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Why are President Trump's Tax Returns Important? (1 Viewer)

Yes but when someone says something like

76% of people want 'this'  I reject that because I don't know who was asked and what questions were asked.

But your point is valid.  I'm sure 95% of people do want climate change to end.
If 76% of people want "this" and you reject it, it's because you are using your imagination to make "this" into something the poll didn't ask.

Trumps approval rating as of 4/10 is 51%.   

You guys agree with this then?   

Polls apparently are accurate.  Never a doubt!!

Trumps approval rating as of 4/10 is 51%.   

You guys agree with this then?   

Polls apparently are accurate.  Never a doubt!!
If you look at multiple polls that question a variety of different people then average those numbers together you can give yourself a good idea of how the general public feels.  Polls are to be used as guidelines, not concrete evidence.  Polls are actually very important for a variety of things, especially marketing.

Because generally speaking unless I can know exactly the questions asked, and the people who were asked, I thin polls are complete BS.

For instance.  

If you poll 100 people and ask them if they want to stop climate change.   95 or more would probably say yes.

If you ask them if they want to stop climate change and to do that, they need to write a check for $1000 a month, that number will drop significantly.

And usually it gets reported out as  "95% of people want to stop climate change"

Polls are completely useless in my opinion.

You should change your opinion to "people who interpret polls incorrectly are useless."

Trumps approval rating as of 4/10 is 51%.   

You guys agree with this then?   

Polls apparently are accurate.  Never a doubt!!
It's accurate for the population they are sampling, which is not a true random sampling of the general population.  If I polled 1000 people at Trump rallies across the nation whether they approved or disapproved of Trump I'm fairly certain the results would be skewed from the overall population, but very accurate given the population I'm sampling.

Here's a novel idea.  Don't assume anything about my thoughts...OK?  Capable of that?

I know the point...And polls are worthless
Gee are you the only one allowed to make assumptions? I had no idea,  why don't I get these memo's? I mean you assume poll answers. You assume other people's emotional state. You assume a lot. Be the change you want to see. 

Here's a novel idea.  Don't assume anything about my thoughts...OK?  Capable of that?

I know the point...And polls are worthless
Since you have started posting in this forum, you are by far the most defensive person here. In every thread you participate in, you seem to get very angry about people questioning your motives.

It's too bad. You seem like a thoughtful guy and I think you make good points at times. But fierce discussion and argument is what this place is about. No one to the best of my knowledge has insulted you personally. If you can't handle being attacked at times or heavily criticized for things that you write, or being questioned about them, I don't think you'll ever be very comfortable here.

What reason would that be?
Using our imagination, let's guess.

  • Low GPA 
  • Socialist / Communist views
  • Registered as foreign student (whether he was or wasn't)
The Low GPA would only be an embarrassment to him.  Kryptonite to a narcissist....It could have been either, or both of the other choices.

Socialist / Communist views would have actually helped him with Democrats today.

Gee...that would leave, Registered as a foreign student.
If he were a foreign student...he would have been ineligible to run for POTUS.
If he wasn't a foreign student, but registered as one for whatever reason...it would have been bad.

So...there are reasons that he would protect those transcripts just as there are reasons that President Trump would protect his.

First of all, businessmen look at their taxes much differently that politicians.  Politicians file their taxes knowing full well that they can either help or harm them with a good chance that he will have to make them public. 

Businessmen file their taxes knowing full well, that they will remain private unless accused of a crime.

In this case (again) there is no crime.  The Democrats are in search of one.

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Low GPA 
Somebody recently cane up with a Penn graduation booklet from Trump’s year. Graduated with no honors and no distinction, didn’t go to grad school. Iirc Obama was cum laude at Columbia and he went on to Harvard Law.

(and yes they both transferred).

I say this as someone who prefers all such info be released for all presidents.

No Trump for some reason had friends who got his prep school to hide his records. I’m not in support of going all the way to high school, but I do think college and post are useful or relevant. I think I could even support a dropout, don’t get me wrong, but it’s more about holding candidates and presidents to holding to the truth about themselves. 

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Socialist / Communist views
You’d have to go outside the transcript for this.

We know Obama supported a nuclear freeze, but iirc so did Trump in the late 80s (or actually to be more accurate he had this idea that the US & USSR would team up to eliminate nukes and bad guys in the world).

I think the most interesting piece of Trump’s college years was his faking a foot condition to get a 4F.

Again, failing to see the end game with this one.  I understand some folks campaigned with this as part of their promises.  But what's the end game?  

Is the belief there will be something impeachable in them?

Is it just more fuel on the fire to try and convince america he isn't a good person?  

Do democrats believe they will change the minds of republicans?

What is the goal?
I'd settle for just embarrassing for him.  

Since you have started posting in this forum, you are by far the most defensive person here. In every thread you participate in, you seem to get very angry about people questioning your motives.

It's too bad. You seem like a thoughtful guy and I think you make good points at times. But fierce discussion and argument is what this place is about. No one to the best of my knowledge has insulted you personally. If you can't handle being attacked at times or heavily criticized for things that you write, or being questioned about them, I don't think you'll ever be very comfortable here.
I'm trying to make it a very clear point.  Debate is OK......Don't put words in my mouth, don't tell me what I am thinking...I NEVER do that(least I try SUPER hard not to).   

If you wanna debate me fine..Heck if you wanna call me names--fine....But don't tell me what I'm thinking.   

I'm on a mission to change this place


I'd settle for just embarrassing for him.  

You're citing one poll, Rassmussen, right? Its a daily poll and it's an outlier.

538 averages all polls, including Rassmussen, and Trump's approval rating is at 42%.

That's the one.....I just googled it to see what was out there.

Point is I can say  "Trump's approval rating is at 51%" and I would be 100% correct.   

You just showed this may not be true,   hence the statement that I will continue to stand behind..

Polls are worthless.

ETA: Didnt mean to lump Sabertooth's comment in here..sorry

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They are important to use as political ammunition. There's not much on the Trump bone to scrape off, but the contents mightd persuade some non-voters to vote.

That's the one.....I just googled it to see what was out there.

Point is I can say  "Trump's approval rating is at 51%" and I would be 100% correct.   

You just showed this may not be true,   hence the statement that I will continue to stand behind..

Polls are worthless.

ETA: Didnt mean to lump Sabertooth's comment in here..sorry
Rasmussen isn't worthless.  It gives you Trump's approval rating among people with landlines among a number of other parameters.  If that is the population you are trying to get information about then they are a valuable resource.  If you are trying to get poll results from a random sample representative of the overall population, then Rasmussen's polls become worthless.

Using our imagination, let's guess.

  • Low GPA 
  • Socialist / Communist views
  • Registered as foreign student (whether he was or wasn't)
The Low GPA would only be an embarrassment to him.  Kryptonite to a narcissist....It could have been either, or both of the other choices.

Socialist / Communist views would have actually helped him with Democrats today.

Gee...that would leave, Registered as a foreign student.
If he were a foreign student...he would have been ineligible to run for POTUS.
If he wasn't a foreign student, but registered as one for whatever reason...it would have been bad.

So...there are reasons that he would protect those transcripts just as there are reasons that President Trump would protect his.

First of all, businessmen look at their taxes much differently that politicians.  Politicians file their taxes knowing full well that they can either help or harm them with a good chance that he will have to make them public. 

Businessmen file their taxes knowing full well, that they will remain private unless accused of a crime.

In this case (again) there is no crime.  The Democrats are in search of one.
Interesting theories.

Do you think Obama should have produced this?

Rasmussen isn't worthless.  It gives you Trump's approval rating among people with landlines among a number of other parameters.  If that is the population you are trying to get information about then they are a valuable resource.  If you are trying to get poll results from a random sample representative of the overall population, then Rasmussen's polls become worthless.
I mean l should qualify (or is it quantify) what i mean by worthless.   I guess my point is unless I can understand the questions and people polled, I don't generally take polling seriously,.

So when someone posts a poll result that says  76% of people like Trident...I generally reject that as bollocks.  

supermike80 said:
I mean l should qualify (or is it quantify) what i mean by worthless.   I guess my point is unless I can understand the questions and people polled, I don't generally take polling seriously,.

So when someone posts a poll result that says  76% of people like Trident...I generally reject that as bollocks.  

Again - your problem is with the people who interpret polls. Not the polls themselves.

supermike80 said:
I mean l should qualify (or is it quantify) what i mean by worthless.   I guess my point is unless I can understand the questions and people polled, I don't generally take polling seriously,.

So when someone posts a poll result that says  76% of people like Trident...I generally reject that as bollocks.  
You are getting upset at people making assumptions about you, but you assume polls are "bollocks" without understanding their methodology.  

I admit that I don't often examine polls' methodologies, but in the above example I think it would be healthier to assume that 76% of people +/- a margin of error like Trident and then forget about the poll altogether since it adds nothing of value to you.

You are getting upset at people making assumptions about you, but you assume polls are "bollocks" without understanding their methodology.  

I admit that I don't often examine polls' methodologies, but in the above example I think it would be healthier to assume that 76% of people +/- a margin of error like Trident and then forget about the poll altogether since it adds nothing of value to you.
Dude....what?  How does my desire to not have people make assumptions correlate to my opinion that polls are bollocks.  Can't I just think polls are crap and not have you tell me how I should handle them? 

Stop that--are you just trying to pick a fight now?

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Opie said:
  • Socialist / Communist views
What the hell kind of weird-### college did you attend that lists political views on a transcript?

Reminds me of the birthers who thought Obama's birth certificate would prove he was a Muslim. (ETA: They were right!)

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Dude....what?  How does my desire to not have people make assumptions correlate to my opinion that polls are bollocks.  Can't I just think polls are crap and not have you tell me how I should handle them? 

Stop that--are you just trying to pick a fight now?
Not trying to start a fight.  If you think all polls are automatically crap then I think people should help you understand how to interpret them.  I give up.  Have a nice day.

Not trying to start a fight.  If you think all polls are automatically crap then I think people should help you understand how to interpret them.  I give up.  Have a nice day.
Yeah..Just focus on yourself.  I don't need help.  ESPECIALLY from strangers on an internet bulletin board.  


The General said:
Interesting theories.

Do you think Obama should have produced this?
When it comes to voting for a POTUS, Obama's transcripts are as important to me as President Trump's tax returns are....they're not
Which is probably why the Republican held Congress didn't subpoena them.

But then again...the GOP wasn't trying to find a crime that Obama may have been a part of sometime during his lifetime.

A crime is investigated to find out who did it....you don't investigate the person to see if he committed a crime...unless you're inflicted with some sort of syndrome.

It's getting really old.

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When it comes to voting for a POTUS, Obama's transcripts are as important to me as President Trump's tax returns are....they're not
Which is probably why the Republican held Congress didn't subpoena them.

But then again...the GOP wasn't trying to find a crime that Obama may have been a part of sometime during his lifetime.

A crime is investigated to find out who did it....you don't investigate the person to see if he committed a crime...unless you're inflicted with some sort of syndrome.

It's getting really old.
I don't see the distinction you are making between Obama's school transcripts and Donald's tax returns. I suppose the registering as a foreign student would have caused some issues, but as we know he was born in Hawaii.

Did Obama make it a campaign pledge to reveal his student transcripts?

The General said:
Interesting theories.

Do you think Obama should have produced this?
When it comes to voting for a POTUS, Obama's transcripts are as important to me as President Trump's tax returns are....they're not
Right. Obama's transcripts were so unimportant to you that you just happened to have a detailed theory about them, ready to post on a moment's notice.

When it comes to voting for a POTUS, Obama's transcripts are as important to me as President Trump's tax returns are....they're not
Which is probably why the Republican held Congress didn't subpoena them.

But then again...the GOP wasn't trying to find a crime that Obama may have been a part of sometime during his lifetime.

A crime is investigated to find out who did it....you don't investigate the person to see if he committed a crime...unless you're inflicted with some sort of syndrome.

It's getting really old.
I don't see the distinction you are making between Obama's school transcripts and Donald's tax returns. I suppose the registering as a foreign student would have caused some issues, but as we know he was born in Hawaii.

Did Obama make it a campaign pledge to reveal his student transcripts?
The President's tax returns are part and parcel of what Congress has oversight on. 

College transcripts are not.

When it comes to voting for a POTUS, Obama's transcripts are as important to me as President Trump's tax returns are....they're not
Which is probably why the Republican held Congress didn't subpoena them.

But then again...the GOP wasn't trying to find a crime that Obama may have been a part of sometime during his lifetime.

A crime is investigated to find out who did it....you don't investigate the person to see if he committed a crime...unless you're inflicted with some sort of syndrome.

It's getting really old.
There is no law that empowers Congress to access private citizens' transcripts. There is a law that explicitly allows then to get individual tax returns

He got elected without disclosing them, why does it matter now?  If it bothers you don’t vote for him.   Let’s move on to something that matters.

He got elected without disclosing them, why does it matter now?  If it bothers you don’t vote for him.   Let’s move on to something that matters.
The President pushing legislation that may be a direct conflict of interest does matter.

And again, this bit of oversight does not keep legislators from doing other things.

What is Trump, and apparent some of you, so afraid of?

The President pushing legislation that may be a direct conflict of interest does matter.

And again, this bit of oversight does not keep legislators from doing other things.

What is Trump, and apparent some of you, so afraid of?
I not afraid of Trumps taxes returns, but the Dems are pushing this rather then working on legislation that matters.  We all know Trump can’t win again, all this stuff does is waste tax dollars and rally’s his base.  If it was such a big deal ir should of been addressed before the election.  I disagree that that you state it does not keep legislators from doing other things all the Dems talk about is attacking Trump.

I not afraid of Trumps taxes returns, but the Dems are pushing this rather then working on legislation that matters.  We all know Trump can’t win again, all this stuff does is waste tax dollars and rally’s his base.  If it was such a big deal ir should of been addressed before the election.  I disagree that that you state it does not keep legislators from doing other things all the Dems talk about is attacking Trump.
It was and has been addressed, but with Republicans controlling both branches of Congress they had no power to do anything about it.  Not sure why you think requesting Trump's tax returns and working on legislation are at odds with each other.

supermike80 said:
Again, failing to see the end game with this one.  I understand some folks campaigned with this as part of their promises.  But what's the end game?  

Is the belief there will be something impeachable in them?

Is it just more fuel on the fire to try and convince america he isn't a good person?  

Do democrats believe they will change the minds of republicans?

What is the goal?
Basically this, as the Russia diversion isn't turning out how the left wanted they need something else to dial in on and bash him. This will be the center of outrage yet again. 

I not afraid of Trumps taxes returns, but the Dems are pushing this rather then working on legislation that matters.  We all know Trump can’t win again, all this stuff does is waste tax dollars and rally’s his base.  If it was such a big deal ir should of been addressed before the election.  I disagree that that you state it does not keep legislators from doing other things all the Dems talk about is attacking Trump.
Can you explain to me the urgency to work on legislation so that it just sits on McConnels desk?

Basically this, as the Russia diversion isn't turning out how the left wanted they need something else to dial in on and bash him. This will be the center of outrage yet again. 
Something of a cross-post - Trump’s sister the federal judge has been forced to retire:

>>Judge Barry had been a co-owner of a shell company — All County Building Supply & Maintenance — created by the family to siphon cash from their father’s empire by marking up purchases already made by his employees, The Times investigation found. Judge Barry, her siblings and a cousin split the markup, free of gift and estate taxes, which at the time were levied at a much higher rate than income taxes.

On a financial disclosure form filed in 1999, Judge Barry noted that her share of the All County profits for the previous 17 months totaled just over $1 million.

The family also used the padded invoices to justify higher rent increases in rent-regulated buildings, artificially inflating the rents of thousands of tenants. Former prosecutors told The Times that if the authorities had discovered at the time how the Trumps were using All County, their actions would have warranted a criminal investigation for defrauding tenants, tax fraud and filing false documents.

Similarly, Judge Barry benefited from the gross undervaluation of her father’s properties when she and her siblings took ownership of them through a trust, sparing them from paying tens of millions of dollars in taxes, The Times found. For years, she attended regular briefings at her brother’s offices in Trump Tower to hear updates on the real estate portfolio and to collect her share of the profits. When the siblings sold off their father’s empire, between 2004 and 2006, her share of the windfall was $182.5 million, The Times found.<<

- NYT.

I not afraid of Trumps taxes returns, but the Dems are pushing this rather then working on legislation that matters.  We all know Trump can’t win again, all this stuff does is waste tax dollars and rally’s his base.  If it was such a big deal ir should of been addressed before the election.  I disagree that that you state it does not keep legislators from doing other things all the Dems talk about is attacking Trump.
The bolded...why do you say that?  In what way is the oversight committee doing their job keeping democrats from working in legislation (that McConnell won’t bring to the floor anyway)?

It isn’t a waste of dollars...it’s literally the job of the oversight committee.  There was no avenue for it before the election.  How do you not understand that?

He got elected without disclosing them, why does it matter now?  If it bothers you don’t vote for him.   Let’s move on to something that matters.
It does seem to matter though. He also told all those people they would be revealed once the "audit is over". Seems relevant to the next election as well.


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