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Top 101 Movies of the 90s. We are done. If I knock out Amadeus/Brazil/Ran, We get to have an 80s countdown!! (1 Viewer)

Can't sleep for some reason, so I started on the lists and the math.   

This is going to be more interesting than I thought.   Unless I miscounted, it looks like we disagree more than we agree with our lists.   There are 49 movies that are on both lists.   Even when looking at those - the rankings vary wildly within our top 100.  Ie one of my top 10s is in his 50s, and one of his top 10s is in my 70s.  Each of us have at least one top 10 movie that does not appear on the other's list.  

The way I am doing the countdown, those titles will dominate the top of the list.     We each rated the movies 1-100 with the 1 being our top movie.  So the best score a movie could get would be 2.   IF it's just on one list, I add 101 to that score:  ie if I have The People Under the Stairs at #1 and 80s didn't have it on his list it gets a 102 score, so it will probably be in the middle of the countdown vs. a movie that would be in each of our top 40s.  

The plan is to verify the math and write down the movies that will be on the countdown tonight after work.    I might start festivities tonight, but if not I have Weds off so I will for sure start then.  

I will say that there are 3 "mild" surprises in the top 10.  :popcorn:  

i mean it doesnt get much better than this

Mitchell Goosen is a California teenager who loves to surf and rollerblade. When his zoologist parents are given a grant to work in Australia, they can't take Mitchell so they send him to Cincinnati, Ohio to stay with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Wiley--who will be his roommate for the next six months. At his new school Mitchell gets on the bad side of the high-school hockey players, so he and Wiley endure weeks of torture from them. Until they all must learn to get along and team up to beat the Central High School rivals in a competition down the Devil's Backbone.

Can't sleep for some reason, so I started on the lists and the math.   

This is going to be more interesting than I thought.   Unless I miscounted, it looks like we disagree more than we agree with our lists.   There are 49 movies that are on both lists.   Even when looking at those - the rankings vary wildly within our top 100.  Ie one of my top 10s is in his 50s, and one of his top 10s is in my 70s.  Each of us have at least one top 10 movie that does not appear on the other's list.  

The way I am doing the countdown, those titles will dominate the top of the list.     We each rated the movies 1-100 with the 1 being our top movie.  So the best score a movie could get would be 2.   IF it's just on one list, I add 101 to that score:  ie if I have The People Under the Stairs at #1 and 80s didn't have it on his list it gets a 102 score, so it will probably be in the middle of the countdown vs. a movie that would be in each of our top 40s.  
I am curious if I want to see your list or just see the drama of the this unfold. I think I want to stay in the dark. 

I'm still waiting for the first time that Bill Murray makes me laugh.  
In that movie, or in the movies? 

Because he was Class A in Stripes when I was a juvenile. And his turn as sad sack Herman Blume (Bloom?) was funny as hell in Rushmore. 

I love Wes Anderson and if he misses this list, it's a great disservice to the nineties. Shifting decades, I can't wait to see French Dispatch, actually. I should just break down and rent it on one of the streaming services. 


P.S.  Let it be known that "Groundhog Day" is the best movie of all time.  
My brother always calls "Groundhog Day" is second favorite movie of all time. Number one changes on his mood, but number two never changes.

I love Wes Anderson and if he misses this list, it's a great disservice to the nineties. Shifting decades, I can't wait to see French Dispatch, actually. I should just break down and rent it on one of the streaming services. 
Will Wes make it? Where will Wes land? I feel it will come down my vote since we know where KP stands. Also I would say French Dispatch is good not great. It’s so quirky and so Wes but it’s not his top tier.

I love Wes Anderson and if he misses this list, it's a great disservice to the nineties. Shifting decades, I can't wait to see French Dispatch, actually. I should just break down and rent it on one of the streaming services. 

Will Wes make it? Where will Wes land? I feel it will come down my vote since we know where KP stands. Also I would say French Dispatch is good not great. It’s so quirky and so Wes but it’s not his top tier.

I was just about to reply to rock here, and I will use your post to piggyback here.   I've been thinking about doing a 90s movie list for awhile, and have started a couple times.   My biggest hesitation has been Wes Anderson flicks plus a handful of beloved movies that I historically haven't clicked with.  My gut was telling me that the absence of some of these on my list would have spiraled the thread to negative territory.    This time around I had more of a WGAF attitude, and I also put in a lot of time watching a ton of 90s movies and thinking about some of these movies.    That said, besides generally clicking with you on your movie tastes and wanting you along for the ride, a small part of me thought having 2 of us to gripe at would mitigate some of my mild concerns on that front.   

What’s with the BFM hate?  What are y’all watching come xmas season, that hack Chevy Chase and Vacation over Scrooged?  No, you’re not…even if you are, you’re not

ETA…damn, it’s an 80s movie, thought it was early 90s.  Underrated BFM movie:  Man Who Knew Too Little

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I thought Bill Murray was one of the few universally loved celebrities - guess at FBGs we can hate anyone.
As much as I love his movies, supposedly* he's a real **** to work with. Lots of conflicting stories where one minute he's an awesome cutup and super cool to fans, and then former directors and costars calling him abusive and mean.

*Per the internet so take with a grain of salt.

I was just about to reply to rock here, and I will use your post to piggyback here.   I've been thinking about doing a 90s movie list for awhile, and have started a couple times.   My biggest hesitation has been Wes Anderson flicks plus a handful of beloved movies that I historically haven't clicked with.  My gut was telling me that the absence of some of these on my list would have spiraled the thread to negative territory.    This time around I had more of a WGAF attitude, and I also put in a lot of time watching a ton of 90s movies and thinking about some of these movies.    That said, besides generally clicking with you on your movie tastes and wanting you along for the ride, a small part of me thought having 2 of us to gripe at would mitigate some of my mild concerns on that front.   
I think he should have at least one entry. I’m over his quirkiness though, have not been interested in his new stuff

My brother always calls "Groundhog Day" is second favorite movie of all time. Number one changes on his mood, but number two never changes.
So you’re saying his love for it is exactly the same day after day after day after day after day after……

OK, I guess we are going to 101.   There are a ton of ties, as for example the first two movies scored 165, as they were the #64 movies on each of our lists.     So 165 was the max points and it looks like our lists are pretty evenly represented.     I am going to get my edible, hit the cartridge, and start a few of the movies.   

Before I start, I will say again that I watched way too many movies in the last couple months for this (easily 100+).   That said, there were still many on my list that I didn't get a chance to rewatch.  So this is a mix of movies that are fresh in my mind and ones that I am relying on my memory of the time that I watched it.   I also feel like I didn't see near enough, as there are a bunch on 80s' list that I haven't seen, and I know from our chats that he hasn't seen some of mine.   

Also, I will not be providing long reviews posts when I list them - I am hoping a group collective will generate the talk on this one.  And like i said, there are a bunch I haven't seen, so WTF would I comment on anyway - I am sure @Ilov80s will pipe up about his selections.  




The reason for the post above was because Basketball Diaries was one of the first - that was my #64.    I haven't seen it in a long time (it seems to be hard to track down, I assume it's because of the school scene.  I was just thinking about it, and I don't know if this was my first main Leo exposure, or at least the one that really made me take notice.  




The reason for the post above was because Basketball Diaries was one of the first - that was my #64.    I haven't seen it in a long time (it seems to be hard to track down, I assume it's because of the school scene.  I was just thinking about it, and I don't know if this was my first main Leo exposure, or at least the one that really made me take notice.  
Mom, can you give some money PLEASE?




Some PTA just making the cut.  Phew.   In my mind I think I had written Hard Eight off a little bit and thought of it as a lower tier PTA.   But rewatching this one gave me a new love for it.   Great debut, and I think this is a PTA that even the haters might actually like since it's more just a straight up crime/noir flick.   Great cast too.  

I am going to TRY to make note if a movie is available streaming for free on the main options.   I think most of the movies would be able to be rented if people are interested in watching any they haven't seen.    

HARD EIGHT is on Kanopy for anybody who has that.  




Some PTA just making the cut.  Phew.   In my mind I think I had written Hard Eight off a little bit and thought of it as a lower tier PTA.   But rewatching this one gave me a new love for it.   Great debut, and I think this is a PTA that even the haters might actually like since it's more just a straight up crime/noir flick.   Great cast too.  
Early Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz in Live Flesh. I think both are up for Oscars this year. Also, lots of oral sex if I remember correctly. 

I don’t recall much of Hard Eight other than it has Philip Baker Hall in it.  Probably would have made my list although I did not have it on there at first pass, but i never really formalized anything 




One of the themes for anybody poking in the main movie thread for me the last couple months is how surprised I was at how few action movies from the 90s held up for me.   This was one of the chalk action movies that for sure did.    I think this is a genre that will be contentious for the peanut gallery throughout this countdown, especially considering what did make my list.  :lol:   


Still a fun romp, and nothing else it deserves to be on the countdown solely for the NHLPA '93 scene.   The one-liners and charm of the movie more than coverup for the weak spots - mostly mopey Favreau and his answering machine.  

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This is one that I think would have graded out higher for me if I got to a re-watch.    Fantastic Duvall performance.   


This was on both of our lists, and I had it higher at 66.  How can you go wrong with Keanu and Busey?? 

You have swingers ranked below Airborne?!?!  Travismockery
We actually decided ahead of time to remove Airborne from the list since it seemed insulting to Seth Green and Shane McDermott even including their movie with some of these Eastwood and PTA films. You wouldn’t mix a $200 bottle of bourbon with RC cola. 

We actually decided ahead of time to remove Airborne from the list since it seemed insulting to Seth Green and Shane McDermott even including their movie with some of these Eastwood and PTA films. You wouldn’t mix a $200 bottle of bourbon with RC cola. 
You make skinny jack black cry


I am a lover of the genre, but in general the 90s horror movies suuuuucccckkked.    Tons of crappy slasher sequels and straight to video dreck.  I know this is polarizing movie, but the atmosphere in the theater for this one was one of the best movie going experiences I've had.   I saw it opening weekend, so there was still the WTF factor as people believed the marketing.    

Last two for the night.  I will let everybody catch up, and now I am starting to obsess about watching Point Break :oldunsure:




Fisher King was one that took a slight hit in the rankings with a rewatch, but still loved it enough to make the list.   Love the direction from Gilliam and it's always a joy watching Robin Williams on screen.  


I am a lover of the genre, but in general the 90s horror movies suuuuucccckkked.    Tons of crappy slasher sequels and straight to video dreck.  I know this is polarizing movie, but the atmosphere in the theater for this one was one of the best movie going experiences I've had.   I saw it opening weekend, so there was still the WTF factor as people believed the marketing.    
Loved Blair Witch. And Scream says hey.

Last two for the night.  I will let everybody catch up, and now I am starting to obsess about watching Point Break :oldunsure:




Fisher King was one that took a slight hit in the rankings with a rewatch, but still loved it enough to make the list.   Love the direction from Gilliam and it's always a joy watching Robin Williams on screen.  
The Fugitive at 90? I'm sure I'll walk this back when I see the finished list, but I would think it would be top 10. I bet I've watched it close to 100 times.

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