the problem is that all of them have been able to latch on to "invisible" and "unconfirmable" topics and use it to place small levels of doubt in all of our heads. So regardless of the outcome, the losing side can say "see, I told you"
honestly, can we be 100%, lockdown, written in stone, that every vote was a legitimate one? IDK, but who going to prove it? Who's going to count and cross-referenced each ballot? You? Some special gov't dept? No, we have to go on faith, and if anything our politicians have proven time after time that "faith" means absolutely nothing to them—nil, nadda. Faith is just another invisible to be twisted. I think back to the Bush/Gore election, at least they went back in and examined every "hanging chad" and while it took a while, right or wrong, the people at least got a review that attempted to legitimize the votes.
They did the same during Covid. The bug was an invisible boogie man that they used to scare us Into believing that it lived on our grocery store boxes, and couldn't pass through cloth masks, and that it was safe if we were sitting at a restaurant table but dont get up and walk around!!! And while some had doubts no one could prove them wrong b/c it was invisible.
We have entered a new era where we are going to need more proof and/or safeguards. Otherwise, this is going to be the same old story for decades and we will continue to be divided over it.