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Did the Packers Make the Right Decision for Their Ball Club (2 Viewers)

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The Packers are epic failures at this whole thing. May they end up like Detroit for years to come.
Let's see... they got a draft choice for someone that didn't want to play for them. It sounds like a win to me.
Right now it is a win. If the losses pile up if/and the Rodgers injury happens, it will look horrific.
Hmmm....Maybe we should switch Screen Names for a season or Two?
GB will get at worst a 3rd round pick for him, I think. But they needed to get rid of him, or else, who knows, the exact same situation could happen for the next 2-5 years. I think Favre stinks this year, and retires for good, and will be remembered as much for his heroics as his 2008 season. He brought it onto himself. I hope Rodgers wins MVP. I thought the NFL had 32 teams, not one player.

The Packers are epic failures at this whole thing. May they end up like Detroit for years to come.
Let's see... they got a draft choice for someone that didn't want to play for them. It sounds like a win to me.
Right now it is a win. If the losses pile up if/and the Rodgers injury happens, it will look horrific.
Hmmm....Maybe we should switch Screen Names for a season or Two?
Can't accomodate you. I'm totally irritating and as FavreCo, I can go to any team and irritate. FavreCo fits, like OJ's glove, anywhere. :goodposting:
uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
:hot: Thompson had no intention to bring him back and any appearance that they did want him back was a farce. It is becoming more appararent everyday that the Packers did not want Favre back so of course Brett couldn't committ to play for them after he was told that in him meetings with McCarthy. How can he be in the mindset to play for a team that wouldn't let him in the locker room on Sunday?
uwgb96 said:
Joe Bryant said:
uwgb96 said:
LHUCKS said:
If they thought it through and came to this decision, they are morons. How do these guys get jobs??
The guy is the reigning NFL Executive of the Year.
To be fair, if you want to go down that road, Favre is a 3 time MVP and finished #2 in MVP voting last year.Past accolades are apparently not in play here.J
They appear to be questioning his motivation to play and his mental makeup to make things work on the field and in the locker room.
Which is exactly how TT and McCarthy want to spin this. Again, how do you expect his mental makeup to be after hearing hour upon hour that they don't want you back and we don't want you near the locker room or field for the scrimmage. Of course Favre didn't have the mental makeup to play for them. He finally realized the Packers didn't want him to play which is something they decided well before he retired.
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was thinking more along the lines of Dodds telling you that he was retiring in late winter. You cancel other projects and focus on rebuilding the organization. Maybe go as far as to promote Chase and Aaron into full time positions and they quit other interests because of the promotion. Then in late July Dodds tells you that he's coming back for one more season and that you need to reshuffle your organizational plan to accomodate him.
That's a great example. I do a back flip and welcome David the second I think I could get him back. Actually, I do more than that. I do everything I can in the relationship to never let him get to the point of quitting.And I love Chase and Aaron. And I think they love me. But they both will tell you in a second that David and I have a different relationship.J
This whole line of reasoning is flawed (not just the Dodds example, but I will use it). Dodds does not have a contract that says if he ever wants to work in this field again (unretire) you can only do that with us (FBG) since we have a contract controlling your services for 2-3 more years. This is one of the reasons I have ended up siding with the waffling Favre in this as time has gone bye. He wants to continue to play, but GB controls his ability to unretire and play. That is the big difference between this situation in the NFL and real life. If you are at the top of your profession and decide to retire, you can unretire and work again in the same field w/o your previous employer saying whether you can and/or where you can work again.
Not if they have a non-compete agreement.
Right or wrong, you gotta think that if Rodgers struggles early, a lot of the team will get pissed at Thompson and McCarthy quickly, knowing that with Favre they could have been doing much better. Rodgers has to do well, and do well quickly.
:hot:It seems as if the Packers brass didn't really think this one through.
Of course they did. Again, and again, and again, and again. In the end, Favre's grudge against Thompson decided this. The Packers brass has their ### on the line with this decision. Do you honestly think they didn't calculate all of the consequences of each and every decision?
Yes...they did...and this should not even be close at this point.
It's not like Favre was agreeing to come back for the next three years. He was just looking for one more season. At this point, GB is not guaranteed that Favre would have been any better for the team than Rodgers in 2008 let alone beyond 2008.
Yes...they did...and this should not even be close at this point.
It's not like Favre was agreeing to come back for the next three years. He was just looking for one more season. At this point, GB is not guaranteed that Favre would have been any better for the team than Rodgers in 2008 let alone beyond 2008.
I think he would have been better in 2008. Sure, there is a chance Rodgers could be better for them then...But short of a SB win or even appearance...it would have been a failure with him. It would have put the team back yet another year with Rodgers...as well as take reps away from Brohm and Flynn.They went 13-3 last year.Even with him this year I would not predict that...not with playing the AFC South.
I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?

Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.

I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Go back even further.3 years ago...people were bashing the Packers...asking "how long are you going to keep him around...for however he wants?"In about the same time frame, people were saying he was done...time to quit. One more good year and apparently all that has changed.These are now the same people who are claiming he is just too good to get rid of...that if he wants to play you should just let him play.Similar with the Moss situation. When GB was even discussing it last offseason...people called them crazy for considering it. All of a sudden now...those same people are bashing them saying it was a no-brainer.Such a no-brainer that only 2 teams showed interest in Moss. I guess the rest of the teams in the league are set at WR huh?
I started off thinking it was "New Coke" bad.Someone else suggested MS Vista bad. That's probably better. New Coke is pretty harsh...J
I was thinking more along the lines of Dodds telling you that he was retiring in late winter. You cancel other projects and focus on rebuilding the organization. Maybe go as far as to promote Chase and Aaron into full time positions and they quit other interests because of the promotion. Then in late July Dodds tells you that he's coming back for one more season and that you need to reshuffle your organizational plan to accomodate him.
That's a great example. I do a back flip and welcome David the second I think I could get him back. Actually, I do more than that. I do everything I can in the relationship to never let him get to the point of quitting.And I love Chase and Aaron. And I think they love me. But they both will tell you in a second that David and I have a different relationship.J
Very strange, I would think that someone sporting your avatar would have a comprehensive understanding of the defination of being oVVned.
Why does everyone keep saying Favre has only had one good year in the last few? The two years prior to last year Favre had 3,800 yards in each season and played each game. His TD's were lower than normal and his INT's were a little higher than average but the team, in those two years, went through a lot with players, injuries, coaching changes, scheme changes, and other things. Brett Favre did not have bad years those years... sub par, sure, but bad... not at all.

Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Sorry, but Favre had no intention of coming back to Green Bay. He announced his retirement because he thought Green Bay would release him, he could unretire, and then go to Minnesota...Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
Joe Bryant said:
uwgb96 said:
LHUCKS said:
If they thought it through and came to this decision, they are morons. How do these guys get jobs??
The guy is the reigning NFL Executive of the Year.
To be fair, if you want to go down that road, Favre is a 3 time MVP and finished #2 in MVP voting last year.Past accolades are apparently not in play here.J
Great point.A handful of people are saying Rodgers may be better at this point in their careers, but seriously....After they got so deep, this was all they could do, but I think the moment he calls them, they should have asked him if there was anything he wanted added to the playbook.
Whether Favre did poorly or not in his own decisions apart, I think the Packers handled the whole thing incredibly poorly.They appeared to do everything they could to drag their feet and fight the situation kicking and screaming. Why couldn't they have just come out and publicly said they would work with Brett to pursue trade opportunities that would be mutually beneficial, but if an appropriate deal couldn't be worked out they would happily welcome him back into camp and there would be an open competition for the starting QB job?If they definitely were going to trade or release him no matter what, they can always go to Rodgers privately to tell him that and the stuff about the open job is just to keep other teams from thinking the Packers are in a situation they have to get rid of Favre and so the team won't get as much for him in trade.If they'd done the above, the Packers would arguably have had better leverage. The way they fought this kicking and screaming, it seemed pretty clear they were not happy to keep him on the team and have a competition at QB, so other teams knew he would be released or traded. And I can't imagine the way they handled would make Favre any more willing to renegotiate his contract in order to help the Packers get more compensation in the trade.It just makes no sense to me why they played this out the way they did rather than being gracious and welcoming to his return. It was in their own best interest to have done so, both in terms of their trading options, and the way the Favre-lovers amongst their fans would react.
Great post and you put it better than I could. I don't fault GB for wanting to move on. I really don't. I just fault them for how they went about it. I really think they could have gotten more than they did for Favre if it appeared that everything was OK. And then even if Favre started something in the media, about not liking the Jets or Bucs or whatever, he would be the one that looked bad.
The Packer organization had won 41% of their games prior to Favre coming to Green Bay. With Favre in Green Bay, the Packers won 63% of their games, BEST IN THE NFL over the 16 year period.
Then why is there only one SB win? That is what really counts.
In 97, they were outplayed and outcoached by the Broncos.In 98, Darren Sharper made a terrible mistake that led to a game-winning TD catch by Terrell Owens.In 2003, Mike Sherman and Ed Donatell's coaching decisions prevented the Packers from beating the Eagles.In 2007, Favre's INT combined with some poor play in other areas (notably Al Harris getting toasted and the Packers' offensive line losing the battle) cost them in the NFC title game.Since the 96 Super Bowl win, I'd say those were the Packers' best chances to win or get to another Super Bowl. Only once - last season - would I place any blame on Favre for that not happening. Furthermore, Ron Wolf is on record as saying he didn't do enough as the GM to bring in more quality players to surround Favre with during his time with Green Bay.
:shrug:Good info here.
uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
lolAnd Favre made it clear in the 6 months before that that he had no desire to play for the Packers. LIke when he said he was thinking about coming back and they sent the Packers' Jet to Mississippi to pick him up and bring him up here and announce he was the starter (and essentially cut Aaron Rodgers)... And then Favre went "nah" at the last second...
I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Where was this consensus that they were a playoff team a month ago without Favre? I certainly wouldn't have agreed with that, and still don't. They need to win 10+ games to make the playoffs, and I don't see that happening with Rodgers/Brohm/Flynn manning the QB position. Is this because consensus was they would win the division? I'd favor Minnesota at this point.
uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
:confused: Thompson had no intention to bring him back and any appearance that they did want him back was a farce. It is becoming more appararent everyday that the Packers did not want Favre back so of course Brett couldn't committ to play for them after he was told that in him meetings with McCarthy. How can he be in the mindset to play for a team that wouldn't let him in the locker room on Sunday?
You are wrong...The first time Favre wanted to come back... Tehy wanted him... He decided not to at the last second...Then he did it again and they welcomed him... and again he backed out at the last second...So they went "fine" and let him go...
Why does everyone keep saying Favre has only had one good year in the last few? The two years prior to last year Favre had 3,800 yards in each season and played each game. His TD's were lower than normal and his INT's were a little higher than average but the team, in those two years, went through a lot with players, injuries, coaching changes, scheme changes, and other things. Brett Favre did not have bad years those years... sub par, sure, but bad... not at all.
Just to clarify...are you saying that the two years prior to last year were good seasons?Yes...he had 3800 yards...he also threw a ton of passes.And while through injuries and cuts the talent was not as much there...his play was terrible 3 years ago...not as bad 2 years ago.They were bad years.
uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
:wolf: Thompson had no intention to bring him back and any appearance that they did want him back was a farce. It is becoming more appararent everyday that the Packers did not want Favre back so of course Brett couldn't committ to play for them after he was told that in him meetings with McCarthy. How can he be in the mindset to play for a team that wouldn't let him in the locker room on Sunday?
You are wrong...The first time Favre wanted to come back... Tehy wanted him... He decided not to at the last second...Then he did it again and they welcomed him... and again he backed out at the last second...So they went "fine" and let him go...
When did this happen? Favre denies that it took place like that toward the end of March. Also, there have been strories written by the Journal Sentinel that the Packer organization made the decision to move forward without Favre well before he announced his retirement. TT even admitted in the press conference today that they didn't want him back. Why can't the Thompson supporters admit that he didn't want Favre back well before all this started?
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:wolf: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
:wolf: Thompson had no intention to bring him back and any appearance that they did want him back was a farce. It is becoming more appararent everyday that the Packers did not want Favre back so of course Brett couldn't committ to play for them after he was told that in him meetings with McCarthy. How can he be in the mindset to play for a team that wouldn't let him in the locker room on Sunday?
You are wrong...The first time Favre wanted to come back... Tehy wanted him... He decided not to at the last second...

Then he did it again and they welcomed him... and again he backed out at the last second...

So they went "fine" and let him go...
When did this happen? Favre denies that it took place like that toward the end of March. Also, there have been strories written by the Journal Sentinel that the Packer organization made the decision to move forward without Favre well before he announced his retirement. TT even admitted in the press conference today that they didn't want him back. Why can't the Thompson supporters admit that he didn't want Favre back well before all this started?
I think it is because I didn't want him back either.
Last edited by a moderator:
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:confused: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Sorry, but Favre had no intention of coming back to Green Bay. He announced his retirement because he thought Green Bay would release him, he could unretire, and then go to Minnesota...Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
You just aren't very informed if you believe this, take off your Packer blinders they are BOTH at fault here.
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.

No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.

Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:lmao: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
From the Green Bay Press Gazettehttp://coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...PORTS/808060324

"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."

uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
:goodposting: Thompson had no intention to bring him back and any appearance that they did want him back was a farce. It is becoming more appararent everyday that the Packers did not want Favre back so of course Brett couldn't committ to play for them after he was told that in him meetings with McCarthy. How can he be in the mindset to play for a team that wouldn't let him in the locker room on Sunday?
You are wrong...The first time Favre wanted to come back... Tehy wanted him... He decided not to at the last second...

Then he did it again and they welcomed him... and again he backed out at the last second...

So they went "fine" and let him go...
When did this happen? Favre denies that it took place like that toward the end of March. Also, there have been strories written by the Journal Sentinel that the Packer organization made the decision to move forward without Favre well before he announced his retirement. TT even admitted in the press conference today that they didn't want him back. Why can't the Thompson supporters admit that he didn't want Favre back well before all this started?
It's simply not true, that's why.
From the Green Bay Press Gazette


"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."
Man I hope the Packers and Rogers suck this year and every year under that management. Would serve them right. Loyalty is so underrated in our society right now its sickening.
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.

No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.

Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:goodposting: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
How many people think Favre is a god and can just do anything he wants? I will leave these threads with this, I am glad Favre is gone and I am very happy getting a draft choice for a player that was retired. Maybe GB has Minn. to thank for that. This stuff happens, get over it. Emmit Smith, Joe Montana and Jerry Rice are a few so call legends hat moved on. Packer fans need to get over this, Favre is a member of the J-E-T-S now.

Last edited by a moderator:
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.

No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.

Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:goodposting: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
From the Green Bay Press Gazettehttp://coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...PORTS/808060324

"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."
Classy move by the Pack.
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.

No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.

Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:goodposting: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
How many people think Favre is a god and can just do anything he wants?
I certainly don't. All I've ever said is I believe he's a better QB than Aaron Rodgers and he would give the Packers a better chance to win than Rodgers can. Given how I've criticized him for the numerous mistakes I believe he's made in all of this I think it's safe to say I don't believe he's a "god."
uwgb96 said:
Phase of the Game said:
Bottom line is that Favre has a HUGE problem with Ted Thompson and wasn't going to play for the Packers, so yes, they made the only move they could.
Bottom line is that TT wasn't going to let Favre play for the Packers this year.
That's just not the case. They've given Favre PLENTY of opportunities to come back. They just aren't kissing his ### like he would like. His own agent when asked if they were forcing him out said something to the effect of - they aren't forcing him out, but they aren't exactly making him feel welcome either. And that's basically what it boiled down to. If Favre was committed to the Packers they would move forward with him, if not, so be it, they'll move forward without him. He didn't like that attitude and the animosity grew.
As I said earlier, the Packers made it clear that they did not want Favre back over the last month. I think the last straw for Favre was when he wanted to go see his friends and teammates in the locker room after the scrimmage, the security guard assigned to him told him he was instructed to not allow him to go to the locker room. Favre has always said that he would keep playing if he was having fun...it's pretty clear that the Packers were out to make him miserable and to make sure it was clear that they didn't want him there. Great way to treat the guy who played every game for you over the last 16 years...this is just sickening.
:tinfoilhat: Thompson had no intention to bring him back and any appearance that they did want him back was a farce. It is becoming more appararent everyday that the Packers did not want Favre back so of course Brett couldn't committ to play for them after he was told that in him meetings with McCarthy. How can he be in the mindset to play for a team that wouldn't let him in the locker room on Sunday?
You are wrong...The first time Favre wanted to come back... Tehy wanted him... He decided not to at the last second...

Then he did it again and they welcomed him... and again he backed out at the last second...

So they went "fine" and let him go...
When did this happen? Favre denies that it took place like that toward the end of March. Also, there have been strories written by the Journal Sentinel that the Packer organization made the decision to move forward without Favre well before he announced his retirement. TT even admitted in the press conference today that they didn't want him back. Why can't the Thompson supporters admit that he didn't want Favre back well before all this started?
It's simply not true, that's why.
From Bob McGinn of the Milwaukee Journal-SentinelIt’s time to go

Packers finally tell Favre that he’s not wanted

Posted: Aug. 5, 2008

Bob McGinn


Green Bay - Several times over the years, Brett Favre would ponder his future in football and tell people that he would play "until the Packers don't want me anymore."

Underneath all the twists and turns, sources and stories, interviews and indignities, was one salient fact that never changed:

Favre wasn't wanted in Green Bay.

It took Favre almost seven months to figure it out, but figure it out he finally did Tuesday when Mike McCarthy at last gave it to him straight.

Then Favre drove out of Lambeau Field, in all probability never to wear the No. 4 jersey again that was front and center in one of the most amazing reclamation projects in National Football League history.

Parting company with any legendary athlete is next to impossible, but one with apparent usefulness is impossible. The Packers found themselves caught in a public-relations vice, trying to distance themselves from an all-time great who just wouldn't go away.

From a purely football perspective, the organizational shift against Favre began that November night in Dallas, gained steam in the arctic cold of Soldier Field and became a blaze during Favre's pathetic second-half showing against the New York Giants with a Super Bowl there for the taking.

Just about everyone who counted in the football department reached the conclusion that Favre could never win another championship. His dismal playoff record in the past decade couldn't be overlooked. And the Packers concluded that it would be the mother of all mistakes if Aaron Rodgers got away without being properly evaluated as a starter.

From the Green Bay Press Gazette


"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."
Man I hope the Packers and Rogers suck this year and every year under that management. Would serve them right. Loyalty is so underrated in our society right now its sickening.
I agree, how can Favre treat the organization that gave him a chance and millions of dollars like this. Favre has shown no loyality to the Packers.
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:confused: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
He wasn't a member of the team...Sure, officially, he might have been... But with everything that was going on, he absolutely was not a member of the team at that point...
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:rolleyes: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
He wasn't a member of the team...Sure, officially, he might have been... But with everything that was going on, he absolutely was not a member of the team at that point...
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.

No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.

Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:thumbup: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
From the Green Bay Press Gazettehttp://coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...PORTS/808060324

"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."
Well, that really must have sucked.
From the Green Bay Press Gazette


"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."
Man I hope the Packers and Rogers suck this year and every year under that management. Would serve them right. Loyalty is so underrated in our society right now its sickening.
And lately I guess we've expanded the meaning of the word loyal.Loyal - showing faithfulness to commitments, vows, allegiance, obligations and oaths. Favre retired. What commitment, vow, allegiance, obligation or oath did GB make that would require them to welcome Favre back with open arms?

I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Where was this consensus that they were a playoff team a month ago without Favre? I certainly wouldn't have agreed with that, and still don't. They need to win 10+ games to make the playoffs, and I don't see that happening with Rodgers/Brohm/Flynn manning the QB position. Is this because consensus was they would win the division? I'd favor Minnesota at this point.
They were the 4th best odds to win the Super Bowl.
Yes....I don't think you let any player jerk your team around like Brett did. I love the guy but when you retire and then waffle constantly for months there has to be a point of no return...I don't care who you are.

I'm actually stunned to see someone say, "We just witnessed the biggest blunder in sports history." I know we're in an era of hyperbole but c'mon. A month ago Favre wasn't part of the Packers game plan and the consensus was they were a playoff team with legitimate Super Bowl potential. Now, because...Brett Favre isn't on the team...it's the biggest blunder ever?!?!?Heck, that's not even the biggest QB blunder in their own division this year. The Bears decision to re-sign Orton and Grossman and let them compete for the job is worse, as is (IMHO), the Vikings doing nothing to protect themselves against Tarvaris Jackson failing to improve.
Where was this consensus that they were a playoff team a month ago without Favre? I certainly wouldn't have agreed with that, and still don't. They need to win 10+ games to make the playoffs, and I don't see that happening with Rodgers/Brohm/Flynn manning the QB position. Is this because consensus was they would win the division? I'd favor Minnesota at this point.
They were the 4th best odds to win the Super Bowl.
Wow, I think that is way off base.
Wanted to add something else fun here. Was thinking about this in my normally empathetic fashion. So, let's play hypothetical here. 6 years from now Manning starts talking retirement, he's bugged and questioned all the time. He waffles, he hems-and-haws, puts the organization out over and over. Polian and coach keep cow-towing to his desires. Same thing plays out over an offseason that did with GB and Favre. How do I feel. I take every single Colt item in my house out to the firepit. Huge bottle of lighterfluid and have myself a f'n barbeque.

No f'n way I cheer for an organization that doesn't respect and do WHATEVER the HELL it can to keep a QB of that calibre happy and playing for as long as his body will physically allow it.

Honestly, that's the only reason I've followed this soap-opera at all. To prepare myself to completely divorce "my" team if they pull this completely disrespectful BS with Mannning at the end. I hope and pray they have more class and less arrogance than TT/MM/etc. :off soapbox:
Brett Favre disrespected the Packers, the Packers at no point disrespected Brett Favre...
:unsure: Yeah, that was a great sign of respect by telling security not to let Favre in the locker room on Sunday night.
Has this been confirmed? I've heard this rumor but haven't seen any published confirmation.
From the Green Bay Press Gazettehttp://coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...PORTS/808060324

"Favre came to Green Bay on Sunday night after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell reinstated him from the reserve/retired list. A source close to Favre said he was excited about a chance to compete with Rodgers for the starting quarterback job. If the Packers weren’t willing, then he wanted a trade to an NFC North team, presumably Minnesota.

However, sources said Favre’s feelings of animosity for the club that have built in recent weeks were stoked when he arrived in Green Bay before the Packers’ Family Night scrimmage on Sunday and was unable to get Thompson or McCarthy to return his phone calls.

The sources said that when Favre showed up at Lambeau Field, he wasn’t allowed into the locker room or onto the field, and he watched part of the scrimmage from a luxury box."
Classy move by the Pack.
Yes....I don't think you let any player jerk your team around like Brett did. I love the guy but when you retire and then waffle constantly for months there has to be a point of no return...I don't care who you are.
and remember this is the 4th year they have put up with this retirement crap. In the end Favre took advantage of this organization.
And there it is. The big disparagment on the Favre Saga. Some of us (my peeps) feel that a team should bend over backward for players (well, those that present a good "face" for the organization) of special skill, special durability, special representation in the community and special relevance to the NFL-world. Favre's longevity, work-ethic, and outward representation of the GreenBay Packers is lengendary. Look that word up again....legend(ary).

Those kinds of players come along ONCE in a very, very long time. To treat them like garbage - and I seriously don't give a rat's rearend who started what - shows a complete lack of appreciation for the amount of work, time, and effort over a very extended period of time.

If the Packers were up against some cap #. I'd understand. If AR had shown himself to be an equal or just shown extended flashed of brilliance. I'd almost understand. Bottom line, the Packers F.O. sucks donkey kabobs. Even if they have great success over the next 3-4 years, my opinion will not change.

There are only a few ways for an organization to write itself into my personal "blackhole" list. Pacers managed it, and are still digging their way out. Packers on at the top of the list right now, imo.


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