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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (5 Viewers)

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Maybe I’m not following but let’s just say it was 91% previously and now is 86% - you don’t think a decrease of 5% is significant?  Sure, we can be shocked that his support is still that high but I’m more focused on the decrease.  
IMHO a 5% decrease is insignificant, despite the margins seen at hhe last election. I believe that the few  "dissenters" are more likely to return to the fold at crux time than to avandon the herd. 

If it's a landslide, however.....

It’s so cute our President has a pen-pal.

Trump told reporters this morning he received a "beautiful" letter from Kim Jong Un, even as North Korea has repeatedly tested short-range missiles in recent weeks
If things keep going well into late winter 2020 maybe we can see in February if he is going to ask Kim Jong Un to be his Valentine.

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Yep the President said the 4 billion dollar price was outlandish, he claimed he could save hundreds of millions. Final cost 5.3 billion. Ah yes the great negotiator and the art of the deal! But hey let’s go for 4 more years of this clown! Nuff said. 
My six month old grandchild is a better negotiator. Also less of a baby. 

My six month old grandchild is a better negotiator. Also less of a baby. 
He negotiates like Major Frank Burns on M.A.S.H.

[Frank and Hot Lips want a wooden bust of Colonel Potter carved] Hmm. Lotsa work. Two assistants. Electric light at night. Overtime. Hmm. Six bucks.

Maj. Frank Burns:
[unsure] Well...

Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan:
Frank, These people have no espect-ray unless you aggle-hay over the ice-pray.

Maj. Frank Burns:
Five dollars.


Maj. Frank Burns:

Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan:
[glares at Frank] Umb-day!

Trump Uses Accents To Mock Japanese, Korean Allies At Hamptons Fundraiser

Over the weekend, President Donald Trump gave a long, meandering speech at a fundraiser in Bridgehampton, New York, at one point adopting Japanese and South Korean accents to mock the countries’ respective leaders, Shinzo Abe and Moon Jae-in.

According to the New York Post, Trump mimicked Moon giving in on negotiations over defense spending.

Trump later attempted Abe’s accent while imitating the Japanese president’s responses on trade tariffs.

Trump reportedly had kinder words for North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who he called a “friend” and said from whom he’d just received a “beautiful letter.”

“If I hadn’t been elected president we would be in a big fat juicy war with North Korea,” he said, per the Post.
Just another example of trashing our allies and praising dictators.  Oh, and not racist at all.
"He can't be racist! He has an Asian friend!"

So, any guesses as to how many shares of Apple stock Trump bought between the time he announced increased tariffs and the time he agreed to delay those tariffs?

apalmer said:
So, any guesses as to how many shares of Apple stock Trump bought between the time he announced increased tariffs and the time he agreed to delay those tariffs?
Is this information that's out there? As an aside, can you imagine the amount of insider trading that goes on in the Trump orbit? 

apalmer said:
So, any guesses as to how many shares of Apple stock Trump bought between the time he announced increased tariffs and the time he agreed to delay those tariffs?
As much as he could buy, only constrained by the amount Deutche would loan him.

File this under "Trump Lies Again"...

Yesterday the president took credit for the construction on the Shell Cracker plant in southwestern Pennsylvania.    “It was the Trump administration that made it possible, no one else,” Trump said during his speech inside a warehouse at the Shell site to an audience of mostly construction and trade workers employed there. “Without us, you would have never been able to do this.”

The problem is the project began over 8 years ago during the Obama administration and was formally announced 5 years before Trump took office.  Construction started in late 2015 and it was the state of Pennsylvania that did the heavy lifting getting the project off the ground by giving massive tax breaks to Shell and millions of dollars to help develop the site. 

But hey Trump did it all and no one else did a thing.   I know that his supporters don't care but anyone that has ever had a boss or coworker that took credit for other people's work should be pissed off by the President's flat-out lie.

File this under "Trump Lies Again"...

Yesterday the president took credit for the construction on the Shell Cracker plant in southwestern Pennsylvania.    “It was the Trump administration that made it possible, no one else,” Trump said during his speech inside a warehouse at the Shell site to an audience of mostly construction and trade workers employed there. “Without us, you would have never been able to do this.”

The problem is the project began over 8 years ago during the Obama administration and was formally announced 5 years before Trump took office.  Construction started in late 2015 and it was the state of Pennsylvania that did the heavy lifting getting the project off the ground by giving massive tax breaks to Shell and millions of dollars to help develop the site. 
Well, yeah, but other than that it was all Trump. It wouldn't work if it wasn't for all those tariffs the Chinese are paying. I mean Trump said yesterday that it "has been proven" that the Chinese are paying them, not American citizens, so it must be true.

Since we are going to possibly deport legal immigrants who are on welfare, does that mean a number of white people are going bye bye as well.  Remember we are all immigrants whether you want to believe it or not.  And contrary to what Fox News or Sinclair, the majority of people on welfare are white.  Not a strong majority but more than you think

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Since we are going to possibly deport legal immigrants who are on welfare, does that mean a number of white people are going bye bye as well.  Remember we are all immigrants whether you want to believe it or not.  And contrary to what Fox News or Sinclair, the majority of people on welfare are white.  Not a strong majority but more than you think
Somebody whose ancestors immigrated here in the early 1900s is not an immigrant in the same way somebody who grew up in another country and just arrived in the US in time for the start of the fall semester is.  The latter person faces language, social, and cultural hurdles that the first person doesn't, and it's bad to conflate the two.  It's also perfectly reasonable to write immigration policy that prioritizes people who are willing and able to work.  I'm strongly pro-immigration, and I have no problem with those sorts of provisions as a part of liberalizing immigration policy as a whole.

This guy is the director of citizenship and immigration services. It's shockingly awful. Imagine if Obama's guy said the statue only welcomes Africans, or Muslims. 
Well that’s just fantastic. My wife, who is from Indonesia, is currently applying for citizenship. I’m really hoping this doesn’t cause her problems.

The only way his comments make even a lick of sense unless you believe that ALL sex is some violent action like a rape.  Even if it was completely willing.   If you believe that then clearly you are either NOT DOING IT or DOING IT REALLY WRONG

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IvanKaramazov said:
Somebody whose ancestors immigrated here in the early 1900s is not an immigrant in the same way somebody who grew up in another country and just arrived in the US in time for the start of the fall semester is.  The latter person faces language, social, and cultural hurdles that the first person doesn't, and it's bad to conflate the two.  It's also perfectly reasonable to write immigration policy that prioritizes people who are willing and able to work.  I'm strongly pro-immigration, and I have no problem with those sorts of provisions as a part of liberalizing immigration policy as a whole.
Eh but not if that’s not the way the law is written. When people are here legally, they’re here: legally.

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