Why would the Bills be angry about this? The prediction is for a historic storm. Even if the prediction is only half right, still a ton of snow.
I'm very intrigued to know how they'll get the equipment to Detroit. Equipment managers and truck drivers are amazing, but this is a quick turnaround with awful weather approaching. Can't imagine they would drive the more direct route through Canada, too many problems crossing the border in and out to get to Detroit. Guessing fly all the equipment there and get in on a truck in Detroit.
Why wouldn't the Bills fly home after Sunday's game? I guess it doesn't make sense if Buffalo is still a snowy mess. But otherwise they would be home by 8pm Sunday and have 2 1/2 days at home before needing to travel again.
They are staying in Detroit for the week, they play Thanksgiving there also. I was hoping they would move this to a later game, Cle-Buff is a very appealing game.
I wonder if this is their decision to move the game, or the league? It’s probably a situation where the governor closes the roads, so that is out of their control.