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Your feelings on the following LB's (1 Viewer)


I'm in a 16 team IDP draft going on right now and the following LB's are still available. I have Pozlusny (sp) and Timmons currently. I can run a 3-4 or 4-3 but I'm unimpressed with what is left. Just wondering which of these guys has the brightest future/most consistent output:

Lofa Tatupu - My thoughts: injury prone and unspectacular. SEA now has a glut of LB's...surely they will start to steal tackles from Lofa.

David Hawthorne - My thoughts: was a tackle machine towards the end of the year. But does he have a permanent job? Will he be WLB, SLB, MLB? And where does Curry and Hill fit in?

Dan Connor - My thoughts: Is Carolina seriously thinking about moving Beason to WLB to accomodate Connor's strengths? Ugh.

EJ Henderson/Jasper Brinkley - My thoughts: Henderson has one of the best D-lines playing in front of him. Coming back from a nasty broken femur. Can he hold of Brinkley whom I hear the staff is high on? As for Brinkley...isn't he just a 2 down thumper?

Chad Greenway - My thoughts: Is he a SLB or WLB and how does he put up the points that he does? Can he stay consistent?

Nick Barnett - My thoughts: Coming off a knee scope. Injury history. But he's been a tackle machine in the past with a handful of sacks sprinkled in. Can he get back to what he was a couple years ago? Or is Clay Matthews to player to have here?

Zack Follett - My thoughts: Is this guy seriously the WLB? A stop gap for a younger guy or draft pick/FA next year? Can he perform? Is the DET WLB worth rostering?

Ernie Sims - My thoughts: can this guy stay healthy? And what kinda production can we expect out of the WLB spot in Philly? Can he steal some tackles from Bradley?

Jon Goff/Mike Boley - My thoughts: Does Goff hold onto the MLB spot all year or do they force feed it to Dillard? Boley is getting long in the tooth but is he the one to own in the scheme?

Bradie James/Sean Lee - My thoughts: James is only 28 or 29 so he can play for a few more years. My question is are they trying to replace him with Lee or Williams? Sean Lee...does he replace Brooking from day one and is Bradie's position the more tackle friendly?

Stephen Cooper - My thoughts: I honestly don't know much about this guy other than he doesn't excite me. Isn't he kind of a journey man? What kind of tackle numbers are expected from him now that Jamal Williams is gone?

Trevor Scott - My thoughts: What kind of defense will Oakland be running? Is Trevor really the WLB? I know he had some decent games at the end of last year...but seriously?

Derrick Johnson - My thoughts: Possibly the most athletically gifted LB of the bunch listed. But is Haley still playing head games with this poor guy? I mean damn...how many big plays did he have last year? Shouldn't he be a 3 down guy too?

Gary Brackett/ Clint Session - My thoughts: A couple of middle of the road guys both good for 100 tackles possibly. Which one is the one to own? Or would it be nice to have them both? Are they both 3 down guys?

Keith Rivers - My thoughts: What is with this guy? Thought he was supposed to be the second coming of Derrick Brooks? He leaves a lot to be desired. I think he is waiver wire fodder but does something change that enables him to put up the numbers that have been expected of him?

Rey Maualuga - My thoughts: SLB or MLB? WTF? Not very fluid in the hips. 2 down backer?

Brian Urlacher - My thoughts: Getting old and injury prone. But with Lance Briggs still there and now Peppers, can we expect a return to glory for Mr. Urlacher?

Dannell Ellerbe/ Tavares Gooden - My thoughts: One is more athletic, the other makes more plays. Is this a rotation or does one step up and take the position.

Daryl Washington - My thoughts: Does he step into Dansby's spot from day one? Do they ease him in and let him sit behind Paris? Can we expect Dansby like numbers from Washington? Hayes is coming off of injury and will probably be slower to the ball. Has a great D-line in front of him.

Sean Weatherspoon - My thoughts: How long until he takes it from Peterson? Is the WLB spot in ATL tackle friendly with Lofton in the middle? I'm assuming Sean would be a 3 down guy due to his range.

Out of these guys, who would you rather have on your roster? Or should I just sit back and take what falls?

I will rank them in the order I would want them:

1: Gary Brackett

2: Clint Session

3: Chad Greenway

4: EJ Henderson

5: Daryl Washington

6: Rey Maualuga

7: Derrick Johnson

For the first 2, Session is younger, but Brackett has slightly more tackle opportunities. Both are top-25 LBs in my book.

For the 3rd and 4th, Greenway is also possibly top-25, and is one of the top SLBs out there. Henderson COULD be top-15 if he can get healthy again, and is a tackle machine.

Washington at 5 is simply based on opportunity. If he wins that starting job, he should be good.

Maualuga has the slight edge over Rivers simply because he is projected as the future starter at MLB in Cincy.

Johnson, I think can make an impact if he is ever given the time, and there are a lot of tackle opportunities in that KC defense.

Lot of guys listed there.

None jump out so I would probably sit back and see who falls to you

Please see mine


Go get:


David Hawthorne

Nick Barnett

Let them fall to you:

Lofa Tatupu

EJ Henderson

Bradie James

Gary Brackett

Clint Session

Stephen Cooper

Derrick Johnson

Dannell Ellerbe


Chad Greenway

Ernie Sims

Rey Maualuga

Keith Rivers

Brian Urlacher

Super for Dynasty/Keeper League

Jasper Brinkley -

Sean Lee

Daryl Washington

Donald Butler needs to figure into this discussion. He was not listed with Cooper. There is a legit chance he leaves camp with the starting job, and may have more talent then Cooper.

I will rank them in the order I would want them:1: Gary Brackett2: Clint Session3: Chad Greenway4: EJ Henderson5: Daryl Washington6: Rey Maualuga7: Derrick JohnsonFor the first 2, Session is younger, but Brackett has slightly more tackle opportunities. Both are top-25 LBs in my book.For the 3rd and 4th, Greenway is also possibly top-25, and is one of the top SLBs out there. Henderson COULD be top-15 if he can get healthy again, and is a tackle machine.Washington at 5 is simply based on opportunity. If he wins that starting job, he should be good.Maualuga has the slight edge over Rivers simply because he is projected as the future starter at MLB in Cincy.Johnson, I think can make an impact if he is ever given the time, and there are a lot of tackle opportunities in that KC defense.
I like Brackett too and he is going pretty late in drafts, while not listed I like Tulloch and Levy too.Barnett missed TC last year and still played game 1. It should 6 weeks or so to player most downs. I like him this year.
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In no particular order, the guys that jump out to me from your list that would be great for your team (seeing as you already have 2 other starters):

-Chad Greenway. Young, very consistent. Kind of the rare guy at SLB that scores. He has been on my dynasty team since he came into the league. Of course, he was hurt the first year but ever since he has finished top 20-22 every year and his points scored each week are very smooth and consistent. You can pretty much pencil him in for about the same performance each week. Also, he is frequently moved to other positons when Henderson has been hurt and unfortunately, that seems to be an annual event. He usually puts up even better points when moved around.

-Bradie James. Never flashy or spectacular, always steady and consistent. Its hard for me to think of another player that is so glossed over and forgotten about but he is always a steady 16-25 guy. His job is secure and he is at the prime of his career in terms of age. Brooking will be the guy that is replaced there first and the other guys like Brandon Williams are looked at as being more of pass rushing outside guys.

-Daryl Washington. It is merely a matter of time and Hayes is hurting also so he may play early and at various spots if needed. He's going to be a good one and I love Dockett and Campbell in front of him.

Other guys on the list I think could be solid at least short term are Urlacher, Rivers (I think he has been set back a bit but should be solid), and Trevor Scott (depending on what happens with Thomas Howard (Raiders are really selling that guy short..).

Here is who I have currently:


L. Timmons

Bradie James

Nick Barnett


K. Bulluck

The ones still available are:

Tavares Gooden/Dannell Ellerbe

Jasper Brinkley

Zack Follett

We still don't know who is gonna be the starter between Gooden and Ellerbe and they may rotate a good bit, thus negating any value.

Brinkley is only a 2 down thumper but the coaching staff seems to like him. (think Joe Mays)

And how long can we actually expect Follett to hold down the WLB spot in DET? Doesn't seem to be much of a talent.

all 3 of those are rather MEH to me...

surely there are better options still available? If not, you have a decent top-6, although a little old.

I think Derrick Johnson has done everything right so far and he is by far and away the most talented LB on his team, "if" he is back to a 3 down LB, he will crush most of the other guys on this list as his competition for tackles is so weak. It is a BIG "if" I know since his coach is a moron, but he is definitely someone to target and you can probably get on the cheap.

I think Derrick Johnson has done everything right so far and he is by far and away the most talented LB on his team, "if" he is back to a 3 down LB, he will crush most of the other guys on this list as his competition for tackles is so weak. It is a BIG "if" I know since his coach is a moron, but he is definitely someone to target and you can probably get on the cheap.
I love it when a plan comes together. Hopefully others tried to pick DJ up as well, I know it's only 1 game but man he looked strong and he was every where against SD. That strip on Matthews was an awesome play.

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