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Week 7 Injury Thread (1 Viewer)

Tom Collins

Post injuries here.Not sure if anybody was hurt in the KC v. Miami game... Don't feel like looking through 17 pages to find out either. :P

Booker - xrays negative, ankle sprainJones - will have an MRI on the pec, probably out for the year if its torn - he said it was "bad"

david carr just got BLASTED!!!EDIT: a little slow to get up, but walked off to the sidelines. he's coming back in. why the hell is he wearing his wedding band out there?

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Should I just post my team and save you all the trouble of guessing who will get hurt each week? :cry: (Bulger, Deuce, J Jones, now Fergie)

NFL Today flashed that Kevin Jones "Left Game." Had the volume off tho, so no further info, and they haven't said anything on the radio broadcast.

NFL Today flashed that Kevin Jones "Left Game." Had the volume off tho, so no further info, and they haven't said anything on the radio broadcast.
I've been watching the lions game off and on. If Jones left, he's back in. He just carried for three yards.
Dre Bly down.Left leg. "Limped" to the sideline after a minute or so on the deck.

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