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Streaming or currently airing TV shows (AKA Netflix thread) (4 Viewers)

Outside of sports, I don't think I've watched network television for over 10 years.  Didn't see an episode of BB until it hit Netflix.  Just discovered Modern Family  :bag:

DEVS... anybody?

wife signed up for a week of free Hulu- and we're watching it... 2 or 3 in. not sure where I am on it yet, but will keep going. seems interesting.
Beautiful with a great score.  I thought it was an interesting plot.  Really liked some of the characters while others felt flat.  Also, Alison Pill :wub:  

Beautiful with a great score.  I thought it was an interesting plot.  Really liked some of the characters while others felt flat.  Also, Alison Pill :wub:  
Good call on the score! Last episode with Steve Reich "come out" was incredible in that regard.

Alison pill is the actress with her eyes too close together, right? Been seeing her everywhere lately- very good...except for the distracting eyes too close together thing.

Nick Vermeil said:
Does she like angst? Do you like beautiful young people?  Do you both like mindsploding science fiction?  The 100 is what you are looking for.  Also maybe Riverdale. 
Hah, another show this could apply to (minus the “mindsploding science fiction” part) is Shadowhunters on Hulu. It’s laughably bad and yet wife and I continue to watch it.

Teeny-bopper angst/melodrama, lots of talk about feelings and relationships, lots of tight black leather outfits, all in a supernatural milieu. Vampires, werewolves, demons, angels.

Its exceptionally cheesy, cringeworthy dialogue, and laughably bad acting (particularly from the attractive redhead female lead). We spend much of each show laughing at it, yet continue to watch. I’m kind of a sucker for fantasy/supernatural stuff so I overlook a lot . I suspect others may not be so generous.

I liked the series.  Kind of has a Chuck / Imposters vibe.
Haven't seen those but I'm enjoying upload so far. 

The concept is different than most, almost seems like an episode of Black mirror (which I've only seen a few). 

Angel is downright gorgeous.

Finished Zero Zero Zero and liked it a lot.  different than a lot of the other stuff out there right now.  im surprised there hasn’t been more talk about it.
Just finished this, thought it was excellent. If you liked Narcos, you will love this show. Highly recommend.
narcos meets sicario meets.. I had a third one that I forgot. 

started this on the recs in here... partway through and it's really good. well filmed, acted, written... just great across the board.
a little further in... the calamity jane aspect of the brokers journey teetered into ridiculous. still well made and interesting story, but for a limited series, they're milking a lot of misfortune out of it for them in particular. for something this relatively well done, feels like a cheap plot device for creating episodes. but again, it's well done, so still into it and recommending it.

I do like that they go back and show different viewpoints or timelines of shared experiences at times... like The Affair and Rashoman. although it's not about differing points of view/reality as much as different characters' movement through the same story only at different places and times. 

Anyone watch Dark? I was intrigued by first episode but the dubbing (original was German) is a little annoying. Just want to make sure it’s “worth it” to continue.

Anyone watch Dark? I was intrigued by first episode but the dubbing (original was German) is a little annoying. Just want to make sure it’s “worth it” to continue.
really liked it! Season 3 reportedly coming to netflix next month.

I know I am in the minority but after a few episodes i didn't mind the dubbing

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I loved the first 2 seasons. I haven't really watched TV shows over the last few years, but coming back for the pandemic, has HULU just stolen every FX show?

I'm a Netflix, You Tube TV, Prime Video person (and Prime Video is a last resort because their interface sucks so bad). I want to catch up on all my old beloved FX shows. Did HULU just snap them all up?

I'm not even seeing a buy option for Fargo on Prime Video. 
Fox sold nearly all their stuff to Disney, and Disney has pulled as much of their owned content as they can from all competing services. Hulu is owned/controlled by Disney and where they put all the adult content that can't go on Disney+. Which is most FX & FXX shows.

I finished Waco. Not Netflix's best effort but it was passable. It made me want to read the books it was based on. I remember when all this went down but there were many aspects I was not aware of. I loved Koresh playing we still believe to the ATF 🤣 

All in all a horrible story and a lot of needless deaths.

really liked it! Season 3 reportedly coming to netflix next month.

I know I am in the minority but after a few episodes i didn't mind the dubbing
I’m with you, it didn’t bother me enough to use subtitles. After a few shows you recognize the voices so I really noticed it less and less. I mean it was pretty obvious if it bothers you but it didn’t detract from the show for me. I liked it a lot.

Good news on Season 3, glad they finished it before CC shutdown. Rick and Morty just started on Sunday as well so still a couple of new things to look forward to now.

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I finished Waco. Not Netflix's best effort but it was passable. It made me want to read the books it was based on. I remember when all this went down but there were many aspects I was not aware of. I loved Koresh playing we still believe to the ATF 🤣 

All in all a horrible story and a lot of needless deaths.
Waco was on Paramount.  

zerozerozero on Prime is quite amazing.  Not sure how I didnt know about this but its really good.  Pretty vast storyline and gets tense a lot.  strongly recommend.  Lots of violence. 
I really liked it. The locations were amazing. Great cinematography. Action scenes. Violent gun battles. The actor playing Manuel, The Mexican Special Forces guy, was awesome. 

I really liked it. The locations were amazing. Great cinematography. Action scenes. Violent gun battles. The actor playing Manuel, The Mexican Special Forces guy, was awesome. 
I agree, and thought Manuel reminded me of a young Esai Morales (Paco Moreno from Bad Boys).  But, I just really really really had a hard time buying the two American actors as drug kingpins.  The casting of them kind of ruined it for me a bit as every scene I see Dane Dehaan trying to be tough or the female lead staring down a thug I just think they would laugh at them and slap them across the face and they would start crying.  

I agree, and thought Manuel reminded me of a young Esai Morales (Paco Moreno from Bad Boys).  But, I just really really really had a hard time buying the two American actors as drug kingpins.  The casting of them kind of ruined it for me a bit as every scene I see Dane Dehaan trying to be tough or the female lead staring down a thug I just think they would laugh at them and slap them across the face and they would start crying.  
Yep. The American storyline was ok. I liked the mechanics of the smuggling and the tension of the process, but the Lynwoods were kinda weak. Would of been better if Gabriel Byrne hung around longer. Emma Lynwood wasn't that good. Her brother was ok, but that pair weren't the most compelling characters. I dug the Mexican storyline the best by far. The Italians could of been more interesting as well IMO. Don Minu seemed kind of weak. Still, one of the better shows I've seen in a while. Must of had an enormous budget. The biggest star were locations. There must've been like 5 different countries. All beautifully shot. Those scenes of the small Italian town by drone were incredible. 

I enjoyed the latest season of the Last Kingdom, but thought it was a step down from prior seasons.  I have a fairly high tolerance for this sort of thing, but there seemed to be a lot of questionable character decisions that didn't seem authentic.  Still good though.

Yep. The American storyline was ok. I liked the mechanics of the smuggling and the tension of the process, but the Lynwoods were kinda weak. Would of been better if Gabriel Byrne hung around longer. Emma Lynwood wasn't that good. Her brother was ok, but that pair weren't the most compelling characters. I dug the Mexican storyline the best by far. The Italians could of been more interesting as well IMO. Don Minu seemed kind of weak. Still, one of the better shows I've seen in a while. Must of had an enormous budget. The biggest star were locations. There must've been like 5 different countries. All beautifully shot. Those scenes of the small Italian town by drone were incredible. 
Yep.  The series was shot in Mexico, Italy, Senegal, Morocco and the United States

bicycle_seat_sniffer said:
just finished season 3 out of 4 of the Money Heist on Netflix.  Its an original Spanish TV series, so its dubbed in English, but we like it, pretty good twist and turns.
binged watched all 4 seasons. Now I need something else to watch.  Never been a netlix person, but when there is a pandemic without sports....... looking for a little distraction

ericttspikes said:
guru_007 said:
I agree, and thought Manuel reminded me of a young Esai Morales (Paco Moreno from Bad Boys).  But, I just really really really had a hard time buying the two American actors as drug kingpins.  The casting of them kind of ruined it for me a bit as every scene I see Dane Dehaan trying to be tough or the female lead staring down a thug I just think they would laugh at them and slap them across the face and they would start crying.  
Yep. The American storyline was ok. I liked the mechanics of the smuggling and the tension of the process, but the Lynwoods were kinda weak. Would of been better if Gabriel Byrne hung around longer. Emma Lynwood wasn't that good. Her brother was ok, but that pair weren't the most compelling characters. I dug the Mexican storyline the best by far. The Italians could of been more interesting as well IMO. Don Minu seemed kind of weak. Still, one of the better shows I've seen in a while. Must of had an enormous budget. The biggest star were locations. There must've been like 5 different countries. All beautifully shot. Those scenes of the small Italian town by drone were incredible. 
I'm 2/3 or so through.

Agree about everyrhing., Although I didn't mind the Lynnwood casting. They aren't drug kingpins, they're broker/middlemen/facilitators. I actually liked the daughter as a small but ice in the veins and eyes type and the brother as a kind of smart and capable slacker thrust into more responsibility.

I mentioned recently here that I find their calamity Jane series of catastrophic misfortunes story telling way off the overall high level in the show. Feels a cheap way to move the plot and create excitement relative to the Mexican and Italian story lines.

But otherwise, it's pretty great. And yeah..the locations and filmwork are stunning 

Upload starts on Amazon Prime today.
liked the series.  Kind of has a Chuck / Imposters vibe.
I'm 6/10 of the way thru Season 1 and it's keeping my interest so far.......But i read something online where you shouldn't expect Season 2 until 2022.

New Jerry Seinfeld stand-up on Netflix was pretty good. If you are a fan of his you will enjoy it. 

He did a bit on our obsession with cell phones that I thought was hilarious. 

I finished up "Atlanta's Murdered and Missing: The Lost Children" on HBO. I learned a lot from the 5 part series but am no closer in deciding if Williams is guilty. Such a bizarre case all around. Handled so poorly.

out of sheer boredom I listed all the Netflix, Prime, Hulu, etc. shows that I've watched over the last few years.  bold means there are episodes available that I haven't finished.  italics means I think it's underrated.  In case anyone is looking for something new.

ABC Murders


After Life

Arrested Development

Band of Brothers


Battlestar Galactica

Better Caul Saul



Breaking Bad




Curb Your Enthusiasm



End of the ****ing World



Game of Thrones


Halt and Catch Fire


House of Cards


Jack Ryan


Living With Yourself

Mad Men

Man in the High Castle

Manhunt: Unabomber

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel


Mind of Aaron Hernandez



Orange is the New Black


Peaky Blinders

Rescue Me


Santa Clarita Diet

Silicon Valley

Six Feet Under

Sneaky Pete

Sons of Anarchy



The Americans

The Boys

The Confession Killer

The Good Place

The Heavy Water War

The Informer

The Keepers

The Newsroom

The Night Manager

The Office

The Outsider

The Patriot

The Punisher

The Shield

The Sinner

The Staircase

The Walking Dead

The West Wing

The Wire

Tiger King

True Detective



Wild Wild Country


You're the Worst

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I finished up "Atlanta's Murdered and Missing: The Lost Children" on HBO. I learned a lot from the 5 part series but am no closer in deciding if Williams is guilty. Such a bizarre case all around. Handled so poorly.
listened to a great serial podcast on this case & left out feeling like 80/20 certain he was guilty of most of the murders. his own words are so.... creepy and difficult... that i'm almost certain he's the guy, but there's the lingering doubt because of how poorly everything was handled.

this HBO special (so far) has me leaning more like 70/30.

listened to a great serial podcast on this case & left out feeling like 80/20 certain he was guilty of most of the murders. his own words are so.... creepy and difficult... that i'm almost certain he's the guy, but there's the lingering doubt because of how poorly everything was handled.

this HBO special (so far) has me leaning more like 70/30.
My biggest suspicion of him is his reaction through all of this. At no time does he seem to want to seriously fight for his innocence and at times revels in the attention. They even mention it on the show that they had to urge him to show some emotion on the stand after a subdued first day. Why was he on the bridge? Who was the woman he was supposed to be going to see the next day? They never found her.  I don't doubt there were more than a few that could have died for other reasons but he clearly seems like he was involved somehow with some of them.

Recently watched The Trial on Netflix.  It's an Italian crime drama and we found it entertaining.  Moreso, for me, as I got to listen to it in Italian so we didn't watch the dubbed version (which I never like anyway).  Not a must watch, but if looking for something new, it's pretty decent.

It prompted me to look for other Italian shows on Netflix and a couple seemed to have some good reviews that I'm going to check out (Suburra, Gomorrah, and Luna o Nera)

I know a bunch of us here have already seen it, but if you haven't, and are looking for something funny, I recommend Flight Of The Conchords. I believe it's free on Amazon prime, HBO Go, DirectTV right now. Haven't seen it in a while, I keep thinking I'll do a rewatch soon.

jamny said:
My biggest suspicion of him is his reaction through all of this. At no time does he seem to want to seriously fight for his innocence and at times revels in the attention. They even mention it on the show that they had to urge him to show some emotion on the stand after a subdued first day. Why was he on the bridge? Who was the woman he was supposed to be going to see the next day? They never found her.  I don't doubt there were more than a few that could have died for other reasons but he clearly seems like he was involved somehow with some of them.
one of the things that gives me pause about his guilt or innocence is his insatiable need for attention. he would do/say anything for people to pay attention to him, it seems.

now that could mean he's full of #### and just stringing people along.... or he did these murders & can't help but keep his face in the media because he needs people to know he did it without fully admitting anything because that might mean people stop paying attention.

if i could remember the podcast... his explanation of the bridge and mystery woman are so..... embarrassingly obviously false and such a huge hole in his defense that it almost feels true. like what idiot would make up THAT story and stick with it?  maybe he's so egotistical that he can't imagine stepping down from it, or he realizes that wavering opens the door too much for further inspection in to a different story.

fascinating guy and terribly sad story.  maybe one day he coughs up enough detail to tie him to several of these... that's the only way anyone is getting closure.

Finally got around to watching Rectified.  Critically acclaimed show that I didn’t think I would like.  

It is phenomenal.  

Edit:  “Rectify”
Just finished Rectify with the wife.  Not sure how much I really liked it.  There were parts that held my attention, and others that seemed to drag on.  I think part of it is that they didn't get into the entire backstory of the initial crime until season 2.  It took awhile to hold my attention, but it was decent.  I wouldn't watch it again.

Finally got around to watching Rectified.  Critically acclaimed show that I didn’t think I would like.  

It is phenomenal.  

Edit:  “Rectify”
Just finished Rectify with the wife.  Not sure how much I really liked it.  There were parts that held my attention, and others that seemed to drag on.  I think part of it is that they didn't get into the entire backstory of the initial crime until season 2.  It took awhile to hold my attention, but it was decent.  I wouldn't watch it again.
I really liked it for the acting and character development.  Teddy, especially, was an enthralling character.  But no one could ever say the show moves quickly.  

Finally got around to watching Rectified.  Critically acclaimed show that I didn’t think I would like.  

It is phenomenal.  

Edit:  “Rectify”
Just finished Rectify with the wife.  Not sure how much I really liked it.  There were parts that held my attention, and others that seemed to drag on.  I think part of it is that they didn't get into the entire backstory of the initial crime until season 2.  It took awhile to hold my attention, but it was decent.  I wouldn't watch it again.
I really liked it for the acting and character development.  Teddy, especially, was an enthralling character.  But no one could ever say the show moves quickly.  
:goodposting:  Definition of a "Slow Burn" ...but was a great watch IMO.  

I really liked it for the acting and character development.  Teddy, especially, was an enthralling character.  But no one could ever say the show moves quickly.  

If you're looking for a fast-paced plot-driven whodunit, this ain't it.

To me, this show was a lot like real life in its pacing. I know a lot of folks don't want slow-and-meditative in their TV shows, and that's ok. I actually thought it was a breath of fresh air amidst all of the plot-heavy dramas airing at the same time. For sure, no network or major cable channel would have given Rectify its run.

I'm glad this show aired and that I watched it. The characters and performances were fantastic across the board.

one of the things that gives me pause about his guilt or innocence is his insatiable need for attention. he would do/say anything for people to pay attention to him, it seems.

now that could mean he's full of #### and just stringing people along.... or he did these murders & can't help but keep his face in the media because he needs people to know he did it without fully admitting anything because that might mean people stop paying attention.

if i could remember the podcast... his explanation of the bridge and mystery woman are so..... embarrassingly obviously false and such a huge hole in his defense that it almost feels true. like what idiot would make up THAT story and stick with it?  maybe he's so egotistical that he can't imagine stepping down from it, or he realizes that wavering opens the door too much for further inspection in to a different story.

fascinating guy and terribly sad story.  maybe one day he coughs up enough detail to tie him to several of these... that's the only way anyone is getting closure.
Is the documentary any good, though?  I watched the first episode and it was absolutely all over the place.  

I really liked it for the acting and character development.  Teddy, especially, was an enthralling character.  But no one could ever say the show moves quickly.  

If you're looking for a fast-paced plot-driven whodunit, this ain't it.

To me, this show was a lot like real life in its pacing. I know a lot of folks don't want slow-and-meditative in their TV shows, and that's ok. I actually thought it was a breath of fresh air amidst all of the plot-heavy dramas airing at the same time. For sure, no network or major cable channel would have given Rectify its run.

I'm glad this show aired and that I watched it. The characters and performances were fantastic across the board.
I mean, over 5 seasons Teddy goes from entitled, resentful brat; to humiliated and humbled; to truly altruistic.  Name one other character in "modern" tv that has had that arc.  Doesn't exist.  And that's just one of the excellent characters/actors on this show.
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Is the documentary any good, though?  I watched the first episode and it was absolutely all over the place.  
the first episode is definitely scattershot as they try to set up all the parts to the story

in that respect the podcast is better in that it's sequential and you hear Wayne Williams being interviewed in his own words.


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