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“50 Beers Miles Donuts” Challenge (1 Viewer)


When I initially saw the “75 Hard” Challenge thread I thought it was something similar to this (it most certainly wasn’t!).

This challenge, in any combination, is to drink beers, run/walk miles and/or eat donuts adding up to 50 in a single 24 hour period.

20 beers, 20 miles, 10 donuts
30 beers, 15 miles, 5 donuts
5 beers, 35 miles, 10 donuts
0 beers, 0 miles, 50 donuts

You get the idea.

For the sake of consistency let’s say beers have to be 12 ounces and donuts are the normal round donuts (no munchkins).

The question is could you accomplish this and what would be the ideal combination?
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I'm pretty sure I could do this in various combinations, but many of them would suck.

Miles are the easy part. Running them at race pace is hard, but walking isn't too bad. You can mosy around at a 20-minute mile pace and still be knocking out 3 miles every hour. Do that for 10 hours, eating a donut every hour along the way for fuel, and that's 40. Then you've got 14 hours left to drink 10 beers, which actually sounds kinda fun.
Similar to above, I’d do 34 miles; walking at a leisurely (~18 min/mi) pace, this would take about 10 hours. Eat 10 donuts while walking, about 1 per hour. Drink 6 beers once I’m done. Strange way to spend the day, but certainly doable.
I've done variations of this, several times, without the donuts. 50 miles in 10-11 hours, and a handful of beers afterward. 61 miles in 15-18 hours, and a handful of beers afterward. @SayWhat? did 100 miles in under 24 hours, not sure if he got any beers in before the clock ticked over.

So yeah it's definitely doable.
When I was in marathon shape I could match beers with miles ran and still do an easy run the next day. Thinking...

17 miles late Sat am
2 donuts after
17 drinks the rest of the day
2 donuts before bed
As many miles as I can comfortably do Sun am (8?)
Then 4 more donuts

...that's the design. My body struggles with recovery once over 17 miles and I don't know how thrilled my stomach would be with too many donuts. Back loading would be safer than too much too soon, especially if I can eek out an extra mile or 2 Sunday.
Some of us have done this. 50 miles in a 12 hour “race”.
I’m not in that shape now but could do a 50k with a wrong turn or two so let’s call that 32 miles. A 12 pack of yuengling light is certainly doable with 6 donuts afterwards.
Sounds like the Mt' Mitchell challenge. 40 miles with beers at the last lest 3 aid stations, 4 if you count a fireball shot as a beer. So I've accomplished this numerous times without the donuts and beers in the evening. If they had donuts at aid stations this would be doable all within the same event.
Sounds like the Mt' Mitchell challenge. 40 miles with beers at the last lest 3 aid stations, 4 if you count a fireball shot as a beer. So I've accomplished this numerous times without the donuts and beers in the evening. If they had donuts at aid stations this would be doable all within the same event.
That sounds awesome.
IIRC it’s in January? I signed up for a Mt Mitchell race a few (7?) years ago but got hoof and mouth disease the week of the event.
Sounds like the Mt' Mitchell challenge. 40 miles with beers at the last lest 3 aid stations, 4 if you count a fireball shot as a beer. So I've accomplished this numerous times without the donuts and beers in the evening. If they had donuts at aid stations this would be doable all within the same event.
That sounds awesome.
IIRC it’s in January? I signed up for a Mt Mitchell race a few (7?) years ago but got hoof and mouth disease the week of the event.
February. You may have forgotten, but I used your entry and you probably have a crappy result on your ultra signup log.

The USFS/State parks has gotten pretty safety conscious so it's been trimmed from 40 miles to a marathon 4 of the last 5 years. Unless the Parkway is open, which is sketchy at 5000 ft elevation, they won't allow access to the Mt. Mitchell Park. I was there one year where a girl broke her leg and rescuers had to hoof her up about 500 ft in a 1/2 mile on ice. From the parking lot it's an hour to medical attention. The sub 0 wind chills and racing thru snow was quite unique, but authorities are forcing events to be smarter with peoples lives.
The question is could you accomplish this and what would be the ideal combination?
Does this need to be accomplished without puking? If no then I'd say it's close to impossible.

In 24 hours? This would be totally doable (even without puking). 30 miles on flat ground. Could easily eat 10 donuts during the walk. And then 10 beers over the next 12 hours while I sit on my butt.
The USFS/State parks has gotten pretty safety conscious so it's been trimmed from 40 miles to a marathon 4 of the last 5 years. Unless the Parkway is open, which is sketchy at 5000 ft elevation, they won't allow access to the Mt. Mitchell Park. I was there one year where a girl broke her leg and rescuers had to hoof her up about 500 ft in a 1/2 mile on ice. From the parking lot it's an hour to medical attention. The sub 0 wind chills and racing thru snow was quite unique, but authorities are forcing events to be smarter with peoples lives.
Is this a road event?

Quest for the Crest has been on my bucket list for a few years, I hope to get their in 2024. 31 miles, 18 donuts, 1 beer.

The RD isn't a full time RD so the swag is top notch as he's not looking for profit (I think the proceeds go to charity). Usually a North Face fleece for finishing and a pint or socks and T shirt at packet pick up. Registration starts September 1 and it wasn't an auto fill. I think the consecutive years of the 40 being closed killed off some interest.

The only RunBum event I've done is the Georgia Death Race. Dropped at mile 55 as the clock was was going to get me. That course was brutal as Georgia doesn't believe in switchbacks. Every ultra I've done has been at 200 lb+. I own the eating and drinking part but the mountains/hills do me in. I've got a string of 75-90 mile DNFs.
I've done variations of this, several times, without the donuts. 50 miles in 10-11 hours, and a handful of beers afterward. 61 miles in 15-18 hours, and a handful of beers afterward. @SayWhat? did 100 miles in under 24 hours, not sure if he got any beers in before the clock ticked over.

So yeah it's definitely doable.
I did not get any beers in under the 24 hour clock. That said, I did manage to piss myself when I laid down on the infield turf at the track. Can we make this miles/beers/donuts/incontinence?
Just knocked it out.

1 donut.
47 beers.
Stumbled 3 miles back to my vacation cabin.

See you guys tomorrow.
Look at you representing in MN! Welcome!
The sub 0 wind chills and racing thru snow was quite unique, but authorities are forcing events to be smarter with peoples lives.
Well that’s just dumb. Let us die if we want. (For whatever reason, “die” kept getting autocorrected to “sue” when I was typing that, so on second thought, I guess I get why they are erring in the side of caution. :eek:)

Also, that reminded me of one of my best friends making a toast at my wedding: “May Neil never Sue, and may Sue never Neil.” Genius. :lmao: :lmao:

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