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The Russia Investigation: Trump Pardons Flynn (4 Viewers)

I really don't care if the report says no collusion. Except of course I'm sure it doesn't. It more likely says no evidence found of collusion. That does not explain the change in the GOP platform towards Russia, laughing it up in the oval office with Trump's Russian handlers after he fired Comey, his private meetings with Putin, his inability to support any sanctions or even mild rebukes of Putin or mother Russia. Common sense says there's definitely something there. 

Michael Tracey‏ @mtracey 

“The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government”

There you go. Plain as day
In other words, they covered their tracks well and we couldn't find the evidence. Nevermind all these other Russian ties and indictments. Complete coincidences.

Not shocked on the collusion angle but thought for sure money laundering and ties to Russian money would get exposed (and maybe still will).  
Yeah, I think any things like that have been referred out. Not really in the scope of the investigation. 

Kyle Griffin‏Verified account @kylegriffin1 3m3 minutes ago

Schumer and Pelosi:

"Given Mr. Barr’s public record of bias against the Special Counsel's inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report."

Also via Twitter:

Just spitballing here but maybe the incompetent lying hack this dime store mob-boss compulsive lair of a President hand-picked to give a “summary” of the Mueller Report is lying?
Come on now.  Have some dignity.

Barr might provide legal cover for Trump on the Obstruction charge - but he is not lying, and its also why he incorporated Rosenstein into this letter so that nobody needs to go off the deep end with theories like this...

I really don't care if the report says no collusion. Except of course I'm sure it doesn't. It more likely says no evidence found of collusion. That does not explain the change in the GOP platform towards Russia, laughing it up in the oval office with Trump's Russian handlers after he fired Comey, his private meetings with Putin, his inability to support any sanctions or even mild rebukes of Putin or mother Russia. Common sense says there's definitely something there. 
Is that you Schiff?

I don't like the approach Schumer and Pelosi are taking here.

Barr is right that this is a tough case to make, legally, when there is no underlying crime.  There is no reason to attack Barr on this particular point.

What the Dems should do - is accept those finding from Barr, and simply note that in the case of the President, the decision to pursue charges is the purview of Congress, and they will take an independent view of the evidence - and thus need all the evidence acquired by Mueller's team to make that determination.

Also via Twitter:

Just spitballing here but maybe the incompetent lying hack this dime store mob-boss compulsive lair of a President hand-picked to give a “summary” of the Mueller Report is lying?
And Rosenstein is complicit too?   Highly doubt it.  

COLLUSION!!!!!!! is the new BENGHAZI!!!#$^$&&

I was never a supporter of the BENGHAZI!!!&%&!! stupidity and thought it a waste of time and money but this ####show tops it. May all of you that bought into it and spent countless hours trying to crack the case never live down the chant of COLLUSION!!!! I would expect an apology from those that called me and other supporters of this President traitors to the country and anti-American just because we were willing to let this play out. I won't wait for that apology.

Glenn Greenwald‏ @ggreenwald

Like Taibbi & others, I was banned for 2 years from MSNBC & CNN - after years of invitations - for questioning & expressing skepticism about their now-discredited tale. There's probably no plaque for that, but I'll always regard it as one of my proudest journalistic achievements.

Everyone is, of course, free to spend their day(s) on social media insisting the evidence is so clear & overwhelming that Trump family members & officials conspired with Russia to influence the election. The question they have to confront is: why did Mueller not indict them then?

And when it comes to Trump family members (Trump Jr., Kushner, etc.): everyone is just as free to argue how overwhelming is the evidence that they conspired with Russia & lied about it to Congress & Mueller. Same question, though: why did Mueller not indict them for it??

As @mtaibbi says, this is - by far - the worst media humiliation since 2002. The lead anchor of MSNBC - the most influential liberal TV host - devoted her entire being to a fake conspiracy theory for 2 1/2 years, misleading millions. There will be no consequences for the media

It should bring "closure" to their careers - and mass apologies and self-reflection throughout the media - but that's never how the media works. The people who spent the last two years misleading millions (while maligning anyone who questioned as Kremlin spies) will only thrive

Anyway, if you're an MSNBC viewer - or reader of liberal sites on the internet - you were fed a steady stream of conspiratorial bull#### that completely warped your view of the world, all while they purposely excluded anyone who questioned their fraud & profited off your fears.

I’d still bet my mortgage Trump is a criminal.  He’s a horrible human being too. 

But Russian collusion is a massive whiff. 

This report is the equivalent of the OJ verdict. Finding someone not guilty is not the same thing as exoneration no matter how much Trump repeats it or his supporters stubbornly cling to it.

Tremendous victory for America.
Well, aside from the 34 people indicted over the course of the investigation perhaps. But yes, let us all celebrate the possibility that our President might not be guilty of colluding with our biggest rival of the last handful of decades to effect our Presidential election. Huge win for America, for sure. Something worth celebrating.

Interesting that this post was not deleted and Sinn was not suspended.

I posted something similar Friday night and the post was deleted by FBG Moderator and I got a 24 hour time out.

Care to elaborate "FBG Moderator"?
No idea what you're talking about.

Looks like you got suspended for "Drop your socks and grab your ##### because..."

Are you saying that's what he posted somewhere? 

Barr has been on record saying POTUS cannot be indicted for ANYTHING. So what’s Rosenstein supposed to do if the AG takes that view? (Even if it’s corrupt?)

Spoiler alert, I think that’s what happened. 

And I wouldn’t trust Barr’s interpretation of the findings on conspiracy either. 
They stated that this line of thought about not being indictable was not considered in there assessment. Meaning that’s not what happened

I’d still bet my mortgage Trump is a criminal.  He’s a horrible human being too. 

But Russian collusion is a massive whiff. 
And the problem now it's going to make anything else he did seem like another attempt at a "witch hunt".  Nobody will take anything else seriously or pay attention.

Pretty sure Adam Schiff is off hiking the Appalachian trail. Can’t imagine this clown showing his face after claiming he had direct evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
That would be the logical thing to do when you are staring at defeat.  But no, he is doubling down on this nonsense.

Agreed but also if Mueller did cover it in the investigation it wasn’t enough to bring indictments.  
Not enough is the key phrase here, not ' no evidence'. There was not sufficient evidence. 

It's also worth noting that the OSC regulation requires the AG to set out any decisions in which Mueller was denied permission to file charges and Barr already said there were no such decisions.

As @mtaibbi says, this is - by far - the worst media humiliation since 2002. 
Crazy, I posted an interview for you where Taibbi says that the Russian money laundering piece was plausible. I still invite you to watch that and comment on it. Then I suggest you look at Barr's letter to see what it says about it.

What is the most troubling is that this proves Trump was right that is was a "witch hunt" Two years of wasted time and energy that might help Trump in 2020.

Look, my new position... I’m white and I make a lot of money, so ostensibly I benefit from GOP bull####. But I resist it actively, advocate vocally against it, and vote against it, because it’s bull#### and show kindness and generosity in real life, so from here on out, it’s simply not my ####show. 
Peeps losing their #### I see now the report is out saying "no collusion happened"  and "no evidence of obstruction".  Can't blame you, lots of time invested in this thread.

This whole endeavor has done more to help Trump's 2020 prospects than anything Trump himself could have done.
now this would be some 16D chess by Trump.  act so guilty that the Republican-led DOJ is forced to investigate you, fire the Republican FBI director thus demanding an OSC, the Republican DAG appoints a Republican special counsel, who issues a report back to a Republican AG, who summaries that the report totally vindicates the President and this was all a Democrat witch hunt.  and the sad thing is that a lot of people will agree this is the fault of Democrats and be outraged at them for siding with investigating a Presidential campaign to see if there was any fire to a operation that had smoke coming out of every window

Barr has been on record saying POTUS cannot be indicted for ANYTHING. So what’s Rosenstein supposed to do if the AG takes that view? (Even if it’s corrupt?)

Spoiler alert, I think that’s what happened. 

And I wouldn’t trust Barr’s interpretation of the findings on conspiracy either. 
The Barr letter reproduces a direct quote that there is no collusion.  It’s over.   The ambiguity on the obstruction question has no purchase.  Without an underlying crime, who cares.  Trump may have “obstructed” Justice because he is a lying sociopath.  Not because he was deliberately trying to cover up collusion.  

But everyone already knows he’s a lying sociopath.   And they dont care.  

It is basically complete and total vindication.   

But if there was no Russian collusion, than it was literally a witch hunt.  If the dossier was fake, if the dems went all-in on a sitting president being a traitorous Russian asset, than it literally was a witch hunt.  It was always an unbelievably dangerous set of allegations and who knows what the consequences will be.  
to be fair, he certainly acted like a traitorous Russian asset, wouldn't you agree?  they lied about everything Russia, doubted Russia's role in hacking and election interference, never did go the FBI with news of Russians reaching out, constantly tried to discredit Comey and then Mueller, Trump made a big deal of sessions recusing himself, why any of that if there was nothing there? 

given all of that, I don't get the outrage at Democrats for going along with Republicans in investigating this.  it would have been pure negligence on the part of the FBI/DOJ not to look into it. 

to be fair, he certainly acted like a traitorous Russian asset, wouldn't you agree?  they lied about everything Russia, doubted Russia's role in hacking and election interference, never did go the FBI with news of Russians reaching out, constantly tried to discredit Comey and then Mueller, Trump made a big deal of sessions recusing himself, why any of that if there was nothing there? 

given all of that, I don't get the outrage at Democrats for going along with Republicans in investigating this.  it would have been pure negligence on the part of the FBI/DOJ not to look into it. 
I still believe trump is owned by Russia.  He just didn’t participate in election meddling.  

I still believe trump is owned by Russia.  He just didn’t participate in election meddling.  
oh, me too.  I would like to see the report before proclaiming Trump innocence in election meddling. 

my point was that this was something that HAD to be investigated and people are complaining it cost money?  (not sure if it did actually cost anything...)


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