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Sportsline Auction Waiver question (1 Viewer)


We have moved our waivers to an auction format and everybody is very happy so far. the one issue is that if you can't add/drop on Sunday Morning. It hasn't happened yet but if there is a kicker who hurts himself in warmups there is no way that a new kicker can be added.

I'm using the kicker example because teams generally only carry one kicker, so there is no way to subsitute another player from your roster but in theory this could happened with other positions also. Most likely TE, QB but RB or WR could happened also.

anything you can suggest for this?


After we do an auction process earlier in the week, we just have someone with Commish access go in and change the Add/Drop Policy setting under Setup/League Rules/Transactions to allow owners to do add/drops. So if, for example, you wanted to say "Starting Friday at Noon Free Agency is wide open until kickoff" you could just manually switch that setting. Just have to make sure to remember to switch it back at some point before waivers starts again.

Not elegant, but it's a solution and how we've done it for the past half dozen or so years.

We also have like 5 guys that have commish access in a 16 team league. We've been doing this for awhile and we all trust each other, so just makes it easier to have someone help switch lineups, carry out trades, etc.

We do auction on wednesday night/thursday morning, then I reset the auction for saturday night/sunday morning in order to get 2 auctions per week. Waivers are closed all other times.

After we do an auction process earlier in the week, we just have someone with Commish access go in and change the Add/Drop Policy setting under Setup/League Rules/Transactions to allow owners to do add/drops. So if, for example, you wanted to say "Starting Friday at Noon Free Agency is wide open until kickoff" you could just manually switch that setting. Just have to make sure to remember to switch it back at some point before waivers starts again.Not elegant, but it's a solution and how we've done it for the past half dozen or so years.We also have like 5 guys that have commish access in a 16 team league. We've been doing this for awhile and we all trust each other, so just makes it easier to have someone help switch lineups, carry out trades, etc.
we do the exact same thing. thankfully sportsline doesn't erase the auction data when you switch back and forth so you don't have to write down everyone's auction dollar amounts and what not.

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