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Why do they need to know what guns I own? (1 Viewer)

Apparently nothing is out of the realm of possibility when it comes to right wing talking points. 
DId I miss something?

DId a Congresswoman not bring this up?

And then didn't just about every Democrat who was running for POTUS, jump on board?

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What if the guns were issued to you at no cost?

Would you keep it in your house and loaded?
I don’t have a problem with guns, but I’d probably object to the government forcing me to possess something and I’d still sue.

In general no, but not because of the gun but because I’d have a serious problem with the government telling me I have to own something.

Voting is also a right, yet these same 2nd amendment folks sure don't seem to have an issue with registering and providing proof of residence and requiring an ID
Ok, then we should get the government out of voting, and have them stay away from my guns too.

The government can’t make me buy an American car. I do own a Jeep though. But I can’t drive a Formula 1 car though, and I understand that.

I’ll also add that when Katrina hit lots of people defended their homes with guns. There was a guy who famously sat on his St. Charles Avenue porch with a rifle. Otoh there were some bastards looting and also firing guns at cops and first responders. 

You’re quite right. I made this point earlier in another thread. There are plenty of reasonable people who fear this. 

There are also reasonable liberals who fear that, if conservatives take over, we will get The Handmaid’s Tale or some kind of religious dictatorship. Believe me, I know plenty of those folks too. They’re quite rational, but they believe in the worst from the other side. 

And that’s my point. None of these beliefs are reasonable. Not from conservatives, not from liberals. The other side is NOT evil; they do not seek to do harm to you. We’ve got to find a way to get past this, or we’re screwed. 
There are posters here, plenty of them,  that would take my guns tomorrow if they could. 

So how can you be so sure that the government will never try?

There are posters here, plenty of them,  that would take my guns tomorrow if they could. 

So how can you be so sure that the government will never try?
This can be said about just about everything though. Slippery slope arguments and all.

There are posters here, plenty of them, that would outlaw all abortions tomorrow if they could. Plenty of posters that would institute a 70% tax on the super wealthy. Plenty of posters that would ban all muslims from entering this country. Plenty of posters who would force us to go all renewable energy in the next decade. Plenty of people that....

There are posters here, plenty of them,  that would take my guns tomorrow if they could. 

So how can you be so sure that the government will never try?
Not to jump into Tim’s discussion as I’m sure he’ll write a book in response to you but...

There are also posters here, not in the PSF but in the forum, that would force you to accept Jesus in your life and walk the religious path they do too if they could.  The point is there are extremists on both sides, neither represent the likely outcome.  

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This can be said about just about everything though. Slippery slope arguments and all.

There are posters here, plenty of them, that would outlaw all abortions tomorrow if they could. Plenty of posters that would institute a 70% tax on the super wealthy. Plenty of posters that would ban all muslims from entering this country. Plenty of posters who would force us to go all renewable energy in the next decade. Plenty of people that....

Are you comfortable saying that any of these things WILL NEVER HAPPEN like tim is saying about guns?

This can be said about just about everything though. Slippery slope arguments and all.

There are posters here, plenty of them, that would outlaw all abortions tomorrow if they could. Plenty of posters that would institute a 70% tax on the super wealthy. Plenty of posters that would ban all muslims from entering this country. Plenty of posters who would force us to go all renewable energy in the next decade. Plenty of people that....
Absolutely. I'm not sure why it's that difficult for folks to see. 

I don’t think you’re quite getting his point. 

Just because some extremists believe something doesn’t mean we need to fear that it’s going to happen. 
I'm totally getting his point. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't necessarily make them extremists

I'm totally getting his point. Just because you don't agree with them doesn't necessarily make them extremists
Of course it doesn’t. What makes someone an extremist, by definition, is to be for a policy or idea that the vast majority is opposed to. 

In some ways I am an extremist. I have certain ideas that I know will never happen. But I’m realistic about it. And you guys should be too. You shouldn’t ever say “Oh we need to fear this because timschochet on the internet says he wants it to happen.” 

If they did, how would your life be impacted day to day?
Day to day...not very much I guess.

For 3.5 months or so starting in October, quite a bit. I'm a hunter. I don't carry. I don't even own a handgun.

When I was younger, it would've affected my day to day quite a bit more. I used to shoot alot more often, target (rifles) and trap (shotguns). I've been shooting since I was big enough to hold a gun

Day to day...not very much I guess.

For 3.5 months or so starting in October, quite a bit. I'm a hunter. I don't carry. I don't even own a handgun.

When I was younger, it would've affected my day to day quite a bit more. I used to shoot alot more often, target (rifles) and trap (shotguns). I've been shooting since I was big enough to hold a gun
No one is coming for legit hunting arms.

COULD institute a ban?

We've already seen them.

"The ordinance passed at the Village Board meeting on April 2 and took effect April 13; those with weapons in the Village need to remove them from Village limits before June 13. The ordinance provides for an effective date 60 days after the ordinance goes into effect and does not otherwise regulate or prohibit rifles, shot guns, pistols or ammunition,"

So, tell me....If YOUR town, passed a law that REQUIRED you, as a homeowner, to own a gun...would you obey that law or move?
Doesn’t surprise me.  

DId I miss something?

DId a Congresswoman not bring this up?

And then didn't just about every Democrat who was running for POTUS, jump on board?
Seriously?  This is why having honest discussions is impossible.  Every position is looked at from the extreme.  

Just like guns, if we have to register, then the government will come take them away.  There's zero room for compromise.


Completely disagree. I think it's entirely reasonable someone concerned about the government taking guns away would have good reason to worry about the government wanting to know exactly what guns you own. That's easily the logical first step. 
I think his point was that there is no real threat of the government taking away hundreds of millions of guns from the citizenry.  Not how they would go about doing it if that unfounded ridiculously paranoid scenario played out.  

And, he is right.  Pure nonsense.  

I'm comfortable saying none of those things are going to happen. At least as long as we dont allow extremists to gain too much influence.

Yep. The irony of these guys electing into office somebody who is actually a threat to bring about something like this is not lost on me.

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No one is arguing that people do not hold ridiculous beliefs.  They are arguing that the fact they do is not a valid basis to oppose sensible gun policy.  
Agreed. Nobody is arguing that people do not hold ridiculous beliefs. People are disagreeing on what constitutes a ridiculous belief. 

For a great many people, "ridiculous" equals "I strongly disagree with it". 

The Green New Deal has some pretty significant proposals for change in it that five years ago, some people might have thought to be "ridiculous". And it had instant support from some of the most popular congresspeople as well as Presidential Candidates. 

Agreed. Nobody is arguing that people do not hold ridiculous beliefs. People are disagreeing on what constitutes a ridiculous belief. 

For a great many people, "ridiculous" equals "I strongly disagree with it". 

The Green New Deal has some pretty significant proposals for change in it that five years ago, some people might have thought to be "ridiculous". And it had instant support from some of the most popular congresspeople as well as Presidential Candidates. 
This is what happens in most threads in the PSF.

There are 2 ways of thinking.....the group think way and another way.

If you're not on the group think side, you're wrong/ridiculous/unsensible etc

And it took awhile, but the post right above yours that I'm quoting here is the patented "you're Trump voters" lol

Par for course 🙄

Edit to add: The "oops sorry, Gary Johnson voters har dee har har" should be coming soon 🙄

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I'm comfortable saying none of those things are going to happen. At least as long as we dont allow extremists to gain too much influence.


This is what happens in most threads in the PSF.

There are 2 ways of thinking.....the group think way and another way.

If you're not on the group think side, you're wrong/ridiculous/unsensible etc

And it took awhile, but the post right above yours that I'm quoting here is the patented "you're Trump voters" lol

Par for course 🙄

Edit to add: The "oops sorry, Gary Johnson voters har dee har har" should be coming soon 🙄
I should have elaborated on my above post. What you're talking about here is not the point I was trying to make. 

Extremism breeds extremism.  So with the Trump penchant for racism (or if you prefer, his unwillingness to denounce it), which is an example of extremism for many (most) Americans, the reaction will be more of a willingness to accept the opposite extremism. For example, anti-gun legislation. And whether you believe gun confiscation is a real threat or not, logically if it were to ever come to fruition,  a registry is undoubtedly the first step.

Extremism is the epitome of "boff sidez" behavior. I was not trying to exclusively attack Trump and his supporters. I was making a point about the overall political climate.

FWIW I'm not in favor of a registry.  It's an invasion of privacy, period. And I will never be in support of that. But I have the luxury of never having had someone I know or care about directly harmed by random gun violence either. So, easy for me to say and all that.

The way you put it, sure. IF a person is concerned about the government taking guns away, it’s reasonable for them to be concerned about gun registration. 

My point is that it’s not reasonable for them to be concerned about the government taking guns away in the first place. 
So we have one group of Americans who thought  that Trump would make a great President (and still think he is) and another extreme that think we should tear down existing wall on our border as well as thinking a Green new deal is possible by 2030? And you are asking me to assume we would never have a government that might confiscate at least certain types of guns?

I should have elaborated on my above post. What you're talking about here is not the point I was trying to make. 

Extremism breeds extremism.  So with the Trump penchant for racism (or if you prefer, his unwillingness to denounce it), which is an example of extremism for many (most) Americans, the reaction will be more of a willingness to accept the opposite extremism. For example, anti-gun legislation. And whether you believe gun confiscation is a real threat or not, logically if it were to ever come to fruition,  a registry is undoubtedly the first step.

Extremism is the epitome of "boff sidez" behavior. I was not trying to exclusively attack Trump and his supporters. I was making a point about the overall political climate.

FWIW I'm not in favor of a registry.  It's an invasion of privacy, period. And I will never be in support of that. But I have the luxury of never having had someone I know or care about directly harmed by random gun violence either. So, easy for me to say and all that.
Nah, I read your post the way you meant for it to be read I believe. No worries 

I wasnt posting about you

I'm in favor of more gun control. 

I'm not a gun owner and never have been. I'm admittedly a little uneasy by how many people I know that have guns and how many people I see carrying.

BUT, for people that do own guns, I can totally see how they'd be uncomfortable with the type of "we need to know all the guns you own" line of thinking. 

Let's be honest, there's a component of owning guns that is very much in line with the "what if we need to defy the government?" thinking. Granted, that was more feasible before the age of modern warfare. But it's still a thing. The Colonials didn't have a chance against the British Army either. 

Bottom line, I'm not sure what do to about it. But I totally get the Pro Gun folks being uncomfortable with this. I think it's entirely reasonable they feel this way. For the discussion to move forward, I think the Pro Gun Control side has to acknowledge it's reasonable. 
Well, I invite you to the USA shootings thread. In there you will see how "pro gun" posters will claim to be in favor of "common sense" gun control, the proceed to argue every suggestion down on whichever convenient grounds they can come up with, including but not limited to analogies about cars and DUIs

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Well, I invite you to the USA shootings thread. In there you will see how "pro gun" posters will claim to be in favor of "common sense" gun control, the proceed to argue every suggestion down on whichever convenient grounds they can come up with, including but not limited to analogies about cars and DUIs
Thanks but I'm afraid I'll get dragged down there.

No idea what kind of argument they're making. I do think just about any issue in society should be weighed with the positives and negatives. Do you disagree with that general thought?

This will certainly disrupt people that are not on the law abiding side.  They will get busted with their illegal guns all the time. And its not like they will start dealing with the legal authorities on a regular basis.

sho nuff said:
Ok.  Pretty simple.  If I needed to do it I would easily keep a database.  Just added some mice steak knives at Christmas.  
Those knives would probably fall under the size limit for registration.  You're safe, GB.

Thanks but I'm afraid I'll get dragged down there.

No idea what kind of argument they're making. I do think just about any issue in society should be weighed with the positives and negatives. Do you disagree with that general thought?
Not at all. It may just be my impression from that and other gun threads that the suggestions to solutions to a supposedly acknowledged issue come from one direction only

Nothjng about registration infringes upon the right to own.
California has gone around the 2nd amendment by trying to severely restrict ammunition purchases.  

I don't for a second believe that if PA implements this that CA won't follow and some politician will think it's a good idea to charge $5,000 registration fee per gun, per year.  

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California has gone around the 2nd amendment by trying to severely restrict ammunition purchases.  

I don't for a second believe that if PA implements this that CA will follow and some politician will think it's a good idea to charge $5,000 registration fee per gun, per year.  
You have cars that cost more than that to register. (And tons more to insure.) 


You have cars that cost more than that to register. (And tons more to insure.) 
By that, I'd assume you have no issue with that kind of fee being levied per year for a registration ticket? 

BTW, you have no constitutionally guaranteed right to own a car.  

I don't for a second believe that if PA implements this that CA won't follow and some politician will think it's a good idea to charge $5,000 registration fee per gun, per year.  
Come on Sand, really? 

This is the sort of thing I’m talking about. Although I disagree with Sand a lot, I know him to be a very smart guy and a very thoughtful guy. But this- it’s irrational. And so many gun owners and conservatives think like this. It’s very depressing. 

I believe the op was state specific law not federal.  
Right, but the post you were responding to was not talking about state specific laws and when you throw out that sort of Red Dawn situation, there's nothing about that situation that you could frame as a state situation.  What am I missing?

California has gone around the 2nd amendment by trying to severely restrict ammunition purchases.  

I don't for a second believe that if PA implements this that CA won't follow and some politician will think it's a good idea to charge $5,000 registration fee per gun, per year.  
Don't live in California and don't really pay attention to much that goes on out there.  Can you explain this a little more?  Is there laws addressing the making of your own munitions too?  If you read the amendment to the Constitution the way our most adamant gun guys do, I don't see how a restriction on ammo is an attack on owning a gun.  

Right, but the post you were responding to was not talking about state specific laws and when you throw out that sort of Red Dawn situation, there's nothing about that situation that you could frame as a state situation.  What am I missing?
First off, the red dawn reference was a joke.  Then I gave my opinion that we could see states banning certain guns in our lifetime.

I think it is pretty easy to assert that government has a legitimate, important, even compelling interest to minimize gun violence or at the very least find and prosecute those that commit crimes using guns.   In addition I think that it seems rational that requiring registration seems at least to be  related to these interest.  I think that if one opposes such a registration they would need to demonstrate that such a gun registration is irrelevant to achieving these goals or that the relationship to achieving these goals is too weak.   Or they need to argue that there are better ways to achieve the compelling interest that would be more narrowly focused rather than imposing a burden on tens of millions of otherwise law abiding citizens.  While I'm not sure from a legal perspective they need to spell out these alternatives I think it would certainly help.

For those asserting we need to a gun registration I think the arguments should be along the lines of "nothing else" would serve this interest without imposing more upon the freedoms of people.  I think that whenever you infringe on the rights of people to give more power to government policing abilities that it should be forced to face the higher levels of scrutiny (whether or not the courts agree - :shrug:  )  So my instincts are that the "burden of proof" is on the pro registration side.  I'd assume that the facts are simply that there is not a better solution, but I'd feel better supporting such gun control if someone could make me look real silly for not really knowing how to argue why or how this ts the case.   

Note to lawyer guys - forgive me for stealing your scrutiny and other language and maybe, probably causing you to cringe a bit.

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I register my kids birth.  My car.  My birth.  My marriage.  Any significant financial transaction.  My wages.  My party affiliation.  My address.  My ethnicity.  My occupation.  The fact that I have insurance.  If I withdraw or deposit large sums of money.  Any conflicts I have between being an employee and an investor in a company.  

I mean...that's just a start, really.

Why should I care more about gun registrations than I do about the other hundreds of things I have to register with the government about?


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