This is false. I mean there is video of people putting many ballots into boxes. There is proof of at least some other isolated incidents and some weak innuendo(based on logic that is readily accepted when people try to say sturgis fueled cross country covid wave). There were massive changes to how the elections were conducted, not without reasonable explanations, but also some that probably were not following letter of election law. I think what happened in madison was definitely not to letter of law, but not unreasonable considering. Now is that "proof" of a stolen election? Of course not.
There is evidence of an entire election almost getting rigged via a vote by mail scheme. Luckily it was caught and the elction winner, a gop candidate, withdrew after they wouldnt certify and started to piece together what happened. Criminal case ongoing.
Again, not enough to prove anything, but it isnt all out of thin air.
Oh and also a water pipe or something nefarious like that.
And yet none of that was proven in court or it has been debunked by Republicans themselves. Just because someone makes the claim doesn't make it true.
Team Trump even admitted in some cases they aren't claiming fraud when they got to court. Trump appointed judges laughed them out of court.
If there is evidence of fraud or wrongdoing, prove it in court. They can't because they have none. Rudy himself said they have plenty of theories, just no proof. Trump's people told him their was no fraud. GOP election officials in the contested states have said there was no fraud.
I dont feel like getting into a legal debate about evidence vs proof, so I will first ask you this...
If somebody said there was no evidence that kavanaugh attempted to rape Blasey Ford , would you counter with the claim that the accusation alone is evidence...
Because the lawyers in that thread argued repeatedly that even really awful eyewitness testimony is evidence. That even the fact that she knew people's names that Kavanaugh hung out with was evidence.
So when you say there was "no evidence" of any fraud do you mean it in the colloquial sense of
yous got nothin
Or do you mean it more in the strict definition of evidence?
If it is the former, I yield that you are correct. If it is the latter, then you arent.