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Why are President Trump's Tax Returns Important? (1 Viewer)


Again, failing to see the end game with this one.  I understand some folks campaigned with this as part of their promises.  But what's the end game?  

Is the belief there will be something impeachable in them?

Is it just more fuel on the fire to try and convince america he isn't a good person?  

Do democrats believe they will change the minds of republicans?

What is the goal?

To me they’re only important because he refuses to show them- first President in almost 50 years to refuse. That makes me curious. 

I doubt it will reveal anything that incriminating- but still I am curious.

That being said, I wish the Democrats would focus on more important issues- the ones people voted for them wanted: healthcare, infrastructure. 

It is the $120K he deducted from his taxes for "Russia Election Tampering" which might raise some flags.  

To me they’re only important because he refuses to show them- first President in almost 50 years to refuse. That makes me curious. 

I doubt it will reveal anything that incriminating- but still I am curious.

That being said, I wish the Democrats would focus on more important issues- the ones people voted for them wanted: healthcare, infrastructure. 
See I think they will show some shady business....Criminal? Maybe not.    

And I am with you on your last sentence.  Including getting their ducks in a row on a legit challenger to Mr Trump in 2020.  Whomever it's gonna be, make it happen

He said he would "of course release them" if he got the nomination so I expected to see them. Probably just has embarrassing stuff in them which I'm all for (he's worth a fraction of what he says, his "charity" work is a big scam, etc).

Not expecting a big deal, but as others have said, tradition for the past 50 years and also how his legislation has affected his own return

I believe we'll find out he's not nearly as rich as he claims he is. Not even close. Which is embarrassing to him because that's all he cares about.

I believe we'll find out he's not nearly as rich as he claims he is. Not even close. Which is embarrassing to him because that's all he cares about.
When Maddow tried to pull off her stunt that she had his tax return from 2005, it showed he made $150,000,000 in income.

Well, he specifically said it wouldn't so that would be proof of another lie.
Proving Trump lied is easy.  You can do that almost everyday.   So I don't see the return on effort here.

But.....if your goal is to find another lie, then so be it.  We will add other to the pile

Proving Trump lied is easy.  You can do that almost everyday.   So I don't see the return on effort here.

But.....if your goal is to find another lie, then so be it.  We will add other to the pile
I believe in personal accountability. That used to be big among republicans. These days, apparently not so much

For those that this doesn’t matter:

Do you believe this “I’m under audit” line?
I doubt the tax returns will show if they were audited or not, and certainly not whether that took place at the time alleged. 

(And no, never believed that for a second)

He promised to do it.  
I just feel we have to take this further than that.

Ok he promised...so?  He lied.  Again.  Now what?   to me this is again, wasted energy by the democrats. There are only so many hours in a day, days in a week to get things done.  And for me, congress is there to accomplish things.  Not to waste time.

I can't for the life of me understand what the goal of all this is.  I mean at least the Russian collusion question could lead to obstruction charges or something else.   The tax thing, I believe, will lead to absolutely nothing.

So we waste hours, days etc...to prove Trump lied.    Shocker.

I think America has a right to know if this guy is acting in his own interest primarily, or in the interest of the country he purportedly leads.

With that said, I think we all know the answer is that he is first and foremost acting in his own interest. I don’t feel this is nearly as important as many other ways to fight him.

To me they’re only important because he refuses to show them- first President in almost 50 years to refuse. That makes me curious. 

I doubt it will reveal anything that incriminating- but still I am curious.

That being said, I wish the Democrats would focus on more important issues- the ones people voted for them wanted: healthcare, infrastructure. 
Becasue he's been money laundering since the late 80's and there will be useful bread crumbs in there. 

I just feel we have to take this further than that.

Ok he promised...so?  He lied.  Again.  Now what?   to me this is again, wasted energy by the democrats. There are only so many hours in a day, days in a week to get things done.  And for me, congress is there to accomplish things.  Not to waste time.

I can't for the life of me understand what the goal of all this is.  I mean at least the Russian collusion question could lead to obstruction charges or something else.   The tax thing, I believe, will lead to absolutely nothing.

So we waste hours, days etc...to prove Trump lied.    Shocker.
It's building a case to the American Public that they guy isn't trustworthy..  It's also something that I don't believe he can win on; that he's painted himself into a corner on......if releasing his taxes were politically advantageous to him, he would have done so.....refusing to do so lets his opponents set the narrative as to WHY he doesn't want to release his taxes, with no real rebuttal for him.

As far as getting things done.....there's a bit of an impasse in D.C. right now; what with the split Congress.

I just feel we have to take this further than that.

Ok he promised...so?  He lied.  Again.  Now what?   to me this is again, wasted energy by the democrats. There are only so many hours in a day, days in a week to get things done.  And for me, congress is there to accomplish things.  Not to waste time.

I can't for the life of me understand what the goal of all this is.  I mean at least the Russian collusion question could lead to obstruction charges or something else.   The tax thing, I believe, will lead to absolutely nothing.

So we waste hours, days etc...to prove Trump lied.    Shocker.
You couple this with he said he would release them, he keeps saying well they are under audit which is kind of absurd, this has been something everyone else has done, why wouldn’t you think he should release them? 

Perhaps there is more to this than he simply lied. 

Whatever committee would be responsible to look at them has bandwidth to do this.

The media will of course go overboard on this because it is a good headline but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be looked into. 

You couple this with he said he would release them, he keeps saying well they are under audit which is kind of absurd, this has been something everyone else has done, why wouldn’t you think he should release them? 

Perhaps there is more to this than he simply lied. 

Whatever committee would be responsible to look at them has bandwidth to do this.

The media will of course go overboard on this because it is a good headline but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be looked into. 
Again...Ok.  Every single thing you said turns out to be true.  Every word

He lied about releasing them.

He lied they are under audit

He lied they couldn't be released while under audit(already proven to be untrue)

There is more to his tax returns.   What I don't know but come up with the WORST possible scenario.

And then?     

I mean as the General said, if this is just to find another reason to call him a liar, and somehow change the minds of the voters, I guess I can see it.  I think it can backfire on them because frankly the democratic party is in such shambles right now they cant do much of anything right.

Impeachment?  Nope.   That simply isn't going to happen PLUS the whole thing would probably take more time than the 2020 election.

I think it paints the democrats in a bad light, again.  They are mad at the bully and are tying to flex their muscles and looking silly and petty and foolish doing it.  

Stomping their feet   "YOU PROMISED-- YOU LIED!!!"

To me, it's all about knowing where his money is coming from and what conflicts of interest he might have.   Is he doing business in foreign countries that might affect his foreign policy decisions?   Does the tax legislation benefit him personally?  What other conflicts of interest does he have that we don't know about?   These are things the American people should know about.  This is the reason every President for the last 50 years has released them.

The more he draws a line in the sand on this, not even allowing the Ways and Means committee to see them, the more likely it is that he's hiding something big.

Again...Ok.  Every single thing you said turns out to be true.  Every word

He lied about releasing them.

He lied they are under audit

He lied they couldn't be released while under audit(already proven to be untrue)

There is more to his tax returns.   What I don't know but come up with the WORST possible scenario.

And then?     

I mean as the General said, if this is just to find another reason to call him a liar, and somehow change the minds of the voters, I guess I can see it.  I think it can backfire on them because frankly the democratic party is in such shambles right now they cant do much of anything right.

Impeachment?  Nope.   That simply isn't going to happen PLUS the whole thing would probably take more time than the 2020 election.

I think it paints the democrats in a bad light, again.  They are mad at the bully and are tying to flex their muscles and looking silly and petty and foolish doing it.  

Stomping their feet   "YOU PROMISED-- YOU LIED!!!"
It’s beside the point that you believe the Dems are in shambles, I disagree they cleaned up in the midterms 

I think you are falling into the media trap. You don’t like seeing this headline over and over again.

That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be looked into if only because he keeps lying about it. 

As mentioned above everyone should know if the guy is a crook.

Similar to the lying about paying off Stormy. You don’t think that would have influenced some voters? 

Obviously it's an opportunity to discover and expose things.  The importance is both moral/ethical (we want to catch people doing bad things) and political (it might damage Republicans in the next election).

It’s beside the point that you believe the Dems are in shambles, I disagree they cleaned up in the midterms 

I think you are falling into the media trap. You don’t like seeing this headline over and over again.

That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be looked into if only because he keeps lying about it. 

As mentioned above everyone should know if the guy is a crook.

Similar to the lying about paying off Stormy. You don’t think that would have influenced some voters? 
Ok before we go any further. Please stop telling me what I like or don't like.  Thank you.

Now to your Stormy question.  Maybe a few might be influenced, but not many.  Trump was already shown to be a complete pig before the election, and got elected anyway.  So no. I don't think it would move the goal posts much.

Really? The President should not personally gain from legislation he signed. That is called conflict of interest
And then what?  

Please...guys..... I get all the reasons why this might make Trump look bad.  I understand everyone.  Look beyond your faces...What will that lead to?  What happens next?   

Obviously it's an opportunity to discover and expose things.  The importance is both moral/ethical (we want to catch people doing bad things) and political (it might damage Republicans in the next election).
I gotta think this is the crux..and I wonder if the amount of energy being put into this will get the results?   Aren't there other ways to damage him and not use the time?  

Hey I understand I don't get to choose.  They are the folks running things.....But again, I think it makes the democrats look like babies.  It's a battle brewing.

As an independent voter what annoys you more?   Trumps activities or the Democrats acting like someone took their ball away?

Conflict of interest is not enough for you?
ENOUGH FOR WHAT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Trump is likely hiding something but I don't think there is any way the Democrats can force him to release them.  If that is the case then I am not sure what the Democrats gain by demanding their release.  Just move on and focus on the issues ...

Again, failing to see the end game with this one.  I understand some folks campaigned with this as part of their promises.  But what's the end game?  

Is the belief there will be something impeachable in them?

Is it just more fuel on the fire to try and convince america he isn't a good person?  

Do democrats believe they will change the minds of republicans?

What is the goal?
There's no goal. They just want to show that he isn't the billionaire he portrays himself to be.  The only thing he is hiding is that.

They do, of course, 'hope' there is something in it.

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Again, failing to see the end game with this one.  I understand some folks campaigned with this as part of their promises.  But what's the end game?  

Is the belief there will be something impeachable in them?

Is it just more fuel on the fire to try and convince america he isn't a good person?  

Do democrats believe they will change the minds of republicans?

What is the goal?
I think it is important for the government to be transparent and to show "separation of powers" in action.

The IRS is an independent entity, not a branch of the White House.

Congress previously investigated the IRS for targeting conservative nonprofits. Congress should do the same to ensure that they are not targeting (or playing favorites to) the White House.

I think it will show enough to add to the arsenal that he is not a good man and he is only looking out for himself (not that that isn't already apparent)

And then what?  

Please...guys..... I get all the reasons why this might make Trump look bad.  I understand everyone.  Look beyond your faces...What will that lead to?  What happens next?   
 I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

Trump is likely hiding something but I don't think there is any way the Democrats can force him to release them.  If that is the case then I am not sure what the Democrats gain by demanding their release.  Just move on and focus on the issues ...
Actually there are laws on the books that make it clear Congress can obtain his returns, your returns, my returns anybody's returns.

And this idea that somehow if you have a hearing nothing else gets done is ludicrous. For instance on Tuesday the House passed a bill designed to restore Net Neutrality. 190 Republicans voted against it and it won't pass the Senate but they did it. And they held hearings.

I gotta think this is the crux..and I wonder if the amount of energy being put into this will get the results?   Aren't there other ways to damage him and not use the time?  

Hey I understand I don't get to choose.  They are the folks running things.....But again, I think it makes the democrats look like babies.  It's a battle brewing.

As an independent voter what annoys you more?   Trumps activities or the Democrats acting like someone took their ball away?
You think it unreasonable that Democrats respond when trump breaks laws, customs, and obfuscates? Victim blame much?

Actually there are laws on the books that make it clear Congress can obtain his returns, your returns, my returns anybody's returns.

And this idea that somehow if you have a hearing nothing else gets done is ludicrous. For instance on Tuesday the House passed a bill designed to restore Net Neutrality. 190 Republicans voted against it and it won't pass the Senate but they did it. And they held hearings.
Well I'm not sure who said nothing else gets done..I agree, what would be ludicrous.

Ok before we go any further. Please stop telling me what I like or don't like.  Thank you.

Now to your Stormy question.  Maybe a few might be influenced, but not many.  Trump was already shown to be a complete pig before the election, and got elected anyway.  So no. I don't think it would move the goal posts much.
You seem to be fine making your generalizations about what may or may not influence voters. Isn't that your whole point of this thread?

It wouldn't have taken many voters to be influenced and he doesn't win. He won 3 states by what 75k votes.


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