So, the stone pain hit on Tuesday Aug 4th. Got a CT scan Aug 8th that my primary ordered, but I couldn’t get an appt until the 12th with a urologist, and she was a CNP. After that visit I was scheduled for a ureteroscope on the 28th. Well I didn’t t make it. Starting Sunday every time I would try to urinate, I would get cut off mid stream...burned like hell. By yesterday afternoon, I couldn’t pee at all. Off to the ER. I waited over 3 hours in the emergency department waiting room. Crazy place yesterday...there was a big guy in there crying and occasionally vomiting into a bag. There was an old guy in a wheel chair who kept screaming for a nurse. Another old guy in a wheelchair jet yelling and complaining about his long wait (as others were doing just not as loudly)...and then me continuously pacing around because of the extreme need to urinate the whole time. When they finally got to me, they asked me to give a urine sample...the irony. If I could pee, I wouldn’t be there. I managed to squeeze out about 10-15 painfully burning milliliters. They did another CT scan to tell me what I already told them...that the stone was now blocking my urethra. They did a scan of my bladder to tell me what I already told them...that I was full of piss that won’t come out. They made me try to pee again after the scan to see how much I was retaining. Really? Does what I say not matter at all? They measured around 700 mL in the bladder. I painfully forced out another 10 mL or so, which finally confirmed for them what I knew was coming when I walked in some 4+ hours ago at this point. I needed a Foley catheter.
Now, I don’t know how much Foley profited from his device/technique, but there has got to be a better way. There is an opportunity here for some innovator to create it. This process absolutely sucked. I do not know how much of the problem was my anxiety, the stone being in the way or the ineptness of the staff, but the first attempt failed. The nurse could only get the catheter in so far and couldn’t get to the bladder. She called in reinforcements and they tried again. Oh the burning! The agony as they tried to insert what felt like a hot fire poker up my junk. Failure number 2. They let me relax for a little while before trial number 3. They called in the heavy hitter. The ER doctor was going to try this 3rd attempt. She didn’t mess around by trying to ease it through. She set up everything and just rammed it through. Easily the the most unpleasant thing I have ever encountered, but at least she got it done. After draining for a bit, they sent me home with the Foley in place. It stings a bit, especially when I move around, but at least I am draining now. (Although it still feels like I continuously need to go). Unfortunately, my surgery isn’t scheduled until the 28th. I am trying to pull some strings to rework that.