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Sean Jones (1 Viewer)


Between VDB app O and P his predictions dropped from 81 tackles and 3 INT to 67 tackles and 2 INT. I live in Cleveland and nothing here has changed...

Between VDB app O and P his predictions dropped from 81 tackles and 3 INT to 67 tackles and 2 INT. I live in Cleveland and nothing here has changed...
We've discussed some here about how he's going to lose playing time, but the part of your statement I bolded is giving me hope...
There was an article where Crennel (I think) stated that Russell, Jones and Crocker would share duties.Personally, I'm still high on Jones but the statement is probably the reason his projections were lowered.

There was an article where Crennel (I think) stated that Russell, Jones and Crocker would share duties.

Personally, I'm still high on Jones but the statement is probably the reason his projections were lowered.
That and Crocker starting the last pre-season game ...

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