BNL Fan #24
If you were going to pay out 4 spots, which would you choose?We are trying to re work our payout structure for our 12 team dynasty league. All 12 teams make the post season in some for with the top four being in the Super Bowl (roughly a $1400 prize pool) the next four being in the Toilet Bowl ($100 prize pool) and the bottom four being in the Sewer Bowl ($50 prize pool). We pay out all teams to keep incentive up to keep making transactions and keep owners attention until the end. It has worked out pretty well as some owners who would never make a transaction towards the end because they are out of contention to still doing it (and paying transaction fees) to try to keep competitive. Currently we use A for our pay structure but the difference between 1st and 2nd is a big spread. I am curious what other 12 teams leagues use if you pay out to 4 spots. Any thoughts? (cash figures based on a $1000 prize pool)A. 60%, 25%, 10%, 5% $600, $250, $100, $50B. 50%, 25%, 15%, 10% $500, $250, $150, $100C. 50%, 30%, 15%, 5% $500, $300, $150, $50D. 45%, 25%, 20%, 10% $450, $250, $200, $100E. 45%, 30%, 15%, 10% $450, $300, $150, $100F. 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% $400, $300, $200, $100
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