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Women's hockey wants NHL to pay for their league (3 Viewers)

In all seriousness, how many NHL hockey fans would you say would watch a pro women's league?  1%?  Because my guess is that's way too high of a first guess.
they aren't on tv so I'm guessing the number is near zero

I have no idea what the attendance numbers are, but we had two competing leagues before. would be more optimistic for some traction with a single league that had backing of the NHL and other sponsors/investors behind it.

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I think you've got it backwards here. If more girls became interested in hockey, that'd make more NHL hockey fans. Theoretically.
Sure.  And if I could get more dogs interested in the puppy bowl, I could grow the sport of football.  

I get what you're saying, but you can't force things.  If no one is watching, maybe it's because women aren't interested.  

they aren't on tv so I'm guessing the number is near zero

I have no idea what the attendance numbers are, but we had two competing leagues before. would be more optimistic for some traction with a single league that had backing of the NHL and other sponsors/investors behind it.
How many NBA fans are watching the WNBA?

I'm not sure if you're seriously arguing this or not.  Because it makes zero sense.  You keep saying it'll help the NHL but there is zero proof of that.  

How many NBA fans are watching the WNBA?

I'm not sure if you're seriously arguing this or not.  Because it makes zero sense.  You keep saying it'll help the NHL but there is zero proof of that.  
I'm not really arguing that at all, so let's not misrepresent people.

I'm saying it's up to the NHL to decide how valuable they believe a women's pro league is. Pretty good chance they see more value in it than you do though.

I don't have any idea what's going on with the WNBA so I'm not a good person to speak to that situation.

My only argument, if it even is one, is that the women here are making a tough choice with plenty of risk involved but what they are doing certainly makes sense and will hopefully be in the best interest of the long-term future of the sport.

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I think you've got it backwards here. If more girls became interested in hockey, that'd make more NHL hockey fans. Theoretically.
Has this theory been proven to be true? 

The WNBA has been around for over 20 years. They are still struggling to get fans. The demographic they struggle with the most(at least according to Adam Silver last year) is young women. It is mostly supported by old dudes that say they like fundamental basketball. 

But even after 20 years of young women not supporting the league, what do we keep hearing about for the WNBA? It isn't promoted the same as men's, the athletes arent paid as much, playing in europe takes away from promoting the sport here, ESPN needs to show equal highlights, blah blah blah.

If you want to build a professional women's league, you need to cultivate the fanbase for it first, not the other way around. 

I'm not really arguing that at all, so let's not misrepresent people.

I'm saying it's up to the NHL to decide how valuable they believe a women's pro league is. Pretty good chance they see more value in it than you do though.
You keep saying this.  I'm just going off of finances.  It is cut and dry that this league is a money pit.  The only way the NHL puts any money into this is because of a PR move.  And I honestly think that's what this "boycott" is meant to be.  

Hockey fans do not just watch any hockey game that's on.  If that we're true, the minor league MEN'S teams would be making a profit.  

"..the NHL, flush with cash... The average team makes $25 million in profit, according to Forbes."

wasn't the NHL nearly insolvent not so many years ago? like "we're not sure we can have a league anymore" insolvent? i don't follow so not sure.. just something rattling around in my brain.

also, i'm curious about the "average profit" figure. are the teams required to report revenues and profit? could  those numbers be inflated? deflated?

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You keep saying this.  I'm just going off of finances.  It is cut and dry that this league is a money pit.  The only way the NHL puts any money into this is because of a PR move.  And I honestly think that's what this "boycott" is meant to be.  

Hockey fans do not just watch any hockey game that's on.  If that we're true, the minor league MEN'S teams would be making a profit.  
I watch as much hockey as I possibly can, but I agree that's not the norm.

what league is a money pit? I thought the NWHL doesn't share their finances, so how would anyone know that to be true?

I'm saying it's up to the NHL to decide how valuable they believe a women's pro league is.
I 100% agree that this should be the only question any one cares about.

But for me, how this is evolving with the social justice angle, I fear instead of the NHL deciding on value, they may be forced to consider whether they are being setup to look like the bad guy who did not help women's sports.  I personally wish that this had all happened behind closed doors (leagues fold, NHL steps in and decides what they want to do, with no outside pressure).  But that cat is out of the bag now.

I applaud the women for trying this as it appears to be their last hope but I don't enjoy any business situation that may be predicated on a form of social ransom.

I fear instead of the NHL deciding on value, they may be forced to consider whether they are being setup to look like the bad guy who did not help women's sports.

I applaud the women for trying this as it appears to be their last hope but I don't enjoy any business situation that may be predicated on a form of social ransom.
1000000% this seems to be the case

this is a last-ditch PR campaign.. i'd bet that someone the women's league hired to help out with cooked up. but look at all the news it's getting them (relatively.... compared to what was before) so at least it's sort of working???

The NHL’s support of women’s hockey included the league stepping in at the last moment to end a wage dispute between USA Hockey and U.S. National team women players threatening to boycott the 2017 World Championships on home ice. Two people familiar with the situation said the NHL agreed to pay USA Hockey to help fund the four-year agreement. The people spoke to AP on the condition of anonymity because the league and USA Hockey have not made that information public.

The NHL has been careful to avoid the appearance of favoring one league over the other. Bettman told the AP last month he has no interest in forming a third league because he doesn’t want the NHL “to look like a bully” by pushing the existing leagues out of business. He is also hesitant of the NHL assuming control of the CWHL or NWHL because, as he put it, “we don’t believe in their models.”

“We need to start on a clean slate,” Bettman said.

“If at some point the leagues say, ‘We’ve had enough, we don’t see this as a long-term solution, we’d like you to start up and we’ll discontinue operations,’ then we’ll do it. But we’re not pushing it,” he said. “If we’re going to get involved, it cannot fail, which means it has to be on us.”

1000000% this seems to be the case

this is a last-ditch PR campaign.. i'd bet that someone the women's league hired to help out with cooked up. but look at all the news it's getting them (relatively.... compared to what was before) so at least it's sort of working???
you're way off here, GB

The only part of this I can’t quite figure out is why some are criticizing the NHL for “only” contributing $100k to the NWHL ... a league the boycotting players are trying to kill because they don’t trust it to do the right thing.

The only part of this I can’t quite figure out is why some are criticizing the NHL for “only” contributing $100k to the NWHL ... a league the boycotting players are trying to kill because they don’t trust it to do the right thing.
While it makes sense they would contribute little to a league if they don't believe in the business model, that's still a comically low amount if they truly care about women's pro hockey at all. I think it's the monthly salary of a player who makes the NHL minimum or basically $3k per NHL team.

1000000% this seems to be the case

this is a last-ditch PR campaign.. i'd bet that someone the women's league hired to help out with cooked up. but look at all the news it's getting them (relatively.... compared to what was before) so at least it's sort of working???
Pretty sure I read in one of the articles that the same agency involved last time is involved this time.

While it makes sense they would contribute little to a league if they don't believe in the business model, that's still a comically low amount if they truly care about women's pro hockey at all. I think it's the monthly salary of a player who makes the NHL minimum or basically $3k per NHL team.
My understanding is they contributed the $50k to the CWHL to cover the shortages for the payroll, then the $50k to the NWHL to avoid not being fair and consistent.

But I can’t fault them for not wanting to get any further involved in a business model they don’t believe works. I can understand the thought process of wanting to have more control over the product if they’re going to be stepping up their financial obligation (risk).

Billie jean king weighs in...

Female athletes deserve to live the life they envisioned as kids: playing the sport they love, and making a living doing it. I stand with all female athletes in their pursuit of equal pay and a sustainable future. #ForTheGame #OneVoice

Billie jean king weighs in...

Female athletes deserve to live the life they envisioned as kids: playing the sport they love, and making a living doing it. I stand with all female athletes in their pursuit of equal pay and a sustainable future. #ForTheGame #OneVoice
Deserve? Just the female ones?

While it makes sense they would contribute little to a league if they don't believe in the business model, that's still a comically low amount if they truly care about women's pro hockey at all. I think it's the monthly salary of a player who makes the NHL minimum or basically $3k per NHL team.
I'm somewhere on the middle on this but guys playing rooking MLB ball (meaning just before singla A) - make like 3K for the summer.   They do get some signing bonuses.   How is that any different?  Should MLB invest more money into their own?

I think I've reiterated enough that the social justice angle of this is prominent and miscalculated. It's also a giant turn off.

Billie jean king weighs in...
Dear Lord. Hasn't she had her day already? Billie Jean King, '70s feminist extraordinaire. Boring. Dated.

the deserve angle is just awful.  I can't see how any one who says that does not realize how bad it sounds.
It's terrible. It's wrought with emotive feelings of acceptance and validation rather than logic and fact. Nobody in our system "deserves" the sporting life they've envisioned, especially that which depends upon voluntary consumption.

So lacking in fundamental realities and entitled, that statement. Billie Jean did indeed have her day because the WTA brought in a ton of money back in the day through sponsorships and pressure and television ratings. Those days are not quite on the horizon for women's hockey.

Solidarity is nice, reality and demand for a sport is different. Tennis has and always will be an upper-middle class sport, a class where gender differences are often muted both socially and physically. People in that class are and were interested in women's tennis. Women's tennis is like figure skating in a way. There's a high demand to watch it and be entertained.

Basketball and hockey and baseball and football are for the proles, and the proles want to see it done well, not by women. 

They have a league they can play in. 


If they can’t make those teams why should they get subsidized to play in a league that can’t pay for itself?

What about paralympians?  Don’t they deserve a league to play in?  To “grow interest in hockey”

What about people born with dwarfism?  I would love to see some Tyrions on skates showing off their stick handling ability. 

This is not an equality issue. If a woman wants to play professional sports she can. In the existing leagues. 

With proper facilities, training, and medical staff I could have gone somewhere playing horseshoes. 

#leanersrule #hoofhearted #idid

option 2: there's no pro league for women at all (pretty bad)
I doubt I am alone when I say that I had no clue whatsoever that there was a women's hockey league. If it wasn't for this thread, I still wouldn't know as I have seen it talked or written about exactly nowhere. So I'm not real sure I agree with your take above.

I doubt I am alone when I say that I had no clue whatsoever that there was a women's hockey league. If it wasn't for this thread, I still wouldn't know as I have seen it talked or written about exactly nowhere. So I'm not real sure I agree with your take above.
I meant bad for the players and fans of women’s hockey. Obviously most people wouldn’t notice or care. 

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Basically, the NHL could think of injecting money into a women's league as a long term marketing plan for hockey. The women's league will likely be a money pit but if they can cultivate a generation of female fans, it might be worth it in the long run.
Give it 10 years and see if results in higher TV ratings, ticket sales, merchandise sales etc. If there's no improvement, cut the cord.

Basically, the NHL could think of injecting money into a women's league as a long term marketing plan for hockey. The women's league will likely be a money pit but if they can cultivate a generation of female fans, it might be worth it in the long run.
Give it 10 years and see if results in higher TV ratings, ticket sales, merchandise sales etc. If there's no improvement, cut the cord.
10 years of throwing money away to see if maybe viewership goes up?  

There is exactly zero data that shows a women's league will increase NHL viewership.  Companies tend not to take flyers with their money.  They like to invest in things that have a good chance of making money.  Low risk.  

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.

10 years of throwing money away to see if maybe viewership goes up?  

There is exactly zero data that shows a women's league will increase NHL viewership.  Companies tend not to take flyers with their money.  They like to invest in things that have a good chance of making money.  Low risk.  

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.
Have you seen Bettmans comments?

I assumed he was being held hostage and people were demanding some kind of payment for him.

What did Bettman say?
I posted some above in this thread.

here's another interview: https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/commissioner-gary-bettman-says-nhl-wont-interfere-nwhl/

this seems to sum it up though:

Bettman made it clear he believes in the women’s game and the NHL understands the importance of young kids being able to grow up with female role models on the ice. But he acknowledged the idea of an NHL for women is, “even under the best of circumstances, a very challenged business model.”

From a business point of view I am always interested in the marketing angle.  If you notice, many of the comments from the players are that they feel they(and their sport/league) have not been properly marketed.   

While marketing is a really strong tool, it only goes so far.  The NHL people are likely very well aware that the WNBA received enormous amounts of marketing $'s in their formative years.  It certainly helped the WNBA kick off with a relatively good business posture but they were never able to build on it and eventually the marketing dollars dropped as the interest level dropped for the league.

From Rude's last post ... "... an NHL for women ..."

Just thought of a way this could work if the NHL decides to invest in a women's league: share logistics with the current NHL.

Have 8 WNHL teams or so in existing NHL cities. The women's teams travel with the men's teams. They play the same opponents as the men's teams when the men's teams are playing opponents with WNHL affiliates (e.g. NY Rangers @ Detroit Red Wings would play the night before/after the Lady Rangers @ Lady Red Wings).

One thing about pro hockey I don't know: can two games be played on the same ice on the same day thanks to the Zamboni? Maybe on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, there can be WNHL/NHL double headers. The ladies at noon, the men at 5:00 p.m.?

With this scheme, payroll processing, general administration, insurance, healthcare, etc. can all be folded in together.

From Rude's last post ... "... an NHL for women ..."

Just thought of a way this could work if the NHL decides to invest in a women's league: share logistics with the current NHL.

Have 8 WNHL teams or so in existing NHL cities. The women's teams travel with the men's teams. They play the same opponents as the men's teams when the men's teams are playing opponents with WNHL affiliates (e.g. NY Rangers @ Detroit Red Wings would play the night before/after the Lady Rangers @ Lady Red Wings).

One thing about pro hockey I don't know: can two games be played on the same ice on the same day thanks to the Zamboni? Maybe on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, there can be WNHL/NHL double headers. The ladies at noon, the men at 5:00 p.m.?

With this scheme, payroll processing, general administration, insurance, healthcare, etc. can all be folded in together.
This makes a lot of sense but both soccer and basketball have tried this model in years past, trying to link men's and women's team's together and both have failed for various reasons.

I don't know whether or not hockey could make it work.  One of the keys will be is how to manage the cost of opening and running a large venue for a 1000-2000 fans over numerous games

TheIronSheik said:
10 years of throwing money away to see if maybe viewership goes up?  

There is exactly zero data that shows a women's league will increase NHL viewership.  Companies tend not to take flyers with their money.  They like to invest in things that have a good chance of making money.  Low risk.  

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.
Think of it as a marketing. And it wouldn't be a lot of money, I wouldn't think. Otherwise, it's a no go.

Think of it as a marketing. And it wouldn't be a lot of money, I wouldn't think. Otherwise, it's a no go.
The NBA bailed after 5 years on the WNBA, leaving them to figure it out themselves as many NBA owners were sick of losing money.

When MLS near collapsed in 2001 it was after just 5 years as well.  At that time, Hunt got Kraft and Anschutz to agree to a 5 year plan when every one else bailed.

Ten years is a very long time, depending on the level of investment.

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Sure, but you can't expect to gain a generation of fans by halfassing a marketing campaign. You're either fully committed or you're not.
Then they are not.  They will choose to grow their base with smaller investments with safer returns.  


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