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Reggie Bush (1 Viewer)

Mr. Chumley

I have an offer for bush and I'm inclined to take it but I'm not sure about his knee. Any one have the latest. I know he was help out of practice yesterday but Peyton still says he may play Sunday.

I have an offer for bush and I'm inclined to take it but I'm not sure about his knee. Any one have the latest. I know he was help out of practice yesterday but Peyton still says he may play Sunday.
I think Bush will still be productive, but not for a couple of more weeks. If I liked the offer I would consider it seriously.
There were a couple conflicting reports yesterday. One indicated he was "decidedly uncertain to play" while another had Bush "sitting out to rest his knee an extra day" via Payton's words. I have that feeling that he is doubtful to play this week, might play next, and will likely play in week 13, before the fantasy playoffs. I think today is the biggest day of the week for him, we will know if he was swollen yesterday after Wed's practice, whether he is getting more reps, doing more drills, etc. It's such a juicy matchup with the Chiefs, but I don't see the Saints rushing him if he's not 100%, he's worth too much.

As for trading him - it depends on how youre doing, record, standings, needs, etc. But I am holding - as he has some good matchups down the stretch.

Saints beat writer Jeff Duncan guesses that Reggie Bush (knee) will not play in Week 11 against the Chiefs.The Saints' beat writers haven't exactly been dead-on with their predictions of late (guessing that Lance Moore would start over Devery Henderson and Marques Colston would come off the bench in Week 10), but one more week of rest seems likely for Bush. While the Saints need a win badly, Bush has sounded like he needs more time off. He's too risky an option to use yet. Nov. 14 - 12:39 pm et
Q: What are the chances Reggie Bush plays against Kansas City? Are the Saints that poor in the running game that they need his versatility this week against the Chiefs? Wouldn't it make sense to rest him an addition week to keep him healthy for the stretch run? Then again, if he is healthy, you need to get this guy the ball. Just wondering what you have seen or heard to indicate whether or not he plays. My gut says no, but I am looking forward to hearing your opinion. Michael Corso. A: My gut agrees with your gut, Michael. This is one time I think the Saints aren't joshing about an injury. I really believe they aren't sure if Bush will play or not. If I had to guess I'd say he sits. Bush didn't sound too confident of his chances of playing on Wednesday. In fact, he sounded like he wanted another week of treatment before getting back out there. If so, the Saints would be wise to rest him another week and save him for the stretch run. Face it, they should be able to beat Kansas City without him. I'm not buying this song and dance about the Chiefs playing better in recent weeks. All I know is they've lost 17 of their past 18 games - 17 of 18! That's a remarkable streak of futility in a league that's known for its parity. A motivated Saints team still smarting from the Falcons' loss should have no trouble in this one. I look for the Saints to move the ball at will against their overmatched defense. Like the Raiders and 49ers earlier this season, the Chiefs fall at a perfect place in the Saints' schedule.
I guess I should keep sending in my questions, because I keep getting some press.
Even if he does play you have expect it will take 2 weeks of games before he gets back to where he was. This brings to Week 13 at the earliest point where you can consider starting Bush. I'd trade him if you're getting something back in value unless you're in the playoffs ad nwant to hold for week 16 match-up vs Detriot..


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