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Rivers/SD passing game: how "for real" is it (1 Viewer)


Lot of talk about McNabb, Cutler etc etc, but not much on Rivers. Will he slide back down to mediocrity (FF wise at least) or will he continue at an "upper tier" level and why/why not? Similarly, is Jackson "the guy" WR-wise or will he Gates and Chambers do a "WRBC" - ? Obviously LT's injury status comes into play, but......

With LT injured, the Chargers weak schedule, and the weapons at his disposal he has much of a chance to finish in the top three as anyone. The big question mark is obviously LT though.

Lot of talk about McNabb, Cutler etc etc, but not much on Rivers. Will he slide back down to mediocrity (FF wise at least) or will he continue at an "upper tier" level and why/why not? Similarly, is Jackson "the guy" WR-wise or will he Gates and Chambers do a "WRBC" - ? Obviously LT's injury status comes into play, but......
You're going to see Rivers target Chambers-Jackson-Gates fairly equally. It will make all of them more potent if defenses can't just continually double up on one receiving option. And so far this season, Rivers has done just that ...

2008 SD Targets

15 Chambers (5 Rec, 127 YDS, 3TD)

12 Gates (8/122/1)

12 V-Jax (9/120/1)

With Tomlinson dinged up ... Rivers and his trio of targets are weekly must-starts.


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