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Why are airports the only place where it is socially acceptable to pound drinks in the early AM? (1 Viewer)


I had an early morning flight home today and settled up to a bar at the Charlotte airport for some breakfast and people were bellied up at the bar pounding drinks. Nobody bats an eye at this yet in almost any other environment people would skoff at someone drinking at 7am. 

You don’t know what timezone the person is from or where they are going.  

Airports aren’t fun.  What else is there to do while you’re there?

When I used to live in Hoboken and walk to the PATH trains to commute into NYC there was this one bar that was always quite full at 7:00 am with people knocking them back - most of the patrons were workers coming off of the night-shifts at the train stations and dockworkers so for them it was their "happy hour" before heading home to sleep.

Pulled an all nighter in college. went to the local bar for breakfast and the place was full of retired loggers and millworkers pounding whiskey and playing pool. At 7am like on Thursday

I grew up in a small waterfront town with dozens upon dozens of charter boats calling it home. Some of the marinas had bars/restaurants. You better believe those joints were slinging booze at 6 a.m. - either for the early customers who were still hanging around because of weather, or the afternoon crowd who came in early to prime the pumps. You also had locals either just getting their day started the right way or the leftovers still going from the night before.

I fit into every category I just described above at one point or another.

If the OP is suggesting that there should be more places to drink in the morning without shame, then I'm all for it.  

Pulled an all nighter in college. went to the local bar for breakfast and the place was full of retired loggers and millworkers pounding whiskey and playing pool. At 7am like on Thursday
I worked at a bar in tiny Benicia, CA where there would be guys getting off their night shift at the docks around 6am that would come in and start drinking, playing pool/darts and would be there until noon or so.

When I was in my early 20s there was a bar locally that had a basketball hoop.  We would go there after our graveyard shift ended at 8am and get all liquored up and play basketball.  What could go wrong?

Something slightly surreal about getting out of a bar and instead of stumbling out into the darkness facing the blazing sun. ?

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Something slightly surreal about getting out of a bar and instead of stumbling out into the darkness facing the blazing sun. ?
Alaska in the summer.  Roll in after work at the salmon cannery at 11:00 PM as the sun was setting, roll back out at 3:00 AM with the sun coming back up.

There are many more reasons to morning-drink in an airport than there are reasons not to.

My stepfather worked night shift for a couple years. I'd get up school  at 6am and he and a few coworkers  would be in the living room  pounding  Iron City and watching the Three Stooges. 

My stepfather worked night shift for a couple years. I'd get up school  at 6am and he and a few coworkers  would be in the living room  pounding  Iron City and watching the Three Stooges. 
I western PA I worked in a steel mill for a summer during college.  It ran 3 shifts.  I had to there for 1st shift at 6am.  The bar across from the mill opened at 5:30 just to serve people coming off the night shift.

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I’m a big advocate for taking a run as a great way to visit a city and also drinking in the morning. Good move is to have a few breakfast drinks, nap and then run after you wake up. You feel healthy, get to see a bit of the city and it sets up for an easy redrunk.

I western PA I worked in a steel mill for a summer during college.  It ran 3 shifts.  I had to there for 1st shift at 6am.  The bar across from the mill opened at 5:30 just to serve people coming off the night shift.
So you're saying you never made it to work?

Guessing you've never lived in Wisconsin...

A year after I moved here from Minnesota I was pulled over for expired tabs around 8am..
I was chewing Wrigley's spearmint gum and for some reason the cop thought he smelt alcohol and asked "Have you been drinking?"
I said "At 8am???"

Cop " :shrug: it's Wisconsin" 


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Sitting in PVD now, only thing open is Starbucks and Dunkies.
yeah, PVD doesn't provide any options for early morning drinking. probably the biggest drawback to what is otherwise a great airport to fly out of in terms of. down Charlotte had multiple bars open early.

yeah, PVD doesn't provide any options for early morning drinking. probably the biggest drawback to what is otherwise a great airport to fly out of in terms of. down Charlotte had multiple bars open early.
Always one of my favorites (I moved to Barrington a month ago) so now I'll be here weekly. Always easy security. I always end up having to park on the roof if garage B tho for some reason. 

Always one of my favorites (I moved to Barrington a month ago) so now I'll be here weekly. Always easy security. I always end up having to park on the roof if garage B tho for some reason. 
You should join the preferred parking program they have, discounts on each garage and you get a key pass for easy in and out.


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