read all of that.

But show me where it says that Zeke wiped his phone AFTER investigators requested it. That is what Brady did. This is not saying that. 

Guess what? I can read. And I read all of that.

But show me where it says that Zeke wiped his phone AFTER investigators requested it. That is what Brady did. This is not saying that. 
If I remember things right, in the Brady investigation they specifically told Brady they didn't need his phone. Then he destroyed it, and when the phone came up again at his appeal they made a big to do that he didn't have it. And from what I remember, they recreated all the messages that were on it from other phones or the cell carrier. That's when Goodell changed what Brady was suspended for to failure to fully cooperate in the investigation and being complicit and conspiring to run a ball deflation ring or something bizarre like that. 

Bottom line, the league persists on deciding on a penalty and then reverse engineering an investigation in a lame attempt to justify the pre-determined  punishment. 

I am almost %100 sure Zeke will get the full 6 games because the NFL has supreme powers.... question is will it happen this year or be pushed till 2018?

Guess what? I can read. And I read all of that.

But show me where it says that Zeke wiped his phone AFTER investigators requested it. That is what Brady did. This is not saying that. 
Do you seriously not understand what "lack of cooperation" means?  That means he didn't do what the NFL asked him.

Why would the NFL say he didn't cooperate, if they didn't ask for his phone in the first place?  That makes zero sense.

Under your theory, the NFL never asked for the phone, Zeke wiped it, then the NFL says Zeke didn't cooperate with a request that they never made.   :wall:

If I remember things right, in the Brady investigation they specifically told Brady they didn't need his phone. Then he destroyed it, and when the phone came up again at his appeal they made a big to do that he didn't have it. And from what I remember, they recreated all the messages that were on it from other phones or the cell carrier. That's when Goodell changed what Brady was suspended for to failure to fully cooperate in the investigation and being complicit and conspiring to run a ball deflation ring or something bizarre like that. 

Bottom line, the league persists on deciding on a penalty and then reverse engineering an investigation in a lame attempt to justify the pre-determined  punishment. 
Yup, Wells told Brady they didn't need his phone, then Goodell made a big deal after he destroyed it.  And then Goodell changed the justification for the suspension to include non-cooperation.


That's why Brady argues about suspension being not allowed for non-cooperation to the appeals court.

http://www.bplegal.com/webfiles/New Cliff Notes.pdf

Thing about text messages is that it takes two people to have a conversation 

any incriminating evidence would be on the accusers phone too. 

But hey, deflate gate 
The NFL has no power to compel anyone not in the league to turn over their phone.

Whatever is or isn't on other people's phones is beyond their grasp.

NFL is getting clobbered right now.

Judge Katherine Polk Failla denied the NFL's request to expedite Ezekiel Elliott's injunction hearing.
The hearing will be held next Monday (October 30), a day after the Cowboys face the Redskins. Elliott will be able to play in that game, but his future after that is in Judge Failla's hands. They are not going to help this week, but Alfred Morris and Darren McFadden are worth holding until this situation shakes out.
Source: Daniel Wallach on Twitter Oct 23 - 8:31 AM

NFL is getting clobbered right now.

Judge Katherine Polk Failla denied the NFL's request to expedite Ezekiel Elliott's injunction hearing.
The hearing will be held next Monday (October 30), a day after the Cowboys face the Redskins. Elliott will be able to play in that game, but his future after that is in Judge Failla's hands. They are not going to help this week, but Alfred Morris and Darren McFadden are worth holding until this situation shakes out.
Source: Daniel Wallach on Twitter Oct 23 - 8:31 AM
One more game out of Zeke.

Anyone selling?  legal experts still thinking he plays the full year? Wallach and CBS lead analyst think so.

It certainly trending to him playing this season. He then has the game of the year. Just setting up to suck that much more when this judge upholds the suspension  :kicksrock:

NFL is getting clobbered right now.

Judge Katherine Polk Failla denied the NFL's request to expedite Ezekiel Elliott's injunction hearing.
The hearing will be held next Monday (October 30), a day after the Cowboys face the Redskins. Elliott will be able to play in that game, but his future after that is in Judge Failla's hands. They are not going to help this week, but Alfred Morris and Darren McFadden are worth holding until this situation shakes out.
Source: Daniel Wallach on Twitter Oct 23 - 8:31 AM
Still rooting for Goodell to get fired.  Anything less than that is a disappointment.

I'm thinking to trade him, Getting offered Gronk, Aaron jones and Diggs though, so it's a nice sell. Wouldn't do it for anything less than a stud and something extra.

I'm thinking to trade him, Getting offered Gronk, Aaron jones and Diggs though, so it's a nice sell. Wouldn't do it for anything less than a stud and something extra.
With risk appears to be decreasing that Zeke will be suspended, not sure why anyone would trade him unless you get absolutely full value as in, he's the #1 - #4 player in the league.

Still rooting for Goodell to get fired.  Anything less than that is a disappointment.
Sadly, I don't see this happening. The league is still making billions of dollars, and even with viewership dropping some I don't see Goodell being shown the door. There are so many more entertainment options these days that all of broadcast tv is seeing numbers dropping (more channels, streaming, on-line options, etc.).

I have also heard that on-line companies (Google, Yahoo, Apple, YouTube, etc.) are preparing HUGE bids for game rights when the tv package rights come up for bid again. And when I say huge, I mean like 2-3 times what the current contract is for. Those companies don't care if the viewership is off a little . . . they have so many tie-ins to other products, services, partners, etc.

I am not sure how all that would work, but in a few years we may have to watch football through browsers on websites. If Goodell can negotiate TRIPLE the money for tv rights, they will build him a castle and give him a lifetime contract.

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Cow boy homers,

Is there anything to Rod Smith?  I've been impressed with him in preseason,  liked his carries against the 49ers too.  Can he end up a lead horse if Elliott were suspended? 

Cow boy homers,

Is there anything to Rod Smith?  I've been impressed with him in preseason,  liked his carries against the 49ers too.  Can he end up a lead horse if Elliott were suspended? 
Yes but not unless at least one of McFadden/Morris fall flat or get injured.

Because he consistently harms the NFL's public image?  Name a controversial situation he's handled well.

Anybody could increase the NFL's revenue stream.  Goodell is not the reason revenues have skyrocketed.  He just happens to be there while natural forces are taking revenue up up and away.
Sure anyone could have grown it like him.  :rolleyes:

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Because he consistently harms the NFL's public image?  Name a controversial situation he's handled well.

Anybody could increase the NFL's revenue stream.  Goodell is not the reason revenues have skyrocketed.  He just happens to be there while natural forces are taking revenue up up and away.
Really doubt he gets fired. He is the public face for all things bad about the league and I think the owners don't mind that one bit.

Sure anyone could have grown it like him.  :rolleyes:
Obviously "anybody" is a deliberately inflammatory word.

But it is ridiculous to attribute the increase primarily to him.  Ostrich-like head in the sand thinking.

Edit to add:  I'm not directing this at you.  I'm just surprised in general that folks really believe - with all evidence we have of how poorly Goodell makes public decisions - that people would attribute the NFL's success to Goodell.  Pick a borderline competent CEO and put him/her in that job, and IMO the NFL would be healthier than it is today.

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Another feather in Roger's cap is that the combined value of all 32 franchises has now eclipsed $100 billion. The least valuable franchise is the Bills at $1.6 billion. 

Jerry Jones bought the Cowboys 28 years ago for $140 million. They are now worth $4.8 billion. That's 34.3 times more than he paid for it or a bump of $166 million per year on average. Effectively, the value of the Cowboys has gone up by more than Jones paid for the team EVERY YEAR since he bought it.

As for Goodell's decisions and the court dramas, remember that he is a puppet to 32 team owners. He is doing what the majority of owners want him to do. The rest of the owners were peeved that the Patriots didn't get a stiffer punishment for Deflategate. If he seemed to come down hard on Elliott, it's because 31 other owners wanted that for an outcome. Who knows why. Maybe they wanted a scape goat for all the other botched domestic violence cases. But Rog does want the owners tell him to do, and he has to come up with some crazy explanations and excuses to justigy the league's decisions.

Do you seriously not understand what "lack of cooperation" means?  That means he didn't do what the NFL asked him.

Why would the NFL say he didn't cooperate, if they didn't ask for his phone in the first place?  That makes zero sense.

Under your theory, the NFL never asked for the phone, Zeke wiped it, then the NFL says Zeke didn't cooperate with a request that they never made.   :wall:
"Lack of cooperation" could mean ANYTHING. And where are the details about Zeke wiping his phone after the request? Where are the details about what he even did to get suspended in the first place? 

Just stop.

Jerry Jones bought the Cowboys 28 years ago for $140 million. They are now worth $4.8 billion. That's 34.3 times more than he paid for it or a bump of $166 million per year on average. Effectively, the value of the Cowboys has gone up by more than Jones paid for the team EVERY YEAR since he bought it.
You forgot to factor for inflation. That $140M in 1989 is around $280M inflation adjusted. But still a great return.

As for Goodell's decisions and the court dramas, remember that he is a puppet to 32 team owners. He is doing what the majority of owners want him to do. The rest of the owners were peeved that the Patriots didn't get a stiffer punishment for Deflategate. If he seemed to come down hard on Elliott, it's because 31 other owners wanted that for an outcome. Who knows why. Maybe they wanted a scape goat for all the other botched domestic violence cases. But Rog does want the owners tell him to do, and he has to come up with some crazy explanations and excuses to justigy the league's decisions.
From my understanding this isn't something any of the owners stood together and said they wanted. This is Goodell's project. He's the one that wanted to create the discipline for off-the-field incidents and the reason being is that those types of trangressions are bad for the NFL image. HE wanted that done, and has pitched that it's for the good of the league, which would positively impact all 32 clubs.

I don't know anywhere that it was documented that the owners wanted this done, and so Roger just did it because that's what the owners wanted. He works for the owners, and their best interests, but doesn't necessarily mean they're the ones that came up with this policy. When it was first introduced, a lot of people were very critical of it and it wasn't well received by all. I'm sure many owners publicly voiced their support for the policy, but that doesn't necessarily mean they wanted this to happen.

After all, each individual team is able to investigate/discipline/suspend any of their players without the need for any type of league involvement, so long as it doesn't violate the CBA. How many times have we seen teams do so, without there being a public outcry to do so? Very seldom. There were times that it did happen and it appeared to have been done in an attempt to prevent the league from imposing a stiffer penalty, but that did not work as planned during those instances. This leads me to believe this has nothing to do with the 31 owners (GB is publicly owned) and everything to do with what Roger thinks is best for the NFL, which would be what's best for the 31 owners and their pockets.


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