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Civilization V announced. :nerd:^10000 (4 Viewers)

Anybody have laptop use experience with this? I only have onboard graphics on this laptop, and would be interested to know of anyone else with low end laptop experience. I'd rather not buy a computer just for Civ, but I do know that's been known to happen....
My laptop is about 2 1/2 years old but I upgraded to the best on board video card they had at the time. It runs the game at low to medium specs (automatically set at install) fairly well. I think any standard on board chip is going to have a tough time.
That's kind of what I feared. My laptop was bought last XMas, but not with Civ in mind so it has very vanilla video.
I'm hurting today. I was up until 3 a.m. on Sunday playing. I swore I was going to go to be earlier last night but ended up staying up until 3 a.m. again. I think I need an intervention.

Was able to put in some hours this weekend. Advanced my Egyptian civ quite nicely. Took some British cities, made peace with them and then turned on the deceitful Germans and took their capital. I was near the front in technology, had a nice large empire, happines, things are just peachy.

Suddenly the Brits come out of nowhere with like a dozen military units and somehow they've managed to ally with 5 city states. How the hell can they afford that? It feels like classic Civ AI cheating (I'm playing at Prince). I put up a decent fight but once they overran what I thought was a decent army, they ran rough shod over the rest of my empire.


I like the idea of puppet states, but you really should be able to tell them what buildings to build. Why a puppet state would bother to build military buildings like barracks and armories when they can't build actual military units kills me. I hope this gets fixed in patch somewhere down the road.

Was doing well on my 2nd game as France (still at Prince). It came down to me on one continent and the Arabs on another. They had more population, cities and landmass but I was ahead of them technologically. I was having some financial struggles, however, as I didn't build a financially focused city with tons of trading posts.

This was big in Civ IV but focus is key here. Building maintenance will murder you if you just try and make everything a generalized city. Focus on one things and only build buildings that help that out or you will have money problems.

The resources were also very unbalanced. My continent had no coal or aluminum and the Arab continent had every resource out the wazoo so I couldn't even trade strategic resources with him - he didn't need any.

Anyway, we got to 2050 on that game without anyone achieving victory conditions (I had just started the spaceship). I hate the forced time ending.

Started a 3rd game this weekend and disabled the forced time limit, went to a large map to get more continents hopefully and checked balanced strategic resources so hopefully there's no late game BS involved.

This time I'm playing as the Russians and I've already wiped the slimy Ottomans off the map and expanded quite a bit. Razed a bunch of Ottoman cities and I didn't want to grow too quickly. I've also cultivated a good relationship with the Egyptians and although the Chinese allied with the Ottmans in declaring war on me, we've made peace and they are far enough away that there's no need to address them right now. The world leader is on another undiscovered continent at around 1000 AD.

I haven't played civ since like college, is this single or multi-player? If both what are most people playing? How long does a game take?
Turn by turn play so mostly single player but multi player is available. The length of the game largely depends on the setting but a Normal size, normal time game is probably a good 20-30 hours of gameplay.
I have found that tradeing in the late game can be very difficult as many more Civs get eliminated by the Computer AI Civs than in Civ IV. That makes fewer people to trade with add in that many times the survivng Civs don't have anything you want (gold or luxury resources) or they are hostile or they make outrageous demands ( they want 1 of every resource and give you a single resource in return).

Is this other peoples experrience as well? I wish you could trade with city states!

I have found that tradeing in the late game can be very difficult as many more Civs get eliminated by the Computer AI Civs than in Civ IV. That makes fewer people to trade with add in that many times the survivng Civs don't have anything you want (gold or luxury resources) or they are hostile or they make outrageous demands ( they want 1 of every resource and give you a single resource in return).Is this other peoples experrience as well? I wish you could trade with city states!
I rarely ever do any trading except for research agreements. Their demands are always outrageous.
Got it in the mail on Friday. I've only played a half a game thus far, but the gameplay seems slow to me. The empire expansions are way way slower than in previous games, and the military tactics are way different, right?

I have found that tradeing in the late game can be very difficult as many more Civs get eliminated by the Computer AI Civs than in Civ IV. That makes fewer people to trade with add in that many times the survivng Civs don't have anything you want (gold or luxury resources) or they are hostile or they make outrageous demands ( they want 1 of every resource and give you a single resource in return).Is this other peoples experrience as well? I wish you could trade with city states!
I rarely ever do any trading except for research agreements. Their demands are always outrageous.
I am playing on Prince at the moment. Seems like I can often get a 1:1 trade early and mid game but more difficult later.
I've found it to be meh so far. Haven't gotten to play as much as I'd need to to make a better determination. Can't put my finger on why, but it's just not grabbing me.

ETA: I also think the decision to use 3d graphics on a game like this is idiotic. It adds nothing and isn't worth the noise the two fans on my video card make.

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Was doing well on my 2nd game as France (still at Prince). It came down to me on one continent and the Arabs on another. They had more population, cities and landmass but I was ahead of them technologically. I was having some financial struggles, however, as I didn't build a financially focused city with tons of trading posts.

This was big in Civ IV but focus is key here. Building maintenance will murder you if you just try and make everything a generalized city. Focus on one things and only build buildings that help that out or you will have money problems.

The resources were also very unbalanced. My continent had no coal or aluminum and the Arab continent had every resource out the wazoo so I couldn't even trade strategic resources with him - he didn't need any.

Anyway, we got to 2050 on that game without anyone achieving victory conditions (I had just started the spaceship). I hate the forced time ending.

Started a 3rd game this weekend and disabled the forced time limit, went to a large map to get more continents hopefully and checked balanced strategic resources so hopefully there's no late game BS involved.

This time I'm playing as the Russians and I've already wiped the slimy Ottomans off the map and expanded quite a bit. Razed a bunch of Ottoman cities and I didn't want to grow too quickly. I've also cultivated a good relationship with the Egyptians and although the Chinese allied with the Ottmans in declaring war on me, we've made peace and they are far enough away that there's no need to address them right now. The world leader is on another undiscovered continent at around 1000 AD.
I'm sad to hear they're still doing the forced time ending. It seems like I'll never get to see the entire game because of it
I have completed two games so far, both at Chieftain to get use to the game style. One as Washington and the other as Catherine.

Washington won on the Time Limit.

Cathrine with the Space Race..

VERY VERY disappointed in the Space race.

In earlier games, you built and then launched and had to wait for it to arrive. Made decision making more important.. Do I build quick and launch, or build more boosters to get there faster and then launch?

Now you build, launch and game over. Oh and NO movies at all any more except as the game is loading.. Loved the first time I won at the Space race and the movie that came up in Civ IV.. here.. Nothing but voice over a Picture. :thumbdown:

Playing as Warlord now as Augustus, Large map this time instead of Standard and went with "Earth" as a change of pace instead of Continents.

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Was doing well on my 2nd game as France (still at Prince). It came down to me on one continent and the Arabs on another. They had more population, cities and landmass but I was ahead of them technologically. I was having some financial struggles, however, as I didn't build a financially focused city with tons of trading posts.

This was big in Civ IV but focus is key here. Building maintenance will murder you if you just try and make everything a generalized city. Focus on one things and only build buildings that help that out or you will have money problems.

The resources were also very unbalanced. My continent had no coal or aluminum and the Arab continent had every resource out the wazoo so I couldn't even trade strategic resources with him - he didn't need any.

Anyway, we got to 2050 on that game without anyone achieving victory conditions (I had just started the spaceship). I hate the forced time ending.

Started a 3rd game this weekend and disabled the forced time limit, went to a large map to get more continents hopefully and checked balanced strategic resources so hopefully there's no late game BS involved.

This time I'm playing as the Russians and I've already wiped the slimy Ottomans off the map and expanded quite a bit. Razed a bunch of Ottoman cities and I didn't want to grow too quickly. I've also cultivated a good relationship with the Egyptians and although the Chinese allied with the Ottmans in declaring war on me, we've made peace and they are far enough away that there's no need to address them right now. The world leader is on another undiscovered continent at around 1000 AD.
I'm sad to hear they're still doing the forced time ending. It seems like I'll never get to see the entire game because of it
You can still finish the game out even after the forced time ending.
I have found that tradeing in the late game can be very difficult as many more Civs get eliminated by the Computer AI Civs than in Civ IV. That makes fewer people to trade with add in that many times the survivng Civs don't have anything you want (gold or luxury resources) or they are hostile or they make outrageous demands ( they want 1 of every resource and give you a single resource in return).Is this other peoples experrience as well? I wish you could trade with city states!
In general, you shouldn't be trading for resources, selling extra resources however is generally a good idea - the computer will pay through the nose.
I have found that tradeing in the late game can be very difficult as many more Civs get eliminated by the Computer AI Civs than in Civ IV. That makes fewer people to trade with add in that many times the survivng Civs don't have anything you want (gold or luxury resources) or they are hostile or they make outrageous demands ( they want 1 of every resource and give you a single resource in return).Is this other peoples experrience as well? I wish you could trade with city states!
In general, you shouldn't be trading for resources, selling extra resources however is generally a good idea - the computer will pay through the nose.
In my experience the best I can get is 8 GPT, then later 5. After 5 I ain't selling. I find I NEED luxury resources from other Civs or my Happiness tanks.
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Parasailer said:
Arizona Ron said:
Drifter said:
Was doing well on my 2nd game as France (still at Prince). It came down to me on one continent and the Arabs on another. They had more population, cities and landmass but I was ahead of them technologically. I was having some financial struggles, however, as I didn't build a financially focused city with tons of trading posts.

This was big in Civ IV but focus is key here. Building maintenance will murder you if you just try and make everything a generalized city. Focus on one things and only build buildings that help that out or you will have money problems.

The resources were also very unbalanced. My continent had no coal or aluminum and the Arab continent had every resource out the wazoo so I couldn't even trade strategic resources with him - he didn't need any.

Anyway, we got to 2050 on that game without anyone achieving victory conditions (I had just started the spaceship). I hate the forced time ending.

Started a 3rd game this weekend and disabled the forced time limit, went to a large map to get more continents hopefully and checked balanced strategic resources so hopefully there's no late game BS involved.

This time I'm playing as the Russians and I've already wiped the slimy Ottomans off the map and expanded quite a bit. Razed a bunch of Ottoman cities and I didn't want to grow too quickly. I've also cultivated a good relationship with the Egyptians and although the Chinese allied with the Ottmans in declaring war on me, we've made peace and they are far enough away that there's no need to address them right now. The world leader is on another undiscovered continent at around 1000 AD.
I'm sad to hear they're still doing the forced time ending. It seems like I'll never get to see the entire game because of it
You can still finish the game out even after the forced time ending.
:lmao: You can't. The option to "just one more turn" is grayed out at the time limit

dparker713 said:
TeamDingo said:
I have found that tradeing in the late game can be very difficult as many more Civs get eliminated by the Computer AI Civs than in Civ IV. That makes fewer people to trade with add in that many times the survivng Civs don't have anything you want (gold or luxury resources) or they are hostile or they make outrageous demands ( they want 1 of every resource and give you a single resource in return).Is this other peoples experrience as well? I wish you could trade with city states!
In general, you shouldn't be trading for resources, selling extra resources however is generally a good idea - the computer will pay through the nose.
Getting the extra happiness can be woth it.
The AI diplomacy still needs a great deal of work. They turn on you too quickly and it is too hard to develop a good relationship. Also, unlike Civ IV you cannot tell what may be positive or negative aspects to your relationship.

Parasailer said:
Arizona Ron said:
Drifter said:
Was doing well on my 2nd game as France (still at Prince). It came down to me on one continent and the Arabs on another. They had more population, cities and landmass but I was ahead of them technologically. I was having some financial struggles, however, as I didn't build a financially focused city with tons of trading posts.

This was big in Civ IV but focus is key here. Building maintenance will murder you if you just try and make everything a generalized city. Focus on one things and only build buildings that help that out or you will have money problems.

The resources were also very unbalanced. My continent had no coal or aluminum and the Arab continent had every resource out the wazoo so I couldn't even trade strategic resources with him - he didn't need any.

Anyway, we got to 2050 on that game without anyone achieving victory conditions (I had just started the spaceship). I hate the forced time ending.

Started a 3rd game this weekend and disabled the forced time limit, went to a large map to get more continents hopefully and checked balanced strategic resources so hopefully there's no late game BS involved.

This time I'm playing as the Russians and I've already wiped the slimy Ottomans off the map and expanded quite a bit. Razed a bunch of Ottoman cities and I didn't want to grow too quickly. I've also cultivated a good relationship with the Egyptians and although the Chinese allied with the Ottmans in declaring war on me, we've made peace and they are far enough away that there's no need to address them right now. The world leader is on another undiscovered continent at around 1000 AD.
I'm sad to hear they're still doing the forced time ending. It seems like I'll never get to see the entire game because of it
You can still finish the game out even after the forced time ending.
:thumbup: You can't. The option to "just one more turn" is grayed out at the time limit
Hmm, maybe I've just been disabling that condition every time. I always set up my games myself.
The AI diplomacy still needs a great deal of work. They turn on you too quickly and it is too hard to develop a good relationship. Also, unlike Civ IV you cannot tell what may be positive or negative aspects to your relationship.
Yeah I can't seem to keep any allies for any amount of time. I will form pacts of secrecy when they ask, go to war when they ask or within 10 turns at least and they will still turn on me or suddenly stop allowing even open borders treaties.
snogger said:
I have completed two games so far, both at Chieftain to get use to the game style. One as Washington and the other as Catherine.Washington won on the Time Limit. Cathrine with the Space Race.. VERY VERY disappointed in the Space race. In earlier games, you built and then launched and had to wait for it to arrive. Made decision making more important.. Do I build quick and launch, or build more boosters to get there faster and then launch? Now you build, launch and game over. Oh and NO movies at all any more except as the game is loading.. Loved the first time I won at the Space race and the movie that came up in Civ IV.. here.. Nothing but voice over a Picture. :thumbup: Playing as Warlord now as Augustus, Large map this time instead of Standard and went with "Earth" as a change of pace instead of Continents.
I usually (Civ IV) end up disabling space race eventually - Conquest, Culture or Diplomacy only.
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I'll join the whine-fest in here. I really liked the no-stacking rule for combat units at first, but now that I'm into my second game it's turning into something of a micromanaging nightmare. It's not the end of the world, but given that this was the one feature I was really excited about for this iteration, it's a little disappointing.

Also, is it just me, or do units/buildings take forever to build? If I can get a city that produces a military unit in 10-12 turns (through about 1300 AD or so, haven't played through the modern era yet), it is a pretty remarkable achievement for me. New cities often take 40-50 turns for simple buildings. I never had that experience in previous Civs.

I'll join the whine-fest in here. I really liked the no-stacking rule for combat units at first, but now that I'm into my second game it's turning into something of a micromanaging nightmare. It's not the end of the world, but given that this was the one feature I was really excited about for this iteration, it's a little disappointing.Also, is it just me, or do units/buildings take forever to build? If I can get a city that produces a military unit in 10-12 turns (through about 1300 AD or so, haven't played through the modern era yet), it is a pretty remarkable achievement for me. New cities often take 40-50 turns for simple buildings. I never had that experience in previous Civs.
What game speed are you playing? Buildings like the workshop are really essential IMO.
I'll join the whine-fest in here. I really liked the no-stacking rule for combat units at first, but now that I'm into my second game it's turning into something of a micromanaging nightmare. It's not the end of the world, but given that this was the one feature I was really excited about for this iteration, it's a little disappointing.Also, is it just me, or do units/buildings take forever to build? If I can get a city that produces a military unit in 10-12 turns (through about 1300 AD or so, haven't played through the modern era yet), it is a pretty remarkable achievement for me. New cities often take 40-50 turns for simple buildings. I never had that experience in previous Civs.
What game speed are you playing? Buildings like the workshop are really essential IMO.
Make sure you are playing at normal speed. My very first game, I set it to long and the build times were ridiculous.
Still haven't gotten a copy yet. In most game forums it seems the main complaint are Combat AI and Worker AI being completely absurd in every facet of interaction with the player.

Still haven't gotten a copy yet. In most game forums it seems the main complaint are Combat AI and Worker AI being completely absurd in every facet of interaction with the player.
Combat AI is definitely lacking but that's not suprising given how much more complicated combat is. I occasionally make some bad decisions on it because there's a lot of nuance.One unbalanced item seems to be that it rarely seems worth it to promote your units as opposed to healing them. A brand new unit is much more powerful than a veteran unit with all kinds of upgrades because the new unit can choose to return to full health at each of its several initial promotions instead of taking a perk. In the middle of a war, that's huge.
snogger said:
I have completed two games so far, both at Chieftain to get use to the game style. One as Washington and the other as Catherine.Washington won on the Time Limit. Cathrine with the Space Race.. VERY VERY disappointed in the Space race. In earlier games, you built and then launched and had to wait for it to arrive. Made decision making more important.. Do I build quick and launch, or build more boosters to get there faster and then launch? Now you build, launch and game over. Oh and NO movies at all any more except as the game is loading.. Loved the first time I won at the Space race and the movie that came up in Civ IV.. here.. Nothing but voice over a Picture. :confused: Playing as Warlord now as Augustus, Large map this time instead of Standard and went with "Earth" as a change of pace instead of Continents.
I usually (Civ IV) end up disabling space race eventually - Conquest, Culture or Diplomacy only.
Same here as I won almost every time with Space Race enabled. but wanted to try one out for Civ V just for the ending.. :bag:
The AI diplomacy still needs a great deal of work. They turn on you too quickly and it is too hard to develop a good relationship. Also, unlike Civ IV you cannot tell what may be positive or negative aspects to your relationship.
So far I think I like that part seems like they act on their own best interest a bit better. It makes them more unpredictable and a little more like a real person. While I think IV is probably the best game I've ever played, it did sometimes feel more like solving a mathematical equation rather than "play" sometimes. A little more opacity around the game mechanics is a good thing in my opinion.
Tried out my first game last night, definitely hooked again. At first glance, it seems almost dumbed down, but I think that is just a trick of the slimmed up and polished interface. There's tons of depth to plumb here. Love the reminder system and the little things like the unit animations and adding the buildings/wonders to the city areas.

The hexagon shapes are going to take getting used to for certain, been so used to knowing exactly where to space out my cities from the prior games, it's throwing me off. I've always been a huge expansionist type player with tons of cities grabbing up territory, but this the first iteration where I feel like you don't need to do that. Love the city states so far, diplomacy with them seems much easier than with the other major powers. That's one area that I feel is still sorely behind in development, they only want to trade if they are raping you (kind of like fantasy football) and they turn to quick as others said.

I still really miss wonder movies (the gold standard for me will always be Civ 2) and they spent too many resources on animating the leaders/languagues/etc to fit. I find it best not to even bother dealling with the other major powers so it seems a waste. Wish Religion was still in the game somehow, I thought that was the best part of Civ 4.

Still a great game.

"One more turn..."

I miss the soundtrack from IV (except for the opening song - couldn't stand that one so I replaced it with "You've Got Another Thing Coming" by Judas Priest). That, the soundtrack from Europa Universalis II and the one from Total Annihilation are the best game soundtracks of the games I've played.

Once I realized how easy it was to conquer cities with Horseman, and how dumb the AI is so far, Civ V has become very easy. Still fun though.

They've announced the first major patch is coming soon. Hopefully they improve the AI a bit, mainly in respect to dealing with water/oceans.

I'm enjoying it. I'm waiting for the latest patch which should be released fairly soon (by the end of the year) to clean up and hone some of the Diplomatic/AI issues. They continue to slowly release some additional civs slowly with 2 new ones (likely Spain and Inca) coming out soon.

I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm really looking forward to the polished up version of this game as I like the potential the game has, but its not 100% there yet.

I'm enjoying it. I'm waiting for the latest patch which should be released fairly soon (by the end of the year) to clean up and hone some of the Diplomatic/AI issues. They continue to slowly release some additional civs slowly with 2 new ones (likely Spain and Inca) coming out soon.I think I've mentioned this before, but I'm really looking forward to the polished up version of this game as I like the potential the game has, but its not 100% there yet.
:lmao: Still playing it quite a bit.. Think i've finished 4 or 5 games now (3 at warlord and 2 at Prince)..
Finished my 2nd game a few weeks ago doing the English with an archipeligo map. The other cultures of the world were no match for my navy. A great game, just hard for me to find the time to play. Think I will try out a pangea type map and go war elephant all over some civ's.

I've beaten this game in many different strategies / techniques. I've beaten it on King (Pangea / Duel) once via Conquest. I have yet to win a Cultural or Diplomatic Victory. As usual, Space Race is probably the easiest followed by Conquest.

The gameplay is a little slow for my taste and the AI is pretty dumb as well.

TeamDingo said:
Had my first Cultural Victory over the holiday weekend (Prince). Wish they had movies...
Tips? Did you use France?The problem I ran into was that I even though I had built all cultural stuff I could and enacted all the cultural policies I could, I ran out of time. Also it was a real ##### to generate enough $$ to cover the building's expenses.
TeamDingo said:
Had my first Cultural Victory over the holiday weekend (Prince). Wish they had movies...
Tips? Did you use France?The problem I ran into was that I even though I had built all cultural stuff I could and enacted all the cultural policies I could, I ran out of time. Also it was a real ##### to generate enough $$ to cover the building's expenses.
It was with America (random Civ, bonuses were no help), I only had 4 cities in the entire game and one cultural allied City State. The key is stay small if you want a Cultural victory. I was on a perfect sized island for it. HTHEdit to add - i think I won in 2020 or so.Edit to also add- Get to Freedom ASAP!
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For whatever reason I don't find this one as compelling as IV (yet). I've been just messing around on Prince level trying to learn the game and still winning. Last one I was on my way to a cultural win (with Alexander) and ended up with a diplomatic win sort of by mistake (I had a city build the U.N. for the culture forgetting it'd trigger the global election and I owned all the city states). I guess I should move up another level for more challenge, but I don't feel like I know the game well enough yet.

Well I finally got enough money together for a laptop that could play this thing, and I haven't even bothered to get it yet. The buzz on this game is non-existent. What are people's opinions now?


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