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Whole Foods STRIKE: No justice, no peas (or gravy, or turkey...) (1 Viewer)

Looks like they won. Nothing but emergency services should be open Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. If you forgot the diapers well you'll remember next year I bet.

NCCommish said:
Looks like they won. Nothing but emergency services should be open Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. If you forgot the diapers well you'll remember next year I bet.
We'll see if you feel that way if you run out of beer or your wife needs something.

Most people I know in retail love working Thanksgiving. Usually they get an day day, a free meal, and 2x or 2.5x pay.

Wife is convinced to buy $5.99/lb. turkey from Whole Foods this year.

I will see your Whole Foods turkey and raise you that my wife bought it as the TEST turkey, for a group of friends last night.

The 'real' bird she ordered online from god knows what organic fair trade $15 min. wage (for the turkeys) farm.


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Looks like they won. Nothing but emergency services should be open Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. If you forgot the diapers well you'll remember next year I bet.
Agreed. Hopefully more workers stand up against Thanksgiving retail hours. More importantly, hopefully consumers limit their purchases on that day and lower the incentives businesses currently have for opening.

Looks like they won. Nothing but emergency services should be open Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. If you forgot the diapers well you'll remember next year I bet.
Agreed. Hopefully more workers stand up against Thanksgiving retail hours. More importantly, hopefully consumers limit their purchases on that day and lower the incentives businesses currently have for opening.
If the juice is worth more than the squeeze, I'll be buying.

Everyone always gets up in arms about retail workers who have to work Thanksgiving. What about all the nurses, toll booth workers, and radio DJs who have to work every damn holiday. It's ok for them to have to work but because some minimum wage jerkoff working at Best Buy has to miss Thanksgiving it's some huge travesty?

Whole Foods - the grocery store for the 1%.

“We’re coming to confront the disconnect between the accessibility and the affordability in healthy food,” declared Walter Robb, the co-CEO of Whole Foods, in an early 2012 address to Detroit business leaders. There would be lower prices, too, to make the store accessible to “all of Detroit.” Robb’s nod to the growing dietary gapbetween rich and poor was surprising for a man leading a company known for appealing to white, monied foodies. That April, he went even further. Addressing corporate leaders at the Milken Institute Global Conference, Robb said that at the Detroit store “we’re going after elitism. We’re going after racism.” And real success, Robb told me later, would include seeing that “health outcomes are being improved” in Detroit.

I hope it succeeds, GB. I like this idea as it can make healthy food affordable. The farmers markets in Pittsburgh have an exchange whereby food stamp are traded for vouchers to buy the fresh food they have to sell.


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