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2020 Presidential Election Polling Thread (2 Viewers)

Obama was an anomaly who inspired Black Republicans to vote across party lines. I'm not sure it would be fair to use him to describe a "trend" without adding an asterisk.

Republicans did see a slight uptick in the African-American vote during the 2018 midterms, but how much of that is a trend and how much of it is due to the configuration of Senate seats up for grab that year? What did the midterms look like in 2014, 2010, 2006 and 2002?
As far as I can tell, there are two big reasons why political scientists think that Black voters' shift is more than a reversion to the pre-Obama mean. First, we see pretty clearly in survey data is that the younger a Black voter is, the less likely they are to be a registered Democrat. Obama was obviously a huge magnet for the Democratic party and temporarily locked up most of those younger Black independents. But now that Obama is out of the picture and those more independent cohorts are getting older (i.e. voting more), a larger percentage of Black voters are susceptible to being picked off by the GOP. This is expected to continue, slowly.

Second, we talk a lot about education-based polarization when it comes to white voters, but it's happening with nonwhite voters as well (just to a lesser degree). On cultural issues, non-college nonwhite voters can have attitudes that are pretty similar to non-college whites, pushing them towards the GOP. Trump's gains among Black and Hispanic voters appear to be  concentrated among non-college Black and Hispanic men. 

Stacy Abrams underperformed with non-White voters because the Secretary of State who was overseeing the election purged 200K votes. Abrams lost by 55K votes.

The Secretary of State was Brian Kemp, her opponent. Now Governor Kemp.

GA 2018 Election
There was definitely some funny business going on down there, but all over the country we saw Dems gain ground with white voters and lose ground with nonwhite voters relative to 2016. We saw it not only in Georgia, but in places like Arizona and Virginia as well.

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There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is beating Biden soundly as far as voter enthusiasm. All the Trump parades (boats and traditional) this weekend are a perfect example. The issue is that an enthusiastic Trump vote counts the same as an ambivalent Biden vote. It’s going to come down to numbers. 
I was an enthusiastic Obama guy. I didn't have a yeard sign though. No bumper sticker. No flag. Didn't go to any rallies. And I sure didn't drive around town shouting his name out to random people.

The Trump enthused fans are a different bunch for sure.

I also get the sense that most Biden supporters are in it for some normalcy. They are tired of the over the top adulation of the presidency. Just want to not have to read about the tweets and the crass behavior. An extension of that is not showing extreme displays of their support

I was an enthusiastic Obama guy. I didn't have a yeard sign though. No bumper sticker. No flag. Didn't go to any rallies. And I sure didn't drive around town shouting his name out to random people.

The Trump enthused fans are a different bunch for sure.

I also get the sense that most Biden supporters are in it for some normalcy. They are tired of the over the top adulation of the presidency. Just want to not have to read about the tweets and the crass behavior. An extension of that is not showing extreme displays of their support
Exactly. Count me out on a yard sign, and forget having a flag for my home or truck. I’m not joining some kind of kids fan club. Just looking to get an actual adult in the office to hopefully get us back to some kind of normal.

I also get the sense that most Biden supporters are in it for some normalcy. They are tired of the over the top adulation of the presidency. Just want to not have to read about the tweets and the crass behavior. An extension of that is not showing extreme displays of their support
Agreed...most Biden people are voting on emotional topics and not on candidate policy,  the thing that actually is what matters when it comes to having change in the country.

I simply don't understand this large portion of the Democratic populace...voting with emotions and not on policy.  

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I was an enthusiastic Obama guy. I didn't have a yeard sign though. No bumper sticker. No flag. Didn't go to any rallies. And I sure didn't drive around town shouting his name out to random people.

The Trump enthused fans are a different bunch for sure.

I also get the sense that most Biden supporters are in it for some normalcy. They are tired of the over the top adulation of the presidency. Just want to not have to read about the tweets and the crass behavior. An extension of that is not showing extreme displays of their support

Exactly. Count me out on a yard sign, and forget having a flag for my home or truck. I’m not joining some kind of kids fan club. Just looking to get an actual adult in the office to hopefully get us back to some kind of normal.
All I was getting at was that in years past I’d say the signage in this area was probably 50-50 Ds and Rs

Or at least it was close enough to that that it wasn’t a noticeable difference. Now there’s not one Biden sign. Not one 

Anyhow, I guess it means absolutely nothing and I’m sure you guys are right 

carry on

All I was getting at was that in years past I’d say the signage in this area was probably 50-50 Ds and Rs

Or at least it was close enough to that that it wasn’t a noticeable difference. Now there’s not one Biden sign. Not one 

Anyhow, I guess it means absolutely nothing and I’m sure you guys are right 

carry on
I’m not surprised there has been an increase of Trump support there. Will it be countered by increased Biden support in the suburbs? Polling seems to suggest it but we’ll see in two months.

I was an enthusiastic Obama guy. I didn't have a yeard sign though. No bumper sticker. No flag. Didn't go to any rallies. And I sure didn't drive around town shouting his name out to random people.

The Trump enthused fans are a different bunch for sure.

I also get the sense that most Biden supporters are in it for some normalcy. They are tired of the over the top adulation of the presidency. Just want to not have to read about the tweets and the crass behavior. An extension of that is not showing extreme displays of their support
It is hard to go around shouting be reasonable. 

Anyhow, I guess it means absolutely nothing and I’m sure you guys are right 

carry on
And all I was getting at was perhaps the reasoning for the discrepancy. It"s no fun if we all just click the like button and don't engage in a debate about these topics 

The central PA sign report is interesting to me, because I live in a purple county in eastern PA, and the absolute dearth of Hillary signs in 2016 versus the ubiquitousness of Trump signs actually made me start to question the narrative that Trump couldn't win.  Thus far this year I have definitely seen more Biden signs than Hillary signs four years ago.  Trump signs seem about the same as 2016, maybe a little less.

On a semi-related sign note, we drove from Cleveland to rural northwestern PA last month, but didn't take the highway.  It was amusing how the signs went from all Biden, to roughly split, to all Trump as we drove along.

Political Polls @PpollingNumbers

#Ohio @Rasmussen_Poll

Biden 51% (+4) Trump 47% (LV 9/1-2)

9:34 AM · Sep 8, 2020

I just got back a couple days ago from a 5000 mile 2+ week road trip from MN through ND, MT, ID, OR, NV, UT, WY, NE, SD, and back to MN.

Can't recall seeing any Biden signs. Saw a whole bunch of Trump signs though


Still don't hink it means much of anything

ETA: This is based on Forecasting of 10 organizations. For a snapshot of current polling, see post below.


Data taken from 270towin.com:

27 Safe States + DC +1 split (not in play for 2020)

  • CA - 55
  • NY - 29
  • IL - 20
  • NJ - 14
  • WA - 12
  • MA - 11
  • MD - 10
  • CT - 7
  • OR - 7
  • HI - 4
  • ME - 1 (split: Biden-1 Likely Biden-2 Toss Up-1)
  • RI - 4
  • DC - 3
  • DE - 3
  • VT - 3
Biden - 183

  • IN - 11
  • TN - 11
  • AL - 9
  • KY - 8
  • LA - 8
  • OK - 7
  • AR - 6
  • MS - 6
  • WV - 5
  • NE - 4 (split Trump-4 Toss Up-1)
  • ID - 4
  • ND - 3
  • SD - 3
  • WY - 3
Trump - 88

10 Likely States

  • VA - 13
  • CO - 9
  • NM - 5
  • ME - 2 (split: likely Biden-2 safe Biden-1 Toss Up-1)
Biden - 29 (+183 = 212)

  • MO - 10
  • SC - 9
  • KS - 6
  • UT - 6
  • AK - 3
  • MT - 3
Trump - 37 (+88 = 125)

8 Leaning States

  • Pennsylvania - 20
  • Michigan - 16
  • Minnesota - 10
  • Wisconsin - 10
  • Nevada - 6
  • New Hampshire - 4
Biden - 66 (+212 = 278)

  • Texas - 38
  • Iowa - 6
Trump - 44 (+125 = 169)

5 Toss Up States

  • Arizona - 11
  • Florida - 29
  • Ohio - 18
  • Georgia - 16
  • North Carolina - 15
  • Maine - 1 (split: Toss Up-1 safe Biden-1 leans Biden-2)
  • Nebraska - 1 (split: Toss Up-1 Trump-4)

270 to win uses aggregate polling and has been slow to update.

That said, the discussion should be framed around what is happening in the 13 states we consider in play. National polling and popular vote are irrelevant. 

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4 of the 5 toss up states are probably lean Trump, with Arizona probably leaning Biden. Basing AZ on the Senate race where Mark Kelly has a 10-11 point lead on McSally who already lost the Senate race last time. 

Also Texas is not leaning Trump, it's going Trump. Calling it a lean is a stretch, even knowing what the polls say.

IMO, public opinion of national polls has overcorrected a bit -- you shouldn't look at them exclusively, but they can still be useful. A big reason why is that they're typically the most accurate polls. In 2016 they showed Hillary winning by 2-4% and she won by 2.1%, while state-level polls had some serious issues. Electoral college votes are correlated with the popular vote, so if you adjust for the GOP's EC advantage, the national polls can actually give you a decent idea of how the race looks. 

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

Chance of a Biden Electoral college win if he wins the popular vote by X points:

0-1 points: just 6%!
1-2 points: 22%
2-3 points: 46%
3-4 points: 74%
4-5 points: 89%
5-6 points: 98%
6-7 points: 99%

11:11 AM · Sep 2, 2020

IMO, public opinion of national polls has overcorrected a bit -- you shouldn't look at them exclusively, but they can still be useful. A big reason why is that they're typically the most accurate polls. In 2016 they showed Hillary winning by 2-4% and she won by 2.1%, while state-level polls had some serious issues. Electoral college votes are correlated with the popular vote, so if you adjust for the GOP's EC advantage, the national polls can actually give you a decent idea of how the race looks. 

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

Chance of a Biden Electoral college win if he wins the popular vote by X points:

0-1 points: just 6%!
1-2 points: 22%
2-3 points: 46%
3-4 points: 74%
4-5 points: 89%
5-6 points: 98%
6-7 points: 99%

11:11 AM · Sep 2, 2020
The undocumented immigrant buses will have to be very busy ;)  

IMO, public opinion of national polls has overcorrected a bit -- you shouldn't look at them exclusively, but they can still be useful. A big reason why is that they're typically the most accurate polls. In 2016 they showed Hillary winning by 2-4% and she won by 2.1%, while state-level polls had some serious issues. Electoral college votes are correlated with the popular vote, so if you adjust for the GOP's EC advantage, the national polls can actually give you a decent idea of how the race looks. 

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

Chance of a Biden Electoral college win if he wins the popular vote by X points:

0-1 points: just 6%!
1-2 points: 22%
2-3 points: 46%
3-4 points: 74%
4-5 points: 89%
5-6 points: 98%
6-7 points: 99%

11:11 AM · Sep 2, 2020
I saw that Tweet.  I wish he'd also given Trump's numbers.  I assume with a 1-2 point lead, he'd be 99% or over.

Agreed...most Biden people are voting on emotional topics and not on candidate policy,  the thing that actually is what matters when it comes to having change in the country.

I simply don't understand this large portion of the Democratic populace...voting with emotions and not on policy.  
meh....this isn't unique to the Democratic populace.  If we're being honest, middle class and poor class workers wouldn't be voting for Trump if it weren't emotional.  Every single economic policy he's passed has been the equivalent of dumping a large pile of crap in their front yards.  I've been told a billion times that "The GOP votes with their pocketbooks/wallets".  If that's true, they are voting third party.  If they are voting Trump either that line is horse#### or they are certainly letting emotion be a significant part of the equation.


Based on Polling at FiveThirtyEight; previous post was based on Forecasting at 270toWin


23 Safe States + DC +1 split (not in play for 2020)

  • CA - 55
  • NY - 29
  • IL - 20
  • NJ - 14
  • WA - 12
  • MA - 11
  • MD - 10
  • CT - 7
  • HI - 4
  • RI - 4
  • DC - 3
  • DE - 3
  • VT - 3
Biden - 175

  • IN - 11
  • TN - 11
  • AL - 9
  • KY - 8
  • OK - 7
  • AR - 6
  • WV - 5
  • ID - 4
  • NE - 3 (split: safe Trump-3 likely Trump-1 Toss Up-1)
  • ND - 3
  • SD - 3
  • WY - 3
Trump - 73

14 Likely States

  • MI - 16 (Forecasts say leaning Biden)
  • VA - 13
  • CO - 9
  • OR - 7 (Forecasts say safe Biden)
  • NM - 5
  • ME - 1 (split: likely Biden-1 leans Biden-2 Toss Up-1)
Biden - 51 (+226 = 226)

  • MO - 10
  • SC - 9
  • LA - 8 (Forecasts say safe Trump)
  • KS - 6
  • MS - 6 (Forecasts say safe Trump)
  • UT - 6
  • AK - 3
  • MT - 3
  • NE - 1 (split: likely Trump-1safe Trump-3 Toss Up-1)
Trump - 52 (+73 = 125)

8 Leaning States

Pennsylvania - 20

Minnesota - 10

Wisconsin - 10

Nevada - 6

New Hampshire - 4

ME - 2 (split: leans Biden-2 safe Biden-1 Toss Up-1)

Biden - 52 (+226 = 278)

Texas - 38

Georgia - 16 (Forecasts say Toss Up)

Iowa - 6

Trump - 60 (+125 = 185)

4 Toss Up States

  • Arizona - 11
  • Florida - 29
  • Ohio - 18
  • North Carolina - 15
  • Maine - 1 (split: Toss Up-1 likely Biden-1 leans Biden-2)
  • Nebraska - 1 (split: Toss Up-1 likely Trump-1 safe Trump-3)

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There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is beating Biden soundly as far as voter enthusiasm. All the Trump parades (boats and traditional) this weekend are a perfect example. The issue is that an enthusiastic Trump vote counts the same as an ambivalent Biden vote. It’s going to come down to numbers. 
I also think it's a mistake to assume an unenthusiastic Biden voter is not an enthusiastic not-Trump voter.  If a pollster asked me if I was excited to vote for Joe Biden I'd say no.  If they asked me if I was excited to vote out Donald Trump I say abso-#######-lutely.  I like to think (hope) there are a lot of people like me. 

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I also think it's a mistake to assume an unenthusiastic Biden voter is not an enthusiastic not-Trump voter.  If a pollster asked me if I was excited to vote for Joe Biden I'd say no.  If they asked me if I was excited to vote out Donald Trump I say abso-#######-lutely.  
I think (hope) this is a very valid point

Agreed...most Biden people are voting on emotional topics and not on candidate policy,  the thing that actually is what matters when it comes to having change in the country.

I simply don't understand this large portion of the Democratic populace...voting with emotions and not on policy.  
I agree.  Biden needs to run on some buzzwords that give people a false sense of patriotism, when in fact they'd be supporting the exact opposite of those buzzwords.  Republicans are all about substance.  Defending our Constitution by remaining silent while its leader teargasses peaceful protestors.  Defending our Constitution by remaining silent while its leader undermines it's highest democratic processes.  Defending our Constitution by remaining silent while its leader dismantles the checks and balances of his authority.  Republicans don't just walk the walk and vote on emotion and buzzwords.  They're true patriots.  

I just got back a couple days ago from a 5000 mile 2+ week road trip from MN through ND, MT, ID, OR, NV, UT, WY, NE, SD, and back to MN.

Can't recall seeing any Biden signs. Saw a whole bunch of Trump signs though


Still don't hink it means much of anything
In south / middle PA this last weekend I saw numerous Trump signs, no Bodens signs, a biker / car show with no masks in sight, and a sign that said, "Any Functioning Adult, 2020".

NBC/Marist (A+ pollster) just released its first survey of FL:

Biden 48%
Trump 48%

Biden net favorability: -3
Trump net favorability: -3

Oh, Florida.

caustic said:
NBC/Marist (A+ pollster) just released its first survey of FL:

Biden 48%
Trump 48%

Biden net favorability: -3
Trump net favorability: -3

Oh, Florida.
Survey conducted 8/31-9/6. Curious what the next one says with the entire sample being post-Atlantic article. I know the hardcore MAGA won’t change no matter what, curious about those 4% undecided and squishy supporters.

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Grace Under Pressure said:
Yes, except for Texas. :D

From the campaign perspective it's stinky bait, he shouldn't spend a day or a dollar there.

Is it possible that it's a toss-up? Guess so, but wouldn't entertain it. 

Your overall point is correct though. Have to be consistent. 
Saying it is in play is different from recommending campaigning heavily there. I don't think there is much use for the presidential race in campaigning in Texas. However there are a lot of close house races and getting out the vote for those races is important. 

The Commish said:
TripItUp said:
Agreed...most Biden people are voting on emotional topics and not on candidate policy,  the thing that actually is what matters when it comes to having change in the country.

I simply don't understand this large portion of the Democratic populace...voting with emotions and not on policy.  
meh....this isn't unique to the Democratic populace.  If we're being honest, middle class and poor class workers wouldn't be voting for Trump if it weren't emotional.  Every single economic policy he's passed has been the equivalent of dumping a large pile of crap in their front yards.  I've been told a billion times that "The GOP votes with their pocketbooks/wallets".  If that's true, they are voting third party.  If they are voting Trump either that line is horse#### or they are certainly letting emotion be a significant part of the equation.

TripItUp said:
So Imagine you are living in California and making 250K where you are already the most heavily taxed demographic, now the Federal govt and the State govt will raise taxes even more.  

Not Cool.

What the govt doesn't take into account with these policies is that making 250K in California is not even remotely close to making 250 in Mississippi or Arizona or Michigan etc. etc. etc.

New Marist poll shows Biden up by 9 in Pennsylvania. PA polls seemed to tighten a bit after the RNC, so this is a great result for Biden. PA is far and away the most likely tipping-point state right now.

New Marist poll shows Biden up by 9 in Pennsylvania. PA polls seemed to tighten a bit after the RNC, so this is a great result for Biden. PA is far and away the most likely tipping-point state right now.
Yeah, I think he's in trouble in PA.  The Philly suburbs will turn against him and he'll be doneski.

Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball:  https://twitter.com/kkondik/status/1304029167839739904

Biden: 269 (Safe + Likely + Leans)

Trump: 204 (Safe + Likely + Leans)

Toss-up: 65 (Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona)
A little break down:


Safe - 183 electoral votes
Likely - 29
Leans - 57 (Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Nebraska 2nd Congressional District)


Safe - 77
Likely - 48
Leans - 79 (Texas, Iowa, Ohio, Georgia, and Maine's 2nd Congressional District)

So, based on this - Trump needs a clean sweep of Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Arizona - to gain a tie, and likely win in Congress.

Right now - current RCP averages*:

Florida: Biden +1.2

North Carolina: Biden +1.5

Wisconsin: Biden +6.4

Arizona: Biden +5.7

*Just a neutral data point, I have no idea of the strengths/weaknesses of any of the given state polls contained within the averages

Leans - 57 (Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Nebraska 2nd Congressional District)
RCP Averages:

Nevada - no polling since January :oldunsure:

Minnesota - Biden +5

Michigan - Biden +3.2

Pennsylvania - Biden +4.3

New Hampshire - Two polls from July / August - Biden +8, +13

Quick back of the envelop calculations, and it seems like Trump/Pence should be focusing a lot of energy in Ohio - specifically northern Ohio, where the messaging would bleed into Michigan in the west and Pennsylvania in the East.

In terms of the GOP - I am thinking they want to spend time in Georgia and North Carolina, and probably Arizona

It's probably safe to assume the Woodward book and the Atlantic article will hurt Trump by maybe a point or two.  He has time to make that up still but he's quickly running out of time.  

It's probably safe to assume the Woodward book and the Atlantic article will hurt Trump by maybe a point or two.  He has time to make that up still but he's quickly running out of time.  
Time for Rudy to go on TV about all the dirty stuff he will claim to have on Biden.

Time for a caravan to be heading towards the border funded by Soros and supported by Biden.

Time (and other than maybe the caravan coming...because you just know that will pop up again in the next month)...the most obvious will be slow "leaks" of what Durham is looking at and claims of findings of wrongdoing.

Time for Rudy to go on TV about all the dirty stuff he will claim to have on Biden.
From earlier today, but seems relevant here:

Kenneth P. Vogel @kenvogel· 3h

WOW: @USTreasury sanctions ANDRII DERKACH, who has pushed information intended to damage JOE BIDEN. Treasury calls Derkach an "active Russian agent for over a decade," & accuses him of "an attempt to undermine the upcoming 2020 US presidential election."

(this is the guy dishing "dirt" to Rudy)


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