What's Normal? on TikTok
Do you typically host Thanksgiving? #WhatsNormal #Normal #Thanksgiving #Host
Been married 24 years. 18 of those years thanksgiving has been at the in laws. Wife’s sister and brother and their families are 10-20 minutes from their parents so it’s fairly easy. I’d rather drive 2 hours each way than host anyway.
It is traditionally "my holiday." I most often host. This year, due to my father's health (and parents driving after dark), my parents will be hosting. I am not too happy about it because i work on friday. but.... am thankful that we did not lose my father this year after a stroke and heart surgery.
Oh my, my nightmare is being served bloody turkey. The thought of no football on Thanksgiving never crossed my mind. You win!My nightmare scenario played out 25 years ago when I went to my aunts. She wouldn't let us turn on football.
We did the same about 10 years ago. The trigger wasn't a dry turkey - it was the size of the turkey. My MIL would buy like a 10 pound turkey. No leftovers.It was a fight, but we finally wrestled it away from my in-laws about three years ago. And now we get to have turkey that isn't bone dry. Usually 8-10, so pretty easy.
We did the same about 10 years ago. The trigger wasn't a dry turkey - it was the size of the turkey. My MIL would buy like a 10 pound turkey. No leftovers.It was a fight, but we finally wrestled it away from my in-laws about three years ago. And now we get to have turkey that isn't bone dry. Usually 8-10, so pretty easy.
I finally stopped that nonsense.
Brutal story, but sounds like you in a good spot.Of course, I am now the pariah of the family, but darn it, I will enjoy my meal with my wife and two adult daughters
I hate to sound selfish because one day I will miss it, but man, do I hate Thanksgiving.
I am the youngest of five. For years my wife and I would do the 30 minute drive to my sister's place with our two daughters and there would be 25-30 people there. Then we would have to watch the clock because my MIL would begin calling us wondering where we were for their party (which they conveniently kept moving up 15-30 minutes each year). So we pack the kids back up, drive 45 minutes to go eat another big meal there some three hours later. It was just hell and you just hated to eat.
Years later, we took the hosting duties over from my MIL and that gave us the power to control the time, but it still sucked because it was eat a big meal here, go home and now cook a big meal and then pretend to enjoy it.
I was fine when Covid hit because it was just my family eating a meal at our pace and for once enjoying the food.
Enter this year, my sister wants to "revive" the family tradition of the meal. However now, my brother isn't invited because of a falling out over politics with her and my sister lives out of state, so it won't be us all there anyway. I took a stand and said no, we are good. Of course, I am now the pariah of the family, but darn it, I will enjoy my meal with my wife and two adult daughters.
We host.
Love it. My favorite holiday. All the good parts of family without the pressure stuff that goes with presents.
We usually have an extra person or two beyond family. People that would not normally have a place to be with people on Thansgiving. This year, it's an older person that's a friend of my dad's. Lost his spouse and had lost a son not too long ago. Nobody should have to be alone for Thanksgiving.
We usually have an extra person or two beyond family. People that would not normally have a place to be with people on Thansgiving. This year, it's an older person that's a friend of my dad's. Lost his spouse and had lost a son not too long ago. Nobody should have to be alone for Thanksgiving.
That is awesome. We will occasionally have a college student or few (my wife works at a university) if they can't go home. I don't think we have any coming this year but I will find out Friday when the wife tells It is never a problem because we always make plenty of food and send the leftovers home with our children.We usually have an extra person or two beyond family. People that would not normally have a place to be with people on Thansgiving. This year, it's an older person that's a friend of my dad's. Lost his spouse and had lost a son not too long ago. Nobody should have to be alone for Thanksgiving.
Congrats on that victory! I was a prisoner to my inlaws for all holidays for about 15 years I've gained complete control the last few years and it is glorious.It was a fight, but we finally wrestled it away from my in-laws about three years ago. And now we get to have turkey that isn't bone dry. Usually 8-10, so pretty easy.
We did the same about 10 years ago. The trigger wasn't a dry turkey - it was the size of the turkey. My MIL would buy like a 10 pound turkey. No leftovers.It was a fight, but we finally wrestled it away from my in-laws about three years ago. And now we get to have turkey that isn't bone dry. Usually 8-10, so pretty easy.
I finally stopped that nonsense.