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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (1 Viewer)

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The last part of that story is that Republicans are still holding on to the hope that they can push their agenda through...and that's largely why they're not calling for investigations, or acting with integrity.  They're laying/lying low, hoping each daily storm passes and they'll have enough cover to push policies through.  The storms just won't stop though, and they're too beholden to monied interests and their gerrymandered base/constituency to do anything to upset the situation.

The Republican Party, as a whole, are in dereliction of duty.  They need to step up and do their jobs...keep Trump if you can, I don't care, but get to the bottom of this corruption, weed out insecurities from the White House and do your damn jobs.  This is serious ####...and these cowardly people are truly harming our democracy and our security through inaction.
Kind of like how the Democrats got out in front of this the last 8 years?  That kind of "stepping up"?

The last part of that story is that Republicans are still holding on to the hope that they can push their agenda through...and that's largely why they're not calling for investigations, or acting with integrity.  They're laying/lying low, hoping each daily storm passes and they'll have enough cover to push policies through.  The storms just won't stop though, and they're too beholden to monied interests and their gerrymandered base/constituency to do anything to upset the situation.

The Republican Party, as a whole, are in dereliction of duty.  They need to step up and do their jobs...keep Trump if you can, I don't care, but get to the bottom of this corruption, weed out insecurities from the White House and do your damn jobs.  This is serious ####...and these cowardly people are truly harming our democracy and our security through inaction.
Kind of like how the Democrats got out in front of this the last 8 years?  That kind of "stepping up"?
That doesn't even remotely make sense.

I like to look around the web and see what people are thinking.  It appears that basically the Trump supporters by and large are now going with the "Flynn lied and liars get fired" line of reasoning.

Funniest thing though is that it appears some Trump supporters are taking it to another level.  "Finally we have accountability in Washington"

I wouldn't exactly count you hysterical ninnies as "reasonable" either.  In fact, I view you as one of the leaders of the Hysteria Movement.

The National Security Advisor just resigned...just 25 days into the job, no less.  And, your reaction is "Hey, no big thing, move along, nothing to see here." 

The White House kept a staff member on as National Security advisor for weeks that it knew had been compromised. It only accepted a resignation after they were busted. And that's not troublesome? 
Weeks? :lmao:   Clinton was on staff for FOUR YEARS and they knew she had her own server.  Sure, it's troublesome, but only if you were so vocal during the Obama years would you be taken more seriously.  That's why this is called fake outrage - you were never bothered previously about any stuff of this type when it was your team doing it.

Besides, it seems like the problem resolved itself, no?  No need to worry about it anymore so we can move on to the next outrage.

I wouldn't exactly count you hysterical ninnies as "reasonable" either.  In fact, I view you as one of the leaders of the Hysteria Movement.

The National Security Advisor just resigned...just 25 days into the job, no less.  And, your reaction is "Hey, no big thing, move along, nothing to see here." 
He's just trolling...no one believes something that stupid.

The last part of that story is that Republicans are still holding on to the hope that they can push their agenda through...and that's largely why they're not calling for investigations, or acting with integrity.  They're laying/lying low, hoping each daily storm passes and they'll have enough cover to push policies through.  The storms just won't stop though, and they're too beholden to monied interests and their gerrymandered base/constituency to do anything to upset the situation.

The Republican Party, as a whole, are in dereliction of duty.  They need to step up and do their jobs...keep Trump if you can, I don't care, but get to the bottom of this corruption, weed out insecurities from the White House and do your damn jobs.  This is serious ####...and these cowardly people are truly harming our democracy and our security through inaction.
Yup. I still think the Republican who leads a charge to remove Trump could position himself to be a strong 2020 pick. The man who takes out Trump is going to carry a lot of appeal to non-Republicans. This goes back to my post before about the Koch brothers. 

Anyone else almost feel bad for Max and _mx? Unlike the true derpys, they're not quite dumb enough to actually think that Trump is in any way good for the country, but they aren't intellectually honest enough to be able to call him or the Party out directly, so they're kind of stuck with the weak general liberal bashing as their go to. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance going on in their heads right now...

Sinn Fein said:
lot of bags under those eyes.  
Everyone involved in this administration is going to age fast. Trump himself looks 10 years older than he did a year ago.
If I were him I'd be looking at whether I can issue an EO that makes me no longer the president so I can go back to riding around in jets, eating great food, schmoozing and paying off politicians to get what I want.  Man, what a wreck his life has become and all because he couldn't say no to his Ego.

Weeks? :lmao:   Clinton was on staff for FOUR YEARS and they knew she had her own server.  Sure, it's troublesome, but only if you were so vocal during the Obama years would you be taken more seriously.  That's why this is called fake outrage - you were never bothered previously about any stuff of this type when it was your team doing it.

Besides, it seems like the problem resolved itself, no?  No need to worry about it anymore so we can move on to the next outrage.
Nope. Not by a longshot. The problem still remains until we know all of the details about Trump's connection to Russia. 

look who keeps checking band and is completely obsessed!!!  

maxthreshold drinking game.  drink if one of the following words is typed in one of his responses:

  • hillary
  • fake 
  • outrage
  • hysterical
Drinking a lot this morning.  Although, you forgot "ninnies."  Must include "ninnies."  I mean, if there is anything disqualifies you from having any shred of credibility, it's using the word "ninnies."


The National Security Advisor just resigned...just 25 days into the job, no less.  And, your reaction is "Hey, no big thing, move along, nothing to see here." 
Of course it is. Last night he was doing his daily rant about liberal hysteria right up until the minute Flynn resigned.

Then POOF! he vanished.

Real men take their lumps and admit when they were wrong. Cowards run and hide when things get difficult.

That doesn't even remotely make sense.
When you're talking about HRC and her home brew server it sure does.  When you're talking about the administration using the IRS and Justice Dept. to target political enemies it does.  Shall I go on?
You can go on, but you're just going further down a road away from the topic we're discussing.  

But I know you're joking here, just trolling.  This kind of a ridiculous reply isn't something a sane person would actually espouse.  It's ok, you can move on to other fish...I'm not taking the bait.

Weeks? :lmao:   Clinton was on staff for FOUR YEARS and they knew she had her own server.  Sure, it's troublesome, but only if you were so vocal during the Obama years would you be taken more seriously.  That's why this is called fake outrage - you were never bothered previously about any stuff of this type when it was your team doing it.

Besides, it seems like the problem resolved itself, no?  No need to worry about it anymore so we can move on to the next outrage.




Yup. I still think the Republican who leads a charge to remove Trump could position himself to be a strong 2020 pick. The man who takes out Trump is going to carry a lot of appeal to non-Republicans. This goes back to my post before about the Koch brothers. 
It depends on how long he/she waits.  if they do it right now, they'll be crucified.  If they time it just right, right on the wave (if there ever is one) of collapsing public support, it'll work for them.


Isn't that what an investigation is?

I don't understand Ryan's point. Does he want a pre-investigation prior to the investigation?
What Ryan is saying is that a congressional investigation is equivalent to a rush to judgment. He's saying that it wouldn't be right to have a public investigation because it could unfairly taint the public's opinion about a person, especially if that person is hoping to win an election a few years down the road. The power of the Congressional investigation should be used judiciously, responsibly, and rarely. Congress has more important things to do, quite frankly.

Ben something something
It depends on how long he/she waits.  if they do it right now, they'll be crucified.  If they time it just right, right on the wave (if there ever is one) of collapsing public support, it'll work for them.
Yeah there's going to be some slow playing here which sucks for the country but could pay off down the road for the right Republican.

Oh and we both know it'll be a "he." 100% stone cold lock there. 

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Hillary and the email server? C'mon. Hillary was corrupt, more of the same "swamp thing", I get that. We're on to something dangerous with Trump. 

I get the anti-Hillary part, easily. I don't get the "therefore, Trump" part. Never have.
The discussion isn't about Hillary, that's why Max is obviously trolling.  The discussion is about our current president and what's going on, not a losing candidate for office.

Anyone who changes the conversation from the incredibly questionable things our current president is doing to a candidate who lost a race for the presidency is trolling.

Yeah there's going to be some slow playing here which sucks for the country but could pay off down the road for the right Republican.

Oh and we both know it'll be a "he." 100% stone cold lock there. 
I think Rubio or Cruz are the frontrunners at this point, with Rubio in a slight lead.  We'll see though.  If Trump can pull off staying in power, there may not be a 2020 candidate other than him on the R side.  He will basically show himself to be a political god, immune to all scandal.

Isn't this backwards?  Don't we investigate to determine if any crimes were committed? :confused:  
First you need probable cause that you believe a crime was committed.  Then you investigate to determine if there was a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to file charges.  Hence, that is why I asked what the alleged crime that is to be investigated.  That is the normal process.  But this is political. 

I think Rubio or Cruz are the frontrunners at this point, with Rubio in a slight lead.  We'll see though.  If Trump can pull off staying in power, there may not be a 2020 candidate other than him on the R side.  He will basically show himself to be a political god, immune to all scandal.
Possibly but I can't see the Koch's and all their money not wielding influence.  

First you need probable cause that you believe a crime was committed.  Then you investigate to determine if there was a crime and if there is sufficient evidence to file charges.  Hence, that is why I asked what the alleged crime that is to be investigated.  That is the normal process.  But this is political. 
Flynn broke the law.

What else you got?

So are we all still on the verge of dying?
Nah, just on the verge of maintaining a system with integrity.  The battle goes back and forth between whether we call out corruption or we don't.  Today, calling out corruption is winning.

We'll see how the rest of the story unfolds and whether it descends into life-threatening territory.

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