Someone made a good point when they said "unsolicited" advice. You chose to take fresh info and provide it to a select few. It doesn't matter that you think these may be the only teams that could use Tatum. Let me run a scenario by you:You are Team A and you play against Team B in week 13, which is the last regular season game in your league. Team B is one game behind you, and basically, you guys are battling for the last playoff spot. Team B gets a trade offer from Team C, and then asks you for advice, because he is a newbie and thinks you know your stuff. You look and see that although the trade is just slightly in Team B's favor, the RB he would be giving up has a brutal matchup in week 13, and the RB he would be getting has a great matchup. Team B doesn't realize that he will likely beat you in a few weeks if he accepts this trade, and as a newbie, has no idea that you have a stake in whether or not he accepts the trade. He only thinks you will give him advice based solely on the trade at hand, and not how it will affect his week 13 game with you. Do you tell Team B to accept the deal?OK, same scenario as above, but with a twist. Team C is the guy who you said was complaining. He is already assured of a playoff spot, and knows you and Team B are battling for the last spot. Team C offers team Team B a deal that would give him 2 RB's with great matchups in week 13, and to top it off, tells Team B that if he accepts it, he will surely beat you. And let's just say Team C fears Team B more, but dislikes you and is only making this trade to tick you off.The best advice you can give, whether it be solicited or unsolicited, is to point people to fantasy websites. Let them cruise the threads and make up their own mind. The answer to every single FF question ever asked can be found online. And I would even go so far as to say, do not suggest specific websites. Just have them "google".