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GM's thread about nothing (6 Viewers)

This is way too long, but what the hell?

I had never had an attack until several years ago in Vegas. I go every year with some buddies for the first four days of March Madness. The week leading it up to it I had noticed that I was kind of just tapping my head, right above my ear, habitually. I had been doing it for a while but didn't realize it until then. I asked someone at work if they had seen me do that and she confirmed she had. For all I know, my behind-my-back nickname was Tappy McHeadTapper for months and I had no clue.

So, we were at Caesar's and I noticed I was getting very nervous all of a sudden. The screens seemed further away than normal. I tried to deal with it but eventually I just left without saying anything to anyone, not that anyone would notice. We usually have several in a group and leave to pee or whatever all the time.

Only thing is I couldn't find my way out. By the time I left the book I felt like my whole body was violently shaking, only internally. Eventually, I had to sit down by one of those pillars they have. I looked around and could sort of make out the doors but I couldn't get myself there. I looked up and tried to ask someone for help, but no doubt I looked like a completely strung out maniac so everyone just bolted past me. I eventually got up and managed to get outside. I ####### HAD to get outside. I found the little outside bar at the palace and somehow managed to order a Guinness. I was having a very hard time forming sentences, still shaking, but I could at least mutter one word. I drank the beer and tried to focus on the television but I couldn't quite do it. I felt a little better but it was still rough going. I decided I needed to get back to the hotel room and try to sleep. At the time, I was blaming this whole episode on excessive drinking and not enough sleep, just like every other March Madness trip.

I made it to the part of Caesar's with the cabstand. I was very, very challenged. I had no idea what to do. I eventually walked up to the woman behind the stand and stuttered my way through "C-c-cab?" She didn't look up and said, "Stand over there." I didn't move. She looked up at me, her eyes got big and she said, "You're having a panic attack. Just look right at me and know you're ok. I have these all the time, your eyes are flying around and I know what that looks like. Now, what's your hotel name?" I was immediately calmer. I was still in the midst of a full-blown panic attack but I could manage to tell her. She went over to a cab, explained my plight and guided me in. I wanted her to guide me in another way at the moment, but I likely would have just slobbered all over the place and clucked like a chicken or something.

I got back to the hotel. I figured I should attempt to buy a beer from the lobby store, go upstairs and just be alone. I just needed to be away from lights and bells and people. So, I was around these things again and it was almost as bad as before my sweet, sweet angel saved me. I fumbled through a transaction and certainly ran to the elevator. I crouched down and hit the button. People started coming towards the elevator. They were looking at a guy practically in a fetal position, clutching a beer like grim death and pounding like a madman at the "close door" button. I COULD NOT BE DELAYED!@# The doors closed before they got there. I'm sure they cursed my name.

Made it to the room, had maybe three sips of the beer and then decided I didn't want to be awake anymore. I managed to sleep. I was fine the next day and haven't had one since, but I suddenly stopped tapping my head. :confused:

This has been a panic attack story!@#$

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Just started my 4 day break and feel a killer cold starting. What's the best way to get rid of this in a hurry?
down a couple Emergen C's and use the neti pot a few times.
OH NO....slow down here, Drum Circle. You guys didn't see the brain eating aoemeba (nope, no clue on SP) that spwaned from the Nety Pots recently, killing at least 2...THAT WE KNOW OF. Essentially, these Neti Pots are nothing more than sadistic serial killers, if the FFA taught me anything at all this week and I think you know it did.I smashed mine into a hundred pieces. I suggest you do the same before you snort something that eats your brain like Shuke eats his Christmas ham.

Oh, and I went back and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.

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Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
First off, YSR, How are you?
Tappy McHeadTapper

My GF is a photographer and her photographer friend put this together using his cats. So money.
Jesus, that is awesome.YSR, I used to get panic attacks, first in law school and then about five years later when my dad was sick and died. Would start to hyperventilate and feel like my heart was pounding out of my chest, just had to breathe very deeply and even that didn't always help. They were much worse if I was lying down, so I didn't get much sleep then (not that I do now either). Nothing as bad as it sounds like you've experienced, though, and I haven't had one in many years now.

You've been under a great deal of stress--marriage, moving, failed business, etc.--so I really think it's related to that and not something that's going to be a lifelong issue or that means you're turning into your mom, etc. Unfortunately have no good advice to give but just feeling for you and sending thoprawishes.

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Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
I totally lied about what happened to the sweaty meatheads I was with. I'm pretty sure I told one of them in a drunken "I love you, man" moment way after the fact. I get anxiety from time to time. It sucks but it's pretty common. No need to feel weak. I've managed to avoid meds, but if those severe attacks I had and the one you described return, they can go ahead and Clockwork Orange me.
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Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:

I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
I totally lied about what happened to the sweaty meatheads I was with. I'm pretty sure I told one of them in a drunken "I love you, man" moment way after the fact. I get anxiety from time to time. It sucks but it's pretty common. No need to feel weak. I've managed to avoid meds, but if those severe attacks I had and the one you described me, they can go ahead and Clockwork Orange me.
:confused: You want them to beat you to death with a giant phallic sculpture?
Wish I could help YSR, but all I can say is hang in there and maybe talk to a doctor or Woz?

And if it makes you feel better, I'm trying a new recipe out for wings tomorrow, semi-made up:

1/2 c. soy sauce

1/2 c. honey

1/4 c. molasses

1 t ground ginger

3 cloves garlic (minced)

2 T orange juice

1 can chopped green chiles (yes canned, the horror)

15 or so shakes of red pepper flakes

The flavor is there, but if I added too much or too little red pepper they're going to be either boring or inedible. If I nailed it they're going to be legendary. So I'm pretty stressed out too.

Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:

I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
I totally lied about what happened to the sweaty meatheads I was with. I'm pretty sure I told one of them in a drunken "I love you, man" moment way after the fact. I get anxiety from time to time. It sucks but it's pretty common. No need to feel weak. I've managed to avoid meds, but if those severe attacks I had and the one you described me, they can go ahead and Clockwork Orange me.
:confused: You want them to beat you to death with a giant phallic sculpture?
No no no. He wants to take one in the yarbles (if has any yarbles).
Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:

I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
I totally lied about what happened to the sweaty meatheads I was with. I'm pretty sure I told one of them in a drunken "I love you, man" moment way after the fact. I get anxiety from time to time. It sucks but it's pretty common. No need to feel weak. I've managed to avoid meds, but if those severe attacks I had and the one you described me, they can go ahead and Clockwork Orange me.
:confused: You want them to beat you to death with a giant phallic sculpture?
No no no. He wants to take one in the yarbles (if has any yarbles).
You eunuch jelly thou!
This is where I write a long story about panic attacks and how I need help from any of you who has experience. Will likely start a thread in the new year, but there are too many distractions for it to gain traction during this time of year.---------I know I've posted here before about a panic attack I had a few years ago, but for one reason or another, I can't find it, so I am just starting anew.The attack I had a few years was directly tied into stress. I had started a new job in outside sales, was trying to fill the biggest shoes in the company while spending time outside the office learning the technology, etc. Basically, working about 70 hours a week and still feeling like I was getting nowhere. One day I get a great lead for a sale that will close that day, and I do everything "right". The guy comes back to me later and says that the decision was taken out of his hands and they went with someone else. Probably a lie, but whatever. Problem was, the lead came from the VP of our company and he of course called to follow up on it. I had to tell him (a guy who intimidated the heck out of me) that I lost the sale. It was horrible.On my way home that evening, I had my first panic attack. It hit almost out of nowhere, but I couldn't breathe and I had to pull my car onto the shoulder of the 4-lane highway on which I was driving. I was so upset by the whole thing that I called into work sick for the next two days and didn't leave my house. Completely mentally debilitating.I got an Rx for Xanax after that attack, but I hate the way it makes me feel so I don't take it. Also, I really haven't had a need for it. I have anxiety over flying, but no true attacks.Fast forward a few years. Yesterday, my husband and I decided to take the back roads from Knoxville, TN to Greenville, SC - by way of Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg and the casino in Cherokee, NC. Great day to start... nice weather, such fun in the car together, great fun at the casino, etc. Then it's time to leave, around 6:30 PM.The weather was horrible. Dark, of course, but also that horrible kind of rain that prevents any sort of visibility. Mr. YSR doesn't have 20/20 and is pretty bad with the nighttime/rain combination, so I offered to drive. The combination of not really knowing where I was going (we had a map on our phones, but I'd never driven this route before), the conditions, and the jerks who were riding my tail eventually sent me reeling. We were going over a hill and I couldn't see at all. I was driving very slowly with my hazards on, but it just became too much for me. I started to hyperventilate, but I recognized that we were in a treacherous situation and I tried my damnedest to stay calm. I wanted to vomit. I felt like I was going to pass out. I could. not. breathe. I was vocalizing all of this in the calmest way I could (again, I was trying to stave off the full blown attack), and my husband kept saying in a forceable-but-calming way that I needed to PULL OVER. We finally exited and parked in a restaurant parking lot, where I proceeded to weep and shake involuntarily. I finally went inside and dry-heaved in the restaurant for a good 3 minutes. Still feeling like I couldn't breathe, I got back in the car and proceeded to have fleeting moments of the same attack for the 2 hours it took us (with the rain) to get to my parents' house. He had to drive through some terrible conditions with a wife who was constantly grabbing the "oh ####" handle and crying, so as horrible as the night was for me, I'm not sure who had the worse trip.My parents had plates of food prepared for us, but I was so knotted up inside that I couldn't eat. I thought I would crash, but didn't end up falling asleep until just before 2:00 AM (?) and had very spotty sleep from that point on.This whole thing is really horrible and I'm not really sure how to handle it. Do I go see a psychologist? Hypnotherapist? Am I just going to get these from time to time as I get older and more like my mother? I'm concerned for myself, of course, but also for my husband. He is a kind and patient man, but I can't constantly be a nightmare to him when we travel in anything less than ideal conditions.Thanks for reading and/or any insight. Mostly just feels good to write it down.
Hey YSR, I'm really sorry to hear about your. . .. . .oh, wait, I actually am
Oh, and I went bacxk and found her the next day and thanked her. I was so grateful for her existence it was ridiculous.
First, thanks for sharing.Secondly, good thing to do. :thumbup:I'm so embarrassed by this. I'm a strong woman for the most part. So it's really embarrassing for this to happen to me, especially around the one man in the world for whom I want to be strong. :cheesy:
First off, YSR, How are you?
This is where I write a long story about panic attacks and how I need help from any of you who has experience. Will likely start a thread in the new year, but there are too many distractions for it to gain traction during this time of year.---------I know I've posted here before about a panic attack I had a few years ago, but for one reason or another, I can't find it, so I am just starting anew.The attack I had a few years was directly tied into stress. I had started a new job in outside sales, was trying to fill the biggest shoes in the company while spending time outside the office learning the technology, etc. Basically, working about 70 hours a week and still feeling like I was getting nowhere. One day I get a great lead for a sale that will close that day, and I do everything "right". The guy comes back to me later and says that the decision was taken out of his hands and they went with someone else. Probably a lie, but whatever. Problem was, the lead came from the VP of our company and he of course called to follow up on it. I had to tell him (a guy who intimidated the heck out of me) that I lost the sale. It was horrible.On my way home that evening, I had my first panic attack. It hit almost out of nowhere, but I couldn't breathe and I had to pull my car onto the shoulder of the 4-lane highway on which I was driving. I was so upset by the whole thing that I called into work sick for the next two days and didn't leave my house. Completely mentally debilitating.I got an Rx for Xanax after that attack, but I hate the way it makes me feel so I don't take it. Also, I really haven't had a need for it. I have anxiety over flying, but no true attacks.Fast forward a few years. Yesterday, my husband and I decided to take the back roads from Knoxville, TN to Greenville, SC - by way of Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg and the casino in Cherokee, NC. Great day to start... nice weather, such fun in the car together, great fun at the casino, etc. Then it's time to leave, around 6:30 PM.The weather was horrible. Dark, of course, but also that horrible kind of rain that prevents any sort of visibility. Mr. YSR doesn't have 20/20 and is pretty bad with the nighttime/rain combination, so I offered to drive. The combination of not really knowing where I was going (we had a map on our phones, but I'd never driven this route before), the conditions, and the jerks who were riding my tail eventually sent me reeling. We were going over a hill and I couldn't see at all. I was driving very slowly with my hazards on, but it just became too much for me. I started to hyperventilate, but I recognized that we were in a treacherous situation and I tried my damnedest to stay calm. I wanted to vomit. I felt like I was going to pass out. I could. not. breathe. I was vocalizing all of this in the calmest way I could (again, I was trying to stave off the full blown attack), and my husband kept saying in a forceable-but-calming way that I needed to PULL OVER. We finally exited and parked in a restaurant parking lot, where I proceeded to weep and shake involuntarily. I finally went inside and dry-heaved in the restaurant for a good 3 minutes. Still feeling like I couldn't breathe, I got back in the car and proceeded to have fleeting moments of the same attack for the 2 hours it took us (with the rain) to get to my parents' house. He had to drive through some terrible conditions with a wife who was constantly grabbing the "oh ####" handle and crying, so as horrible as the night was for me, I'm not sure who had the worse trip.My parents had plates of food prepared for us, but I was so knotted up inside that I couldn't eat. I thought I would crash, but didn't end up falling asleep until just before 2:00 AM (?) and had very spotty sleep from that point on.This whole thing is really horrible and I'm not really sure how to handle it. Do I go see a psychologist? Hypnotherapist? Am I just going to get these from time to time as I get older and more like my mother? I'm concerned for myself, of course, but also for my husband. He is a kind and patient man, but I can't constantly be a nightmare to him when we travel in anything less than ideal conditions.Thanks for reading and/or any insight. Mostly just feels good to write it down.
YSR, I recognize some of the symptoms and triggers from what my wife experienced 3-4 years back. She had almost the exact reactions that you talk about to what she believed was stress related. It's irrelevant what the triggers were for her stress, but she believed it all came back to that.She was getting blurry vision when driving, seeing spots (black and white), feeling like the road was going up and down, while knowing it was flat, hyperventilating and eventually having to pull over. What resulted from seeking help was an agonizing 18 months of visits to various specialists, each more confusing then the other, and all wanting to throw pharmacology at the problem. The worst was a psychologist (who was probably more sick than his patients) wanting to heavily sedate her. We ran every test, and saw most of the traditional quacks...It wasn't until we, after countless hours of internet searching, found a specialist at Baylor, who were studying balance issues, and read up on those symptoms that we started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Turns out that she was suffering from something called Labyrinthitis (sp?) and while there's no direct cure (you basically have to wait for inflammation to disappear), there's exercises you can do to minimize symptoms. Somehow stress, and lack of sleep (or disturbed sleep due to stress), triggers these reactions on the balance nerve, and it seems like you are having a panic attack.I'm not a doctor, so I don't claim to know anything around panic attacks, but I wanted to relay it anyway, because it doesn't have to be an issue with your mental state, even if it shows itself that way.There's a lot of similarly related issues, like Vertigo and Labyrinthitis, so it could be worth to at least do a couple of searches to see if it relates to what you are experiencing.
HEY MODS:Is there any way we can get the "Getting Fat" thread permanently moved to page 2? I'm tired seeing it while I'm stuffing my face with mini-tacos.TIA
About two hours ago, UPS dropped off a case of Gibble's potato chips that I'm assuming my parents ordered for me. They're native to the Pennsylvania Potato Chip Belt and are the bestest, most awesomest thing in the potato chip species or genus or whatever. The selling point is lard:
"Did you know? When George Crum, a Native American chef, served the first potato chips to Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt in 1853, he used the animal fats available in his day to produce his new product. Today, with all the various oils on the market, Gibble's still uses lard - an animal fat - to make their potato chips. Why? Because we believe that simple and natural is best. Do you realize that, commonly, to produce vegetable oil, seeds must be roasted, steel rolled and flooded with hexane solvent to extract the oil, which is then treated with lye, neutralized with hydrochloric acid, filtered through diatomaceous earth, and deodorized under high temperature? Lard is a rich, naturally stable fat, rendered from pork that provides the true home style flavor most people prefer. Pure energy. Simple and delicious. We at Gibble's are proud to use the same fine ingredients that made us a hit many years ago at our farmers market stand - chips so wonderfully good they're 'Nibble Gibble-icious' We want to be your potato chip!"
You idiots just go ahead and keep poisoning your bodies with vegetable oil. Give me lard, and give it to me hard!
You ever had that fancy Jameson they sell? The old one of whatever? Is it good?
Gold Reserve: Good, but not a ton better than the original, not worth the moneySpecial Reserve (12 yr): Excellent, more punch, but still smooth as hell.Select Reserve Black: Uses a "sweet grain" blended with the regular stuff. You can tell and it's tasty.Limited Reserve (18 yr): Awesome like the 12 is awesome, but obviously smokier and smoother.Haven't tried the Vintage Reserve or Signature Reserve. O'Malley's in Woodbury has a bunch of them. I'll take you sometime.
You ever had that fancy Jameson they sell? The old one of whatever? Is it good?
Gold Reserve: Good, but not a ton better than the original, not worth the moneySpecial Reserve (12 yr): Excellent, more punch, but still smooth as hell.Select Reserve Black: Uses a "sweet grain" blended with the regular stuff. You can tell and it's tasty.Limited Reserve (18 yr): Awesome like the 12 is awesome, but obviously smokier and smoother.Haven't tried the Vintage Reserve or Signature Reserve. O'Malley's in Woodbury has a bunch of them. I'll take you sometime.
Ok I'll do it. You can pick me up.
So I just tried these candies called Dewar's that some internet stalker sent me. They were really, really good. My wife spit hers out in the trash but she's kind of dumb so we're ok here. The best part were they totally reminded me of the kind of candy a grandfather would always have around to give his grandkids.

Just started my 4 day break and feel a killer cold starting. What's the best way to get rid of this in a hurry?
down a couple Emergen C's and use the neti pot a few times.
OH NO....slow down here, Drum Circle. You guys didn't see the brain eating aoemeba (nope, no clue on SP) that spwaned from the Nety Pots recently, killing at least 2...THAT WE KNOW OF. Essentially, these Neti Pots are nothing more than sadistic serial killers, if the FFA taught me anything at all this week and I think you know it did.I smashed mine into a hundred pieces. I suggest you do the same before you snort something that eats your brain like Shuke eats his Christmas ham.
I'm not sure if you're serious or not... But there was never a chance that I was going to pour water in one nostril and out the other.
So I just tried these candies called Dewar's that some internet stalker sent me. They were really, really good. My wife spit hers out in the trash but she's kind of dumb so we're ok here. The best part were they totally reminded me of the kind of candy a grandfather would always have around to give his grandkids.
So I just tried these candies called Dewar's that some internet stalker sent me. They were really, really good. My wife spit hers out in the trash but she's kind of dumb so we're ok here. The best part were they totally reminded me of the kind of candy a grandfather would always have around to give his grandkids.
I've never met anyone that didn't like/love Dewar's chews. No shtick. Give her share to your kids.
So I just tried these candies called Dewar's that some internet stalker sent me. They were really, really good. My wife spit hers out in the trash but she's kind of dumb so we're ok here. The best part were they totally reminded me of the kind of candy a grandfather would always have around to give his grandkids.
I've never met anyone that didn't like/love Dewar's chews. No shtick. Give her share to your kids.
My daughter will love 'em. I do too. Don't forget my wife is 115 lbs. and runs 20 miles a week while basically avoiding sugar. So yeah, her opinion on candy is pretty worthless. Just like science or logic or spelling or history.

So I just tried these candies called Dewar's that some internet stalker sent me. They were really, really good. My wife spit hers out in the trash but she's kind of dumb so we're ok here. The best part were they totally reminded me of the kind of candy a grandfather would always have around to give his grandkids.
I've never met anyone that didn't like/love Dewar's chews. No shtick. Give her share to your kids.
My daughter will love 'em. I do too. Don't forget my wife is 115 lbs. and runs 20 miles a week while basically avoiding sugar. So yeah, her opinion on candy is pretty worthless. Just like science or logic or spelling or history.

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