64 List Rank: 22
64 List Voters/Points: 15/661
64 List Top 5: 3 @Oliver Humanzee (1) @otb_lifer (4) @Pip's Invitation (5)
64 List Top 10: 6 (6, 7, 7)
64 List 1-25 votes: 9 (14, 16, 22)
64 List 26-64 votes: 6
Huge '64 jump from #42! This was in Top 10 for a long time counting the votes. I had it at #14.
Yes! This was one my mom hadn't ranked before, and I don't think she'd even listened to it, and then upon listening she put it at #7! I thank her in particular for the jump in rating. It was also my #6 and OH's #1. Yay, team 4!