If you care about these people why do you not support giving them health care and education past high school? Do you know how much easier it makes it for people to succeed when they don't need to worry about the cost of their health care or how they will afford to get more education?You're socially engineered to believe that but the cold reality is a lot of folks, maybe half the population lives a very different life then the one say the top 5%-10% of earners in this country wake up to everyday.
I go and help my wife raise lots of money in high ranking social circles, I'm happy to take their money, painful to hear their little problems in life. Then I turn around and teach at a school with 95-97% of the kids on free lunch who live in a very different world. I am blessed to see both sides of society and I don't think you or most who have this upbeat attitude are being honest about what most folks deal with in the real world.
If you make a 6 figure income and are always around other affluent folks you are not likely to be connected to what is truly happening to regular folks. I heard one of the creators of Fresh off the Boat on Bill Maher on Fri Night, his words not mine but said we must try and listen to what all these Trump supporters are terribly angry at because it's not a bunch of wealthy fat cats that are just voting for him, he'd be dead in the water but somehow he is hitting notes with a lot of working class folks. And that's the bigger deal in all of this, so many elitists won't even stop and listen to what the outrage is, they have just blanketed it under bigotry and hate to help them sleep better at night.
It's not Right/Left though, that's the point. So many people have been socially engineered to accept that higher wages mean less people working and that has been drilled into folks' heads in this country to control the population. The future is not bright Tim, how can the future be bright when a handful of people control all the money? When money is being made on money instead of what it was intended for, trade and purchase of goods and basic needs. Banks and Wallstreet like businesses have corrupted the system and made it impossible for the average American to get ahead.
But you keep spouting that socially engineered talking point memo you keep quoting from.
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