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What If... (1 Viewer)


What If..Jason WHite went pro as a junior. Would he have gottent he 6 year 54 million doller contract Alex Smith got. Would Alex Smith then have been drafted by the Packers?What if Portland Drafted Mike Jordan. Would They have been the champion. What If Tommy Frazier went pro would he be as dominate as a option Qb?

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What If..

Jason WHite went pro as a junior. Would he have gottent he 6 year 54 million doller contract Alex Smith got. Would Alex Smith then have been drafted by the Packers?

What if Portland Drafted Mike Jordan. Would They have been the champion.

What If Tommy Frazier went pro would he be as dominate as a option Qb?
Jason White was never considered a great pro prospect because of his lack of arm strength and injury history. Not all good college QBs are good NFL prospects.Welcome to FBG


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