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​ 🐘 ​​ 🐴 ​2020 Presidential Debates thread - 2nd Debate October 15 (1 Viewer)

That’s a win for all of us, as I can’t imagine anything useful from a second debate in any format, after what we saw in the first debacle.
I didn't think it was a win for Biden, as another debate would simply be more of the same from Trump, and that was good. 

So I was a bit disappointed that Trump was taking his ball and going home. 

But Trump showed that I underestimated him, by announcing he would do a rally, and then go on Fox this morning, and call Kamala a communist.  

It's amazing. Historians will be studying this political implosion for decades.  

Can Biden still show up and get the free national TV audience?  I mean, equal time is the rule, but if one refuses to show up, does that still apply?
This is a townhall event that isn’t packed with hand picked Biden supporters and pre scripted questions like his NBC one last week, so no they won’t be having Biden “show up.”

It's funny how things have flipped in literally a couple weeks.  I'm old enough to remember when the narrative was "if you don't show up to the debate it means you're mentally incompetent and lack the mental fortitude to go one on one" :lol:  

The creators of Seinfeld couldn't manufacture the comedy we're seeing these days.

This is a townhall event that isn’t packed with hand picked Biden supporters and pre scripted questions like his NBC one last week, so no they won’t be having Biden “show up.”
Ahh, a baseless conspiracy theory that it was all a set up for Biden last week.

Should Trump hold a rally instead of a virtual debate, would any network other than Fox carry it? He might rile up a few thousand attendees, but how would any of this strategy net him more votes? If I were undecided, on the fence about Biden, or an independent trying to figure out who to vote for, do they really think they are going to attract enough people to swing the election?

The GOP will get slammed for Trump going out to a rally while possibly still infected, ignoring protocols, most likely not wearing masks, and refusing to take part in the debate. That seems like a lot to overcome just to break even on the night, let alone gain voters. 

Ahh, a baseless conspiracy theory that it was all a set up for Biden last week.
Baseless conspiracy? Of course you guys here don’t know any of this. Should have known.

Two “undecided” voters who appeared on an NBC News town hall with Joe Biden that has been described as an “infomercial” for the Democratic nominee had earlier voiced their support for the former vice president on MSNBC, according to a report.

Peter Gonzalez and Ismael Llano posed questions to the Democratic presidential nominee at the town hall Monday in Miami as part of an “audience of undecided Florida voters.”

Both Gonzalez and Llano appeared on MSNBC in August to show their support for Biden, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday.

“If we get four more years of Trump, good luck, and good luck with the future attracting younger voters,” Gonzalez said on MSNBC.

He and Llano were identified as “voting for Biden.”

“Something that Joe Biden said during his speech that resonated with me was what defines America is a possibility,” Llano said in the same broadcast.

Marc Caputo, writing on Politico, said the voters didn’t sound undecided.

This was a Biden-leaning crowd, if not a Biden crowd,” Caputo wrote. “So Biden had the equivalent of a one-hour infomercial that played to his strengths: engaging with respectful real voters (he’s been known to blow his stack with citizens who attack him) as he dished out anecdotes and one-liners accrued over decades in public life.”

Yes, I laughed at this because yes its the definition of a baseless conspiracy.  Tabloid news man.
Tabloid news doing the work the MSM refuses to do. Probably fake interviews in August on MSNBC!

Peter Gonzalez and Ismael Llano posed questions to the Democratic presidential nominee at the town hall Monday in Miami as part of an “audience of undecided Florida voters.”

Both Gonzalez and Llano appeared on MSNBC in August to show their support for Biden, theWashington Free Beacon reported on Tuesday.

I know its just a small thing as there are huge things with this administration day after day after day.  But can anyone read this official campaign statement and not feel like these are the biggest unprofessional simps around?  Seriously, how does this stuff pass muster?  This is the official campaign statement and reads like an angry 8th grader wrote it.


“President Trump won the first debate despite a terrible and biased moderator in Chris Wallace, and everybody knows it. For the swamp creatures at the Presidential Debate Commission to now rush to Joe Biden’s defense by unilaterally canceling an in-person debate is pathetic. That’s not what debates are about or how they’re done. Here are the facts: President Trump will have posted multiple negative tests prior to the debate, so there is no need for this unilateral declaration. The safety of all involved can easily be achieved without canceling a chance for voters to see both candidates go head to head. We’ll pass on this sad excuse to bail out Joe Biden and do a rally instead.”

 - Bill Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager 

I know its just a small thing as there are huge things with this administration day after day after day.  But can anyone read this official campaign statement and not feel like these are the biggest unprofessional simps around?  Seriously, how does this stuff pass muster?  This is the official campaign statement and reads like an angry 8th grader wrote it.

Here are the facts: President Trump will have posted multiple negative tests prior to the debate, so there is no need for this unilateral declaration.
Okay, gold star for anyone that can find a problem with this statement.  


I know its just a small thing as there are huge things with this administration day after day after day.  But can anyone read this official campaign statement and not feel like these are the biggest unprofessional simps around?  Seriously, how does this stuff pass muster?  This is the official campaign statement and reads like an angry 8th grader wrote it.

I mean, Trump is the ultimate simp.  How much did he pay Stormy again?

The GOP will get slammed for Trump going out to a rally while possibly still infected, ignoring protocols, most likely not wearing masks, and refusing to take part in the debate. That seems like a lot to overcome just to break even on the night, let alone gain voters. 
If you're in a tough Senate race, how do you dance around all this?

Rush Limbaugh: "I'm thrilled to announce that our commander in chief


will be right here tomorrow hosting the largest virtual rally in radio history. Be sure to tune in you don't want to miss this. It will be special and I am really looking forward to it."
Virtual rally, check.

Virtual debate? Nope, we have to move BOTH dates.  


Bill Stepien certainly has gotten the hang of this campaign manager talk.  

If you're in a tough Senate race, how do you dance around all this?
If you mean getting Trump involved, maybe he can find a tight Senate race in a state to host a rally that might push a Senate candidate into the lead, but at that point DJT might be just taking one for the team. I did see a couple of articles pondering some of the same things I was wondering about. Trump would be crazy to forgo 65-70 million debate viewers on multiple networks to go to a rally that won't get anywhere near the same coverage other than on Fox and Fox News. Trump needs more exposure to as many people as possible, not just his base.

If the polls are more accurate this time (certainly debatable), Trump has a lot of ground to cover to get back in the race. Biden's lead in some of the swing states is larger and he is competitive in more of those states than Clinton was. IMO, there are also likely a lot fewer people that are undecided voters to capture this late in the game than in 2016. Also, there wasn't a pandemic or a recently infected candidate as major obstacles now vs. then.

Trump would be crazy to forgo 65-70 million debate viewers on multiple networks to go to a rally that won't get anywhere near the same coverage other than on Fox and Fox News. Trump needs more exposure to as many people as possible, not just his base.
You're right of course.  But what if -- I know this sounds crazy but hear me out here -- Trump just isn't that good at politics?  I'm starting to suspect that this Trump fellow may be less than completely competent at his job.

You're right of course.  But what if -- I know this sounds crazy but hear me out here -- Trump just isn't that good at politics?  I'm starting to suspect that this Trump fellow may be less than completely competent at his job.
I think that he doesn't really want the job anymore and is consciously or subconsciously self-sabotaging.

Maybe casting doubt on the voting process isn't to keep power but just to have an excuse to save face after a loss.

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If the 2nd debate gets cancelled, Biden should insist that the 3rd debate have the same 'town hall' format.  He is at a total advantage over Trump in this format - and Trump's people know it.

This could work out very well for Biden, as Trump blew his chance in the first debate and may not get another oppirtunity at it.

Trump camp didn't want to have plexiglass barriers, and now would like to move BOTH debates?  

Biden can simply say, hey, we'll have virtual at regular dates, or you can walk away from 70 million viewers.  

Then Trump camp can be the ones refusing to hold a virtual meeting, I am sure that will go over great with all the Americans doing Zoom meetings since March.  

IvanKaramazov said:
You're right of course.  But what if -- I know this sounds crazy but hear me out here -- Trump just isn't that good at politics?  I'm starting to suspect that this Trump fellow may be less than completely competent at his job.

massraider said:
Virtual rally, check.

Virtual debate? Nope, we have to move BOTH dates.  


Bill Stepien certainly has gotten the hang of this campaign manager talk.  
Well, at least that’s a more reasonable schedule based on the suggested isolation period. Biden should move forward with the original schedule, and leave the virtual town hall invitation open to Trump.

IvanKaramazov said:
You're right of course.  But what if -- I know this sounds crazy but hear me out here -- Trump just isn't that good at politics?  I'm starting to suspect that this Trump fellow may be less than completely competent at his job.
Using his legendary business acumen, I suspect he’ll declare political bankruptcy and start a new campaign.

Something that won't mean as much to us as women, but Mark Meadows violated GA state orders, and threw a big wedding for his daughter in May. 

The story barely got coverage because of the parking lot full of burning dumpsters that is this administration,  but Biden should absolutely bring it up at the Town Hall. Preferably if Trump is there to respond, because he won't care and will blow it off. 

Every woman knows someone that had to cancel their wedding.  I cannot imagine a Trump response that would do anything other than make them seeth. 

If I'm Biden, it's all women, all the time for the next month. 

The Trump campaign has issued its third statement of the day on the debates, arguing that because of Dr. Conley's letter saying President Trump can return to public engagements Saturday, the debate should proceed as planned Thursday. Still no word on if Trump has tested negative.

Less than an hour after the Trump campaign says they want an in person debate on Thursday, Trump undercuts his team again by pushing a tweet that says he will skip the debate and hold a rally instead.

He can still change his mind.  About to go on Hannity.  

I'm watching so you don't have to.  Mark Levin currently screaming, and waving the Constitution around.  

Something that won't mean as much to us as women, but Mark Meadows violated GA state orders, and threw a big wedding for his daughter in May. 

The story barely got coverage because of the parking lot full of burning dumpsters that is this administration,  but Biden should absolutely bring it up at the Town Hall. Preferably if Trump is there to respond, because he won't care and will blow it off. 

Every woman knows someone that had to cancel their wedding.  I cannot imagine a Trump response that would do anything other than make them seeth. 

If I'm Biden, it's all women, all the time for the next month. 
I don't think he's up for that physically. 

Imagine how many threads there would be right now if this was the other way around. Holy ####. 

Yashar Ali@yashar

Steve is the moderator of the next presidential debate and he thinks he's DMing Scaramucci...but he's tweeting @ him. “Should I respond to Trump?”

I don't get what the excitement is all about. Trump called him an never-Trumper, so he asks someone who worked for Trump whether he should respond to that or ignore it. 


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