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VICE- New HBO version of 60 minutes, a must watch (1 Viewer)


first episode aired this past Friday. Simply amazing stuff. The reporters they send out are actually in real danger and talking to real terrorists.

The subjects they covered were political assassinations in the Philippines and child suicide bombers.


  • - The Gun Markets of Pakistan
  • - Bulgarian Dirty Bombs
  • - The Radioactive Beasts of Chernobyl
  • - PLO Boy Scouts of Beirut
  • - Gorillas in the Midst
  • - The Slums of Rio
  • - Gypsies of Sophia
  • - Wodka Wars
  • - From Poland With Love
  • - Illegal Border Crossing Park
  • - VICE Guide to Liberia
  • - VICE Guide to North Korea
  • - North Korean Labor Camps
  • - VICE Guide to the Balkans
  • - VICE Guide to Karachi
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Wow, just got done with the first episode on demand. The piece on Kabul was eye-opening, but not completely shocking. The discussion with the townspeople, the children suicide bombers, and the Taliban commander on the writings within the Qur'an regarding murder and the dismissal of that view for the purpose of warfare was pretty profound, seeing it from so many different viewpoints. Especially when the interviewer asked the children if they had actually read the Qur'an and the "No" answers given.

I've been to Manila for work, and seen the levels of poverty there up close. Really makes you appreciate what you have. I knew there was violence there, as we were pretty thoroughly checked for bombs in the car and coming and going in public places. I had no idea about the level of violence surrounding elections, was kind of shocking.

Really interested in the North Korea piece on the next show, especially in the midst of everything going on there right now. I didn't go, but I was in South Korea for work and a few of my co-workers went to the DMZ for a day. The story that stuck out to me the most was how North Koreans would try to get close to the border to pick up South Korean cell phone signals to make calls out of the country. The North Korean government became wise to this, and captured and publicly executed offenders to warn the people of the "no no" policy on international cell phone calls.

Thanks for the recommendation on this show, really appreciate it. I get sucked in with this type of coverage.

Wow, just got done with the first episode on demand. The piece on Kabul was eye-opening, but not completely shocking. The discussion with the townspeople, the children suicide bombers, and the Taliban commander on the writings within the Qur'an regarding murder and the dismissal of that view for the purpose of warfare was pretty profound, seeing it from so many different viewpoints. Especially when the interviewer asked the children if they had actually read the Qur'an and the "No" answers given.

I've been to Manila for work, and seen the levels of poverty there up close. Really makes you appreciate what you have. I knew there was violence there, as we were pretty thoroughly checked for bombs in the car and coming and going in public places. I had no idea about the level of violence surrounding elections, was kind of shocking.

Really interested in the North Korea piece on the next show, especially in the midst of everything going on there right now. I didn't go, but I was in South Korea for work and a few of my co-workers went to the DMZ for a day. The story that stuck out to me the most was how North Koreans would try to get close to the border to pick up South Korean cell phone signals to make calls out of the country. The North Korean government became wise to this, and captured and publicly executed offenders to warn the people of the "no no" policy on international cell phone calls.

Thanks for the recommendation on this show, really appreciate it. I get sucked in with this type of coverage.
Yeah, the kids being interviewed and that one kid still trembling was simply out of this world footage.

The politician making an unannounced pit stop was funny/surreal/scary all at the same time. I am also looking forward to the Rodman/North Korea piece. This is the show 60 Minutes should have been.

love VICE. been getting the magazine mailed to me for a few years... their reporting is raw - no bs or spin.

it's great to see them get some backing by hbo. :popcorn:

Even though Bill Maher is the producer now for HBO I will still watch. That's how good Vice has been.

Even though Bill Maher is the producer now for HBO I will still watch. That's how good Vice has been.
I dont think there is any person out there, be it Tea Partier or Liberal that would not appreciate this show.

They literally had a reporter visit a child army base that was filled with lunatics who dont care about the law or about morality to achieve their goal. Killing an American is always on their minds for some reason.

Another reporter actually tried to get inside a terror cell leaders head without being too judgmental and we as viewers understood why those countries are what they are and will never change.

Much Appreciated for this info. I have watched the Liberia and Busines of War Videos on Youtube. Compeling stuff. Whoever said that this is what 60 minutes wishes they were was completely right.I was just imagining while watching the 2 episodes that if 60 minutes were doing the interviews that it would be inside of some swanky room and Lesly Stahl asking the interviewee "But how does that make you feel" .

Loved the first episode on HBO but had one complaint.30 minutes wasn't enough time.

It left me wanting more information in the 2 segments that were way too short.

episode 2 was great as well. Was a little confused, didnt they send Rodman down to North Korea? thought this was for sure the Rodman episode. Did not know Thailand was such an awesome gov't, thank god for them, cant imagine being a gov't official sending people back to North Korea to be executed.

Loved the first episode on HBO but had one complaint.30 minutes wasn't enough time.

It left me wanting more information in the 2 segments that were way too short.
I agree, don't know if its a generational thing(short attention span) or the old adage of leave'em wanting more but I agree its totally must see TV. Just incredible stuff like the Philipine gun stuff, important stories that we don't see on 60 minutes while they profile RA Dickey.

Episode 3 was incredibly interesting yet disturbing.

I think this show is really catching on... they've already expanded it from 8 editions to 10 this season.

I could see them expanding to even longer seasons or longer episodes in the future.

ETA: They've recently added a podcast to their youtube channel. The second podcast went a bit deeper into the Iraq portion of the 3rd episode found here -

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60 minutes profiling golfers and serial killers this week, while Vice is out doing some pretty compelling stuff.

The look on the ground and inside the euro unrest this week was massively unsettling as a forbear.

And the Chinese stuff is equally fascinating. I wonder how long their culture can sustain the population reduction model?

Saw the one about escaping North Korea. Totally awesome. Reporter looked scared ####less, as he should have been.

Probably deserves its own thread, but I'll start with you guys...

INCREDIBLE must watch on one of the Restrepo filmmakers who would go on to die in the Arab Spring uprising, Which Way is the Front Line from Here, about Tim Hetherington , its just amazing. If you have found Vice compelling, I think you'll feel much the same here. Different tone, but similar subject matter.

Kind of speechless after watching.

Its in the doc section on demand.

Wow, that segment on the slums of India. Living in SLOP... one working toilet for every 1,400 people.

I'll never complain about anything ever again.

These dudes are pretty bad ### BTW. Sitting down with a Taliban leader who enjoys killing a multitude of people in his spare time.

Yeah, no thanks.

Just caught up with these today.

I'm a big Economics guy so the empty cities in China really interested me. James Chanos was talking about these cities a few years ago and has been calling for a huge crash in the Chinese Real Estate market, worse then the one we went thought here.

All the stores have been great. I'm looking forward to the Rodman kim jong Ill basketball game.

Just caught up with these today.

I'm a big Economics guy so the empty cities in China really interested me. James Chanos was talking about these cities a few years ago and has been calling for a huge crash in the Chinese Real Estate market, worse then the one we went thought here.

All the stores have been great. I'm looking forward to the Rodman kim jong Ill basketball game.
Chanos is a stud. My ex used to work at his hedge fund so I met him a few times. He's made some great short calls over his years (hello Enron) so it's wise to listen when he speaks. The ghost towns in China seem to echo his investment thesis. It's more a question of how long the government will be able prop up real estate and keep the bubble in tact.

The topics on this show are awesome.The reporting is a joke. That emo kid is unbearable.
Yup. Awesome topics but the reporters are the suck. I did get a chuckle at that little dude try his hand at Senegalese wrestling. Can't wait for the North Korea episode with Rodman. That will be their crown jewel since they're the ones who organized and facilitated the trip.

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The topics on this show are awesome.The reporting is a joke. That emo kid is unbearable.
Yup. Awesome topics but the reporters are the suck. I did get a chuckle at that little dude try his hand at Senegalese wrestling. Can't wait for the North Korea episode with Rodman. That will be their crown jewel since they're the ones who organized and facilitated the trip.
What reporting are you guys comparing or holding it to that this doesn't work for you?
Just caught up with these today. I'm a big Economics guy so the empty cities in China really interested me. James Chanos was talking about these cities a few years ago and has been calling for a huge crash in the Chinese Real Estate market, worse then the one we went thought here. All the stores have been great. I'm looking forward to the Rodman kim jong Ill basketball game.
Chanos is a stud. My ex used to work at his hedge fund so I met him a few times. He's made some great short calls over his years (hello Enron) so it's wise to listen when he speaks. The ghost towns in China seem to echo his investment thesis. It's more a question of how long the government will be able prop up real estate and keep the bubble in tact.
Yeah the guy is talented no doubt and he has an excellent reputation. This past fall he went to a conference and spoke for a half hour on a few different short ideas but none of them overly exciting or specific. Then near the end of the presentation he went out and pooped all over HP, specifically the balance sheet condition. The stock was down $4 in 10 minutes. I mean that's a big move based on one guys word.
The topics on this show are awesome.The reporting is a joke. That emo kid is unbearable.
Yup. Awesome topics but the reporters are the suck. I did get a chuckle at that little dude try his hand at Senegalese wrestling. Can't wait for the North Korea episode with Rodman. That will be their crown jewel since they're the ones who organized and facilitated the trip.
I was surprised he knew how to speak Wolof.

The topics on this show are awesome.The reporting is a joke. That emo kid is unbearable.
I wouldn't say the reporting is all that bad. In fact I think he does a good job of not showing any bias that any one of us would have. Specifically the coconut milk feedings and the smoking treatments that he had to go though.That said Im not all that sure I'd enjoy having a beer with him.

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