Using our imagination, let's guess.
- Low GPA
- Socialist / Communist views
- Registered as foreign student (whether he was or wasn't)
The Low GPA would only be an embarrassment to him. Kryptonite to a narcissist....It could have been either, or both of the other choices.
Socialist / Communist views would have actually helped him with Democrats today.
Gee...that would leave, Registered as a foreign student.
If he were a foreign student...he would have been ineligible to run for POTUS.
If he wasn't a foreign student, but registered as one for whatever would have been bad.
So...there are reasons that he would protect those transcripts just as there are reasons that President Trump would protect his.
First of all, businessmen look at their taxes much differently that politicians. Politicians file their taxes knowing full well that they can either help or harm them with a good chance that he will have to make them public.
Businessmen file their taxes knowing full well, that they will remain private unless accused of a crime.
In this case (again) there is no crime. The Democrats are in search of one.