Mr. Irrelevant
IBL Representative
That makes four - count 'em, four - rookie RBs taken in the first nine rounds of this draft. And this from a, shall we say, less than heralded RB class.9.10 Christine Michael
I certainly did not expect that.
That makes four - count 'em, four - rookie RBs taken in the first nine rounds of this draft. And this from a, shall we say, less than heralded RB class.9.10 Christine Michael
It was a swing for the fences. I think his supposed lack of maturity is being overplayed here and his skill set should land him some always critical short yardage work. With this pick I'm pretty much banking on a GB/Pit type landing spot.That makes four - count 'em, four - rookie RBs taken in the first nine rounds of this draft. And this from a, shall we say, less than heralded RB class.9.10 Christine Michael
I certainly did not expect that.
I'm not up, but I'll PM ShadowBilal Powell and Stephen Hill for mePM back to bamac
Will do.Hey guys I predrafted wrong and am traveling today. Can someone bump the kickers on my list? I'd like one each of the next two rounds.