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Who wins in a street brawl (1 Viewer)


No refs. No rules. The is a free for all.

I'm talking heavyweight class. Over here you got a 240lb Olympic quality wrestler, right here you got a 240lb professional MMA fighter and over there we got a 240lb professional boxer. 

They get to fight each other but only one on one.

Which one walks away the winner?

The wrestler is not taught how to strike.  The boxer will be lost if taken off their feet.

MMA guy easily.

Really depends.  Not all MMA guys are good on the ground.  Without knowing anything about the guys I'm going with the strongest ground game so I'm taking the wrestler.  

Are they all the same height?

I mean....one could be 7 foot 8....or even 4 foot 8....and still weigh 240 lbs.

I clicked hoping this would be a revisit/twist of the "Who would win a Presidential knife fight?" thread. :kicksrock:

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No refs. No rules. The is a free for all.

I'm talking heavyweight class. Over here you got a 240lb Olympic quality wrestler, right here you got a 240lb professional MMA fighter and over there we got a 240lb professional boxer. 

They get to fight each other but only one on one.

Which one walks away the winner?
What's the goal? KO? Submission? Pin? 

Really depends.  Not all MMA guys are good on the ground.  Without knowing anything about the guys I'm going with the strongest ground game so I'm taking the wrestler.  

Making the assumption of similar skill levels here, I gotta disagree. 

Aren't wrestling and boxing essentially just a subset of MMA from a skills standpoint?

I know very little about the 3 disciplines but it seems to me the answer would be MMA.

Aren't wrestling and boxing essentially just a subset of MMA from a skills standpoint?

I know very little about the 3 disciplines but it seems to me the answer would be MMA.

there's a reason boxers got puffy gloves.

i'm not as insistent as i used to be cuz i aint been in a fight in 10 yrs & the martials are evolving mightily, but i was still handling amateur MMA types in my 50s, whereas, from 20s to forever, i'd kneel and weep moicy to someone in the discipline (and i was in it briefly as a kid). boxers dont get enough credit for dodging shots, on top of the dramatically quick harm they can do. cant nobody punch when they're prone, trudat, but...

Really depends.  Not all MMA guys are good on the ground.  Without knowing anything about the guys I'm going with the strongest ground game so I'm taking the wrestler.  

Street fight is KO / Tap Out / Death .
I’m guessing wrestlers aren’t necessarily trained in submissions, so I’d stick with the MMA fighter if it takes a KO or tap out to win. 

Would vote MMA.

The only frame of reference I have for the other 2 is my buddy's brother.  2x State wrestling champ and 2 year starting DII linebacker, tough as nails.  Got in a fight with a Golden Gloves level boxer and did not do well.  Happened when he was in college so was very much in shape.  Readily admitted he got his ### kicked.  Said he tried to get him down, but couldn't get close enough.  :shrug:  

MMA - the other two are not prepared to be taken down or strike; the MMA dude has both
isn't that what wrestlers do?   Besides, wrestlers know how to punch, just not as well as a boxer or mma guy, but they can still punch.

I'm really torn on my own question.   I've known a lot of wrestlers, you really don't want to mess with them.   I don't know the mma crowd, but i'm assuming they are just as dangerous if not even moreso than a wrestler.   i've known lots of boxers.   People don't realize how quick boxers are and how good they are at avoiding being hit.   However, i assume that the MMA guy and the wrestler guy will eventually get into the body of the boxer, get them on the ground and then its over for them.   that leaves me with mma guy and wrestler guy, and for the life of me, can't decide

It's MMA by a long mile.

Matched up against boxer, the MMA guy kills him by legs kick or ground attacks.

If matched up with wrestler, the MMA guy will kill him by leg kicks and striking.  And even if it goes to the ground, an non MMA trained wrestler is going to feel like a fish out of water once he goes on his back and has to deal with submissions.

Isn't MMA in its current form basically what came out of the attempts to answer this exact question?  Where the strikers all realized they had to be able to go to ground too to compete with the jiu-jitsu guys and the wrestlers had to learn to strike?

I mean that's what MMA is, right?

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in college, me(multi sport, decent athlete) and another guy(same, but add tkd black belt) took on the state champ, at 150 lbs,  wrestler.  at the same time.  he kicked our asses.  easily.  it was all in good fun, but we got desperate, as he whipped on us, and it got more serious.  he still kicked our asses.  it was humbling.


in college, me(multi sport, decent athlete) and another guy(same, but add tkd black belt) took on the state champ, at 150 lbs,  wrestler.  at the same time.  he kicked our asses.  easily.  it was all in good fun, but we got desperate, as he whipped on us, and it got more serious.  he still kicked our asses.  it was humbling.
3rd degree black belt in TKD here... ain't even close to an MMA fighter..  apples & oranges

Really depends.  Not all MMA guys are good on the ground.  Without knowing anything about the guys I'm going with the strongest ground game so I'm taking the wrestler.  
 disagree a bit in that most MMA guys have at least basics in ju jitsu. Wrestling allows some control on the ground, but if the wrestler does not have any experience in ju jitsu they will be subbed quickly

I guess my question was more because of my ignorance to real wrestling (not wrasslin' lol), because I've only ever watched a couple of matches in the Olympics. Aren't they just trying to score points/get pins?  So I was asking because how is that wrestler going to finish the fight? Are they allowed to do choke holds? Because even if so, I'd guess a proficient MMA grappler can defend/reverse that. 

I'm going with MMA, assuming it's a well-rounded fighter (grappling and striking skills).

Boxer gets leg broken in submission hold. Olympic wrestler has a punchers chance. MMA guy heavy betting favorite.

Now 5 miniature pro boxers might have a chance.

modogg said:
 disagree a bit in that most MMA guys have at least basics in ju jitsu. Wrestling allows some control on the ground, but if the wrestler does not have any experience in ju jitsu they will be subbed quickly
Agreed but there are a bunch of MMA guys that have terrible ground game.  Many are glorified kick boxers.  But if it’s a MMA got with a decent amount of ju jitsu yeah I’m taking the MMA guy.

An MMA fighter is taught how to kill you in 25 seconds.  Literally kill you.    The boxer has no chance.  None.  I'd give a well trained wrestler a bit of a shot if they can get them to ground quick, but I don't think this is even close.  Heck, I've stood in the ring with an intermediate boxer for 1 round and came out standing, and I'm a ####.  I wouldn't even be willing to get in the ring with an MMA fighter for 1 second.

First thing he said is no rules.

Only one athlete is training for no rules. 

I don't follow MMA, but have you SEEN these YouTube videos where an expert in some other discipline fights these MMA guys? 

Looks like a hawk vs a rabbit. 

Boxer and its not even close

Assuming you were not joking, the boxer has by far the least skills of the 3. 

There is nothing the boxer can do when either the mma guy or the wrestler goes for a two legged take down.  The boxer has absolutely no inherent defenses against any skill that does not involve standing and punching.

First thing he said is no rules.

Only one athlete is training for no rules. 

I don't follow MMA, but have you SEEN these YouTube videos where an expert in some other discipline fights these MMA guys? 

Looks like a hawk vs a rabbit. 

just to make sure you have the right logic here, you mean rabbit vs hawk, right?   Where the MMA guy is the hawk.

An MMA fighter is taught how to kill you in 25 seconds.  Literally kill you.    The boxer has no chance.  None. 

Ironically, the boxer would not even have a punchers chance, which is their main skill, because the MMA guy is going to take them down in 3 seconds and then the boxer is all but dead once on the ground.

The wrestler's skill sets better lends him to having some shot at the MMA guy which is why you see far more wrestlers train and be successful at MMA than boxers making the conversion.

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Yep. Usually the rabbit barely has time to process what's going down, and they're on their back. 

the underlined is the key.  The only discipline that is comfortable on its back is jiu-jitsu (and more specifically Brazilian jiu-jitsu) which is why all MMA fighters have to train hard in this skill set.


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