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You may want to deal CJ and Roy Williams ASAP "Redraft" (1 Viewer)

Da Guru

Fair & Balanced
The Lions are in a total meltdown and the easy part of the schedule was the first three games of the season. The Lions are looking at a 2-14 year right now.

Kitna may be done after the bye week because everybody is going crazy here and Kitna has no upside.

If you can make a "good" deal I would say do it right now.

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I own Calvin and there is not a chance in Hell I would trade him right now. They're going to fall behind, they're going to pass. When they are ahead, they're going to pass. Passing is the one strength of the Lions. Johnson didn't have a great game today but he is a top 10 fantasy WR, possibly top 5 when it's all over with.

This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.

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This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
It didn't seem to hurt him the first two weeks.
This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
It didn't seem to hurt him the first two weeks.
As I said he is the goods and he can be solid even with the OL and Kitna but I think its too much to ask to have top 10 numbers when they eventually make the switch to Stanton.
Roy Williams is an overrated fantas football player. You're right about Kitna, he won't be starting all season. When Stanton's healthy enough, they'll give him a shot. Calvin Johnson will be fine.

I don't see the Lions being a favorite to win any game this season. I'm hoping they finish 0-16, that would be a real accomplishment. Why Matt Millen still has a job is beyond me. It's hard to root for a team that doesn't help themself. The guy was a defensive guru, he was supposed to bring in this toughness...the Lions are hopeless on defense and have been forever but really really bad since he's been here.

This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
It didn't seem to hurt him the first two weeks.
As I said he is the goods and he can be solid even with the OL and Kitna but I think its too much to ask to have top 10 numbers when they eventually make the switch to Stanton.
Stanton will be as good or better than Kitna. The only problem with Stanton will be staying healthy. He'll do all right, he won't do any worse than Kitna while he's in there.
I think Calvin will be alright. He had Clements on him today. Detroit will need to throw a lot this year. He is the #1 target.

Might not be top 10, but very close to it IMO.

I think Stanton is coming soon. Anyone know if Martz called him 'the greatest QB he's ever coached' last year? I just wanat to get a heads up on how good he will be. :popcorn:

I temper my enthusiasm with Calvin until he gets a quality QB. We will see with Stanton when he is gived a chance. It's sad a talent such as him has played with such garbage throught out his college/NFL career.

The Lions are in a total meltdown and the easy part of the schedule was the first three games of the season. The Lions are looking at a 2-14 year right now.Kitna may be done after the bye week because everybody is going crazy here and Kitna has no upside.If you can make a "good" deal I would say do it right now.
Kitna might be out for a while with a bad ankle injury, he looked like he was in ALOT of pain when he hopped off the field on one leg and then was lying face down on the sideline in pain. He looked pretty pissed off too because the trainer tried to stop him from hopping off the field and Kitna slapped his hand away to tell him to get off of him.
The Lions are in a total meltdown and the easy part of the schedule was the first three games of the season. The Lions are looking at a 2-14 year right now.Kitna may be done after the bye week because everybody is going crazy here and Kitna has no upside.If you can make a "good" deal I would say do it right now.
Kitna might be out for a while with a bad ankle injury, he looked like he was in ALOT of pain when he hopped off the field on one leg and then was lying face down on the sideline in pain. He looked pretty pissed off too because the trainer tried to stop him from hopping off the field and Kitna slapped his hand away to tell him to get off of him.
I hope he is no hurt bad, but I have seen enough of Kitna to last me a lifetime. The guy is a "great" back up QB.
This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
Did you miss the first two games?
This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
Did you miss the first two games?
nope - very nice as he does it almost all by himsel - just think today will be the norm rather than the 1st two weeks - I really dislike their QBs and OL -
This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
H-U-G-E mistake.
I'd be more worried about the pending implosion of the entire team as whole...than worried about single players. It isn't going to take much and these guys will be done playing, done trying, just done. The organization needs to fire every single person from the top down. If Ford isn't embarassed by these three performances then he is in it for nothing but the $$.

Maybe we'll have to go 0-16 for Millen to get fired....or fired at.

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This is why I dealt Calvin in the offseason - no OL and a very avg QB - if they make the switch to a Stanton it will get even worse. Those predicting top 5 season from Calvin are going to be upset IMO - he's the real deal but ijn an awful situation.
Did you miss the first two games?
nope - very nice as he does it almost all by himsel - just think today will be the norm rather than the 1st two weeks - I really dislike their QBs and OL -
good luck with that
I'd be more worried about the pending implosion of the entire team as whole...than worried about single players. It isn't going to take much and these guys will be done playing, done trying, just done. The organization needs to fire every single person from the top down. If Ford isn't embarassed by these three performances then he is in it for nothing but the $$.

Maybe we'll have to go 0-16 for Millen to get fired....or fired at.

I apologize somewhat for this post. I am a "passionate" Lion and football fan who can not take it anymore.

What I meant is that Kitna maybe done. If you trust a Lion that Kitna beat out..go for it.

If the Lions are 0-5 at the bye you could see everything up to and including FoMoCo thrown at Bill Cowher. Full revolt is imminent by the fans.

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stop overreacting on calvin.

he had nate clements, one of the top cbs in the league on him today. heck, nate held fitz to 3 catches a few weeks back...

i'd say relax and hold calvin....but the time to get value for roy might be gone

Just curious, who says Stanton is next in line? Last I heard he was #3 on the depth chart.
Every update I ever read on Stanton was that hes still struggling w/ his throwing tech... maybe I haven't read every update on him, but if their still playing w/ his throwing in yr 2; its not a very good thing. I outright dropped him in a 12 teamer.If we see him, it won't be until the end of the yr.I wouldn't trade CJ2 unless I'm getting a stud in return, I'm curious as to hear what Kiddnets got in return before I say he made a huge mistake... I'm a Roy W owner... I'm holding and praying that hes not franchised next yr. I'm actually going to throw a couple of moves for him this yr and see if any stick.I packaged K Smith away last week... hes not going to do anything.
Just curious, who says Stanton is next in line? Last I heard he was #3 on the depth chart.
Every update I ever read on Stanton was that hes still struggling w/ his throwing tech... maybe I haven't read every update on him, but if their still playing w/ his throwing in yr 2; its not a very good thing. I outright dropped him in a 12 teamer.If we see him, it won't be until the end of the yr.I wouldn't trade CJ2 unless I'm getting a stud in return, I'm curious as to hear what Kiddnets got in return before I say he made a huge mistake... I'm a Roy W owner... I'm holding and praying that hes not franchised next yr. I'm actually going to throw a couple of moves for him this yr and see if any stick.I packaged K Smith away last week... hes not going to do anything.
keep in mind it was the offseason when i dealt him - its an auction league and I dealt him for cash. With the cash I wound up getting TJ Housh and Desean Jackson.
Just curious, who says Stanton is next in line? Last I heard he was #3 on the depth chart.
Every update I ever read on Stanton was that hes still struggling w/ his throwing tech... maybe I haven't read every update on him, but if their still playing w/ his throwing in yr 2; its not a very good thing. I outright dropped him in a 12 teamer.If we see him, it won't be until the end of the yr.

I wouldn't trade CJ2 unless I'm getting a stud in return, I'm curious as to hear what Kiddnets got in return before I say he made a huge mistake...

I'm a Roy W owner... I'm holding and praying that hes not franchised next yr. I'm actually going to throw a couple of moves for him this yr and see if any stick.

I packaged K Smith away last week... hes not going to do anything.
keep in mind it was the offseason when i dealt him - its an auction league and I dealt him for cash. With the cash I wound up getting TJ Housh and Desean Jackson.
ok... that may work out. Depends on DeSean.

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