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Yoga - not the pants thread (1 Viewer)

Judge Smails

Which FBGs are into yoga? So I'm in my 50's,not flexible by nature so stretch a lot, have had back problems including sciatica last summer.  Been working harder on core exercises and getting in better shape (pretty good shape now but can lose a few).  I've done a few yoga classes before at my gym (Gold's).  OK but I think you get what you pay for. Those classes are free.  Still, it wasn't easy for me.  But anything that gets me in better shape mentally and physically I'm interested in.  So buddy takes me to a class on Saturday.  Doesn't tell me that it's a Vinyasa flow level 2-3 class.  Holy ####.  I don't think I've ever sweated that much in my life.  And it wasn't hot yoga.  What a workout.  From just 1 class my abs feel way different.  To be fair rest of my body was pretty sore on Sunday, but I played golf immediately afterwards on Sat and played normally.  I'm thinking that if I want to be in shape, flexible, play golf and not have back problems it's the way to go.  This, Pilates, or some combo. Great to clear the mind as well and get away from the grind.   But I'd have to commit and start at entry level.  Who's a believer/non-believer?

One of the best things I got myself into.(42yo)

Even after I dropped a lot of weight my back wasn't this good until I got into yoga. I can tell if 7-10 days go by and I haven't done any, my hips get tight and the back is stiff. Some of those flow classes are very tough, so you got a pretty good dose of what it is. 

Wish I'd have started this about 10 years ago. 

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I have a gift certificate for a local yoga place that I still haven't taken advantage of.  Just a lot going on, wife works nights, etc... I know it will benefit me greatly so need to just nip it in the bud and go do it.

Just started a week ago.  Two classes a week, beginner stuff.  I'm early 50's, and I'm liking it so far.

ETA: don't wear yoga pants....

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So, what does a guy wear to these classes? Do they have man-yoga pants, or is it just a pair of shorts?

Is it weird to yoga with a guy friend? 

On and off for 10 years.   Mother and sister are both licensed teachers.  I should do more but I don't.  My shoulders have been ####ed up now for almost a year, but getting better.  Should be able to startup again in 30 days.

I to have been thinking of taking the plunge. I had to hang up my sparring gloves due to health concerns so I need something else. I am thinking this is the way to go.

I've been doing it for about 9 years now.  Currently I've been on a kick where I do yoga 5x/week, play soccer 1x/week, and take an off day.  Usually practice vinyasa, occasionally yin though I don't love that as much.  Power flow practices really get me going.  I've really found that after the physical toll of contact sports (4 surgeries + arthritis), yoga has been a very efficient way for me to tone and stretch without putting immense strain on my body.

If you're a competitive person, it's easy to challenge yourself and test yourself as well, always trying to find improvement.  I've got poses that I never thought I'd be able to do that are now part of my practice.

I agree with your comment about not enough cardio being a concern.  Power yoga can have a bit of a cardio aspect to it, but it's not quite the same.  Occasionally I will do pilates but I find that I don't enjoy it as much, personally.  I've actually tried cardio barre once and it kicked my ###.

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Even after I dropped a lot of weight my back wasn't this good until I got into yoga. I can tell if 7-10 days go by and I haven't done any, my hips get tight and the back is stiff. Some of those flow classes are very tough, so you got a pretty good dose of what it is. 
Absolutely, my back is the strongest it's ever been.  It's amazing how much you can sense it.

I posted about Diamond Dallas Page and included a link to one his youtube videos on yoga.  My post was deleted.

What is going on here?

I had another post yesterday that was deleted from the Tiger Woods thread?

Neither of my posts were crude or offensive to anyone.


@FBG Moderator

@Joe Bryant

Just started a round of P90x3, and it has a yoga component. I don't get into the whole state if mind part of yoga, but it's a good workout for just stretching and balancing for the most part. I'm always dripping with sweat so I enjoy it. 

Started 1x week hot yoga with wife.  I am not a huge fan of feeling close to death during class.  Add in my horrific pinched nerve, which makes many positions strictly off limits, it is a bit tough for me sometimes.  However, I have found a way to moderate and not put myself in any bad positions, so as not to reinjure myself.  The benefit and sweat is pretty good, couple this with the class being littered with younger chicks with racks in yoga pants.  So, don't get hurt and perve for an hour.  Win Win.

i love it.  that being said, i never do it.  i know it's exactly what i need.  my gym offers many different classes daily.  gotta start doing it. :bag:  

my wife is a bikram fanatic.  i went with her twice. nearly died.

Are there any starter poses a guy could do at home to test the waters, so to speak? I already do planks, so that has helped my core quite a bit.

Just don't have time right now to take a class, plus I don't have 100 bones to plop down on them fancy yogi pants. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 

Are there any starter poses a guy could do at home to test the waters, so to speak? I already do planks, so that has helped my core quite a bit.

Just don't have time right now to take a class, plus I don't have 100 bones to plop down on them fancy yogi pants. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 
Just wear these

I call it "holding in my farts."  I know most people just call it "yoga" but for me, 90% of my focus is holding in my farts.  The other 10% is looking at my classmates and thinking, "don't you people have to fart?"

My wife is a licensed teacher and does it religiously. 

I've gone to several of her classes and as others have stated, she killed me. And I am a fairly active 40 year old man! 

Are there any starter poses a guy could do at home to test the waters, so to speak? I already do planks, so that has helped my core quite a bit.

Just don't have time right now to take a class, plus I don't have 100 bones to plop down on them fancy yogi pants. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 
There are free apps, free instructions, free youtube videos, and free classes (Comcast on demand, etc) all over the place. Try a few out and see what fits your style. OHHHhhhhmmmm.

Are there any starter poses a guy could do at home to test the waters, so to speak? I already do planks, so that has helped my core quite a bit.

Just don't have time right now to take a class, plus I don't have 100 bones to plop down on them fancy yogi pants. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 
Plenty of great resources on Youtube.  Look up "beginner yoga" or something to that effect and try it out.  Most of the major Youtube yoga classes will pretty clearly specify the level of difficulty before you get into it.

Are there any starter poses a guy could do at home to test the waters, so to speak? I already do planks, so that has helped my core quite a bit.

Just don't have time right now to take a class, plus I don't have 100 bones to plop down on them fancy yogi pants. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 
The way I dipped my toes in was; I spent $10 on a couple DVDs and $20 on a nice mat and do 30-60 min at home 2-3 times a week.  One is a nice beginner course the other is a tougher flow course. Good way to work up to a 60-90min class imo. 

Highly recommend DDPYoga (I use the monthly app but they have one time payment DVDs that are cheaper long run).  

I didnt want to do Yoga initially but I'm a big dude and every time i worked out in a gym I hurt my lower back. DDPY straightened it out and I lost around 40lbs. Flexibility has increased ten fold, and if Im being honest I didn't push myself nearly as much as I could. 

Are there any starter poses a guy could do at home to test the waters, so to speak? I already do planks, so that has helped my core quite a bit.

Just don't have time right now to take a class, plus I don't have 100 bones to plop down on them fancy yogi pants. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 
Search YouTube on your TV. "Beginners yoga".

Yoga with Adrienne. She has several videos 

I've been practicing for the last 8 years (I'm about to turn 42).  Physically, it really helps with overall strength and flexibility.  But I've also noticed other great benefits... better sleep, circulation, metabolism and generally less stress.  

For anyone starting out, find a studio (or class at your gym) that has the right vibe for you.  And don't be afraid to start at the lowest level classes... it's more important to learn the poses correctly at the beginning so you can get the most out of them and to also protect yourself from injury down the road.

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I have a gift certificate for a local yoga place that I still haven't taken advantage of.  Just a lot going on, wife works nights, etc... I know it will benefit me greatly so need to just nip it in the bud and go do it.
I'm just next door to you in Costa Mesa.  There are a ton of great studios around here.  PM me if you have any questions.  

Search YouTube on your TV. "Beginners yoga".

Yoga with Adrienne. She has several videos 
Agree with the above comments about dozens of great YouTube yoga channels.  A couple of ones that I really like (particularly if you want beginner level stuff):

Fightmaster Yoga

Yoga with Tim

Also, you don't have to spend $75+ on Lululemon shorts... there are a lot of cheaper yoga brands out there which will run you $20-50 for shorts (they'll usually have a liner so your junk isn't flopping around).  You can also use jogging shorts with a liner.  Done and done.

Tried one of his practices this morning on a whim after seeing this recommendation.  Good stuff, he's good at explaining the postures, though I think it may have been a little slow for me.  It seems like an all-levels type of class but may have been more geared toward beginners.  I did like his focused training on headstands though, first class I've really seen that focuses on proper form for a headstand, one posture I've never mastered (I've got a bad shoulder so always been worried).  Good recommendation here.

I am about to signup for the 7 day ddp free thing.  Will report back when I break a hip.
You'll do fine... there's literally levels for everyone, even if you're 500lbs and cant get out of bed.  They have workouts you can do in bed, using a chair, regular workouts with modifications (using a block, dropping to a knee etc) and all the way up to 'extreme psycho' workouts that live up to the name.

If you're on Facebook I'd highly recommend joining their unofficial group.  Thousands of awesome people keeping each other motivated.

KiddLattimer said:
even if you're 500lbs and cant get out of bed.
Do we know weach other?

In all seriousness thats great to hear.  I tried the p90x yoga with my wife and lasted about 5 minutes.  Seems 5 minutes is a common theme there. :ph34r:

Whos in.  Lets start a DDP group and keep each other motivated.
Whatever gets you motivated, go for it. However, I'd rather have a sexy voiced, yoga pants wearing hottie telling me what to do than DDP.  When they say "now focus on one point." They have many points to choose from :lol:

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I want DDP yelling at me threatning me with one of his finishing moves or something, but valid point.

Whatever gets you motivated, go for it. However, I'd rather have a sexy voiced, yoga pants wearing hottie telling me what to do than DDP.  When they say "now focus on one point." They have many points to choose from :lol:
There's a few good looking chicks on there... especially in the original YRG videos.  Tamra really stands out  :thumbup:

Do we know weach other?

In all seriousness thats great to hear.  I tried the p90x yoga with my wife and lasted about 5 minutes.  Seems 5 minutes is a common theme there. :ph34r:
Yea I had the same experience with p90x. DDPY is way different though. 

p90x is waaaaaaaaay too hard on the joints.  DDPY somehow walks the line between being really F'ing challenging (assuming you're doing an appropriate workout of course) but also stretches and strengthens your joints and ligaments instead of beating them down. Instead of feeling sore and in pain, you feel stronger but more flexible. 

When you start... the only issue I have with the program is the App is a little confusing at first.  "Diamond Dozen" is called a workout but it's really just an instructional guide on how to do all the moves.  Once you go through that one I would start with Energy Classic or Energy 2.0 and move up to Fat Burner after that (Assuming you don't need a chair/bed workout).  Once you get the hang of those two there's about a hundred different workouts you can choose from. 

Also, don't be afraid to modify... even DDP modifies sometimes.  

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When you start... the only issue I have with the program is the App is a little confusing at first.  "Diamond Dozen" is called a workout but it's really just an instructional guide on how to do all the moves.  Once you go through that one I would start with Energy Classic or Energy 2.0 and move up to Fat Burner after that (Assuming you don't need a chair/bed workout).  Once you get the hang of those two there's about a hundred different workouts you can choose from. 

Also, don't be afraid to modify... even DDP modifies sometimes.  
Can anyone that started this DDP yoga report back on difficulty, results etc? 

I am in my mid 40's and have always lifted weights with moderate cardio and now I am gaining way too much bulk on my body and have the stereotypical "dad bod".  Normally I have been average but now can tell everything is getting heavier and I have kept the same diet. 

Interested to hear about the yoga diehards.

I've always been super unflexible (my trainer at one time said stretching me was like working with an elderly rehab patient), have put on +25% of my body weight since I got married 10 years ago, my cardio is shot to the point where 30 mins of light tennis and I'm huffing, I've got a bad disc in my neck and likely a bulging disc in my back.

How in the world would I get started?  And which of the above issues would it help with?  I've been thinking about it, but have no idea what's feasible or where to begin.

Can anyone that started this DDP yoga report back on difficulty, results etc? 

I am in my mid 40's and have always lifted weights with moderate cardio and now I am gaining way too much bulk on my body and have the stereotypical "dad bod".  Normally I have been average but now can tell everything is getting heavier and I have kept the same diet. 

Interested to hear about the yoga diehards.
I've been doing DDP Yoga for over a year and a half. I mostly do Energy, Stand Up and Fat Burner. I'm 55 and used to cycle in younger days. My core is stronger and I'm flexible enough that I can do things that guys who do Crossfit, etc. can't do with their bodies.

There are some moves that I need to use my coffee table to help me with balance-wise, but with DDPY that's okay.


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