Tim, being Tim, was all over the map. Here are a few highlights:
March 1:
Look, I know I've written this all before and I apologize for repeating myself. But no matter how passionate Trump's supporters are, the formula DOES NOT CHANGE. Short of an economic disaster or horrible act of terrorism, there's no path for Trump to win. And the oddsmakers know it.
August 16th:
1. Everything is going Hillary's way, thankfully. Hard to see how she loses now; I no longer fear a cataclysmic event that will turn things around. My only remaining concern is what we in California call the "Bradley effect"; namely that a lot of voters are prepared to vote for Trump but won't admit it in the polls. That seems unlikely to change the result but who knows? Makes me nervous.
October 8th:
I still say Trump has a shot to win this thing. If the election were being held tomorrow, or next week, then sure its over. But 30 days is an infinite amount of time in politics. Who knows what might happen? People are fickle. I will only feel secure when this thing is finally over.
October 20th:
It must be nice to be consistently confident all the way through. I certainly wasn't. I'm not 100% confident even now (though lets say I'm about 95% sure, which is pretty good.)
But back in late August and early September I really thought Trump had a decent shot to win this thing.
October 20th:
Now that it looks like Trump is surely going to lose, the biggest problem our country faces going forward is this: Trump is still incredibly popular among Republicans, more so than Paul Ryan or any of the establishment figures.