We never go out now that we’re old but it used to be one of my favorite nights of the year.
NYE was fantastic when I was a kid. Probably half the houses in a several-block radius had house parties. Usually low-key events ... easy-prep food, booze for adults, sodas for kids, all kinds of fireworks. Several neighborhood/school friends were either on the same block or in quick walking distance, so we could all make the rounds to each others' cribs. When we were young enough, it was a good time to show off new Christmas toys. Later, it was being "grown" enough to shoot off bottle rockets! That phase lasted through early high school.
Later, it was fun to go to out-of-the-neighborhood friends' houses who had more going on than what was happening on my block. Parents out of the house, cases of beer, loads of unsupervised fireworks, etc.
A little after that, throughout college and the early-20s years after, it was time to start hitting bars. Early-evening NYE was spent visiting old high school friends, which led to getting a group up to go to the French Quarter. Packed as usual. Rang in a few midnights down there.
When that got old, started visiting my parents in my old neighborhood. The NYE house party scene had gotten a lot thinner as people aged out or moved away, but it was still fun to reminisce with who was remaining (e.g. parents' friends, old school friends' families, etc.).
People started pairing off, getting married, even a few having kids. Some of our good friends in our late 20s -- "our" meaning my wife and I throughout the boyfriend-girlfriend years through early marriage -- had a well-attended NYE house party of their own, despite the fact that they had toddler kids at the time. That was the last time we really left our home regularly for New Year's Eve. Even the last year or two as a childless married couple ... we got a bottle of champagne and stayed in. The next NYE after that my wife was pregnant with our daughter -- no going out to drink that NYE! And since then, we've settled in. We've had a couple of NYE's since then at either my in-laws' house or my sister's, and one at a family friend's house. But even that level of NYE event has gone by the wayside for us. We just stay in with some bubbly, both taking nighttime naps but making sure to be awake for midnight.
Last year, for the first time, both our kids were out of the house for New Years Eve. They both had parties to attend. Same deal this year. The torch has been passed.