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Sproles wearing LT's jersey for tonights game vs Denver (1 Viewer)


LT looks like a stud tonight. Just a last flash or are we going to see this more next season? Could it just be inspired running?

The SD offense looks pretty amazing overall (LT, Sproles, Rivers). LT is probably more healthy now than he has been most of the year, but I am guessing the pathetic Denver D is not hurting either.

THIS is the Charger team that we all know exists...

This is the right team for the playoffs. If their team plays this inspired in the playoffs, they very well could be a team to worry about...

The SD offense looks pretty amazing overall (LT, Sproles, Rivers). LT is probably more healthy now than he has been most of the year, but I am guessing the pathetic Denver D is not hurting either.
Agreed...maybe the 3 TD's are inflated but his burst and cuts don't have much to do with Denver's D. Football is better when LT is explosive.
The SD offense looks pretty amazing overall (LT, Sproles, Rivers). LT is probably more healthy now than he has been most of the year, but I am guessing the pathetic Denver D is not hurting either.
Agreed...maybe the 3 TD's are inflated but his burst and cuts don't have much to do with Denver's D. Football is better when LT is explosive.
Agreed. The weak link is Norv Turner. LT has gas left in the tank.
Agreed. The weak link is Norv Turner. LT has gas left in the tank.
Ummm... Norv is actually coaching tonight. He also coached him last year when Tomlinson led the league in rushing.
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The SD offense looks pretty amazing overall (LT, Sproles, Rivers). LT is probably more healthy now than he has been most of the year, but I am guessing the pathetic Denver D is not hurting either.
Agreed...maybe the 3 TD's are inflated but his burst and cuts don't have much to do with Denver's D. Football is better when LT is explosive.
I totally agree with you. LT looks more like LT tonight than he has all year. Perhaps that is part of the reason the rest of the offense looks so good too. Indy and SD next week (I realize it is early but this seems inevitable) could be two very dangerous teams playing one another.
Agreed. The weak link is Norv Turner. LT has gas left in the tank.
Ummm... Norv is actually coaching tonight. He also coached him last year when Tomlinson led the league in rushing.
I agree to some extent. They just havent been utilizing LT like they should up until now.
have to disagree. he's been utilized just fine, he is finally healthy judging by his quick cuts/burst tonight. he may have wanted the ball more before(like every player) but with his and the Oline play why would Norv give him more touches when Rivers has had a great year. with a 3.6YPC why should they have fed him the ball more(whatever the cause)?
Lets not forget this is against Denver. Yes he has looked good, yes he is finally getting healthy, no Lorenzo Neal is not back recreating the power formation that made LT great. I could see an improved season (in all areas) next year but his glory days are gone.

Lets not forget this is against Denver. Yes he has looked good, yes he is finally getting healthy, no Lorenzo Neal is not back recreating the power formation that made LT great. I could see an improved season (in all areas) next year but his glory days are gone.
Just nice to see the cuts and burst of speed. Sproles has looked fantastic this season, also w/out Neal.
Lets not forget this is against Denver. Yes he has looked good, yes he is finally getting healthy, no Lorenzo Neal is not back recreating the power formation that made LT great. I could see an improved season (in all areas) next year but his glory days are gone.
Just nice to see the cuts and burst of speed. Sproles has looked fantastic this season, also w/out Neal.
Agreed. His vision has been good he just could not cut all year. That being said I think he needs a real lead blocker to be great, although I think he still has top 5 potential next season.
his glory days are gone.
And you know this because...
Let's see. He will be 30 when the season starts (agree he is a special talent that could skew this indicator), he will be coming off one of his worst statistical season ever, and the offense has shifted to a passing offense (Rivers threw for 4000 yards and 34 TD so far, most since 29 in '04).I still think he is top 5 next year and will improve in all areas, but I am being realistic in thinking he might have one more magical FF run in him. He could help a team win next year but I don't think he still has a carry the team season in him and I think a large reason for that is Lorenzo Neal being gone. What analysis do you give for your stance?
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As an owner, I believe i'd take top 5 in 2009 and RUN given the prospective studs out there in the current projections. Not too many of 'those lists' that have put LT in the top 20 much less 5.

Sure would love to see it, though.

It will be interesting to see at what level the Chargers tender Sproles, as one would have to think that a lot of teams would be interested in him - even if not as a feature back.

his glory days are gone.
And you know this because...
Let's see. He will be 30 when the season starts (agree he is a special talent that could skew this indicator), he will be coming off one of his worst statistical season ever, and the offense has shifted to a passing offense (Rivers threw for 4000 yards and 34 TD so far, most since 29 in '04).
Two of those indicators have more to do with Tomlinson's injury more than anything else.
It will be interesting to see at what level the Chargers tender Sproles, as one would have to think that a lot of teams would be interested in him - even if not as a feature back.
If A.J.'s treatment of Michael Turner is any indication, he will get the max tender.
It will be interesting to see at what level the Chargers tender Sproles, as one would have to think that a lot of teams would be interested in him - even if not as a feature back.
I am "very" optimistic about 2009 when it comes to Tomlinson. I do not think he has another Fantasy Football MVP type season left in him though, given the offense they are running in SD. I have tempered expectations from where they have been the last 3~5 years. Anyone who thinks he is still on top may be fooling themselves.
The Broncos D can't stop anything tonight. If they keep feeding the ball to Hester I'm sure he'll look decent too.

Now I'm not taking anything away from what LT and Sproles have done, but at some point you have to realize that Denvers D is just that bad...

Top 5 vs S. Alexander is what we're contemplating. Grand Canyon there...I don't think anyone envisions LT as 1.01 anymore. Top 5 IS on top and probably his ceiling, IMO.


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