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90s Movie Poll - 1999 The countdown has started! (3 Viewers)

Gump is a fine film. Great source material, altered enough to make it palatable (I wish they'd made the movie closer to the source, actually, instead of a little bit sentimental and mawkish -- the source material is bawdy). I think the hatred for Gump is way overdone and done with a little bit of pretense. It's a really good movie.  

eta* I'd read Gump as a young adult. It's about autism, not intellectual incapability. Gump was a savant in the novel, but told the story distantly, through the eyes of autism, which made the narrative import more telling. 
The book sounds interesting but we will disagree on the movie. The only good thing about the movie was the soundtrack. 

Gump is a fine film. Great source material, altered enough to make it palatable (I wish they'd made the movie closer to the source, actually, instead of a little bit sentimental and mawkish -- the source material is bawdy). I think the hatred for Gump is way overdone and done with a little bit of pretense. It's a really good movie.  

eta* I'd read Gump as a young adult. It's about autism, not intellectual incapability. Gump was a savant in the novel, but told the story distantly, through the eyes of autism, which made the narrative import more telling. 
gump is a really well crafted, told and acted movie- I can recognize that and accept people liking it a lot.

my dislike for it came from feeling like it came out in the middle of a cluster of story-telling cliche movies of using simple/broken/disabled people who actually were superhumans to tell a story to make me the viewer feel humanity. felt disingenuous not letting these people just be simple/broken/disabled AND human. they had to have superpowers to convince the viewers. but I wish to hell I could remember the others that fell in this cluster... I just remember walking out of Gump and think "bleh" and being surprised at the outpouring of love for it from fellow viewers walking out of the theater.

The book sounds interesting but we will disagree on the movie. The only good thing about the movie was the soundtrack. 
Yeah, it doesn't age too well. I think it gets a little too sentimental and plays to tropes, but the storytelling and devices it uses for the vignettes are great. The book, by Winston Groom, was a really good one. Unfortunately, he received not a dime from the movie because they somehow wrote it off as a loss, and he'd asked for net profits instead of gross. 


gump is a really well crafted, told and acted movie- I can recognize that and accept people liking it a lot.

my dislike for it came from feeling like it came out in the middle of a cluster of story-telling cliche movies of using simple/broken/disabled people who actually were superhumans to tell a story to make me the viewer feel humanity. felt disingenuous not letting these people just be simple/broken/disabled AND human. they had to have superpowers to convince the viewers. but I wish to hell I could remember the others that fell in this cluster... I just remember walking out of Gump and think "bleh" and being surprised at the outpouring of love for it from fellow viewers walking out of the theater.
I think we posted at the same time that the devices and narrative and acting were excellent. Maybe the autism is more crucial than I thought.  

gump is a really well crafted, told and acted movie- I can recognize that and accept people liking it a lot.

my dislike for it came from feeling like it came out in the middle of a cluster of story-telling cliche movies of using simple/broken/disabled people who actually were superhumans to tell a story to make me the viewer feel humanity. felt disingenuous not letting these people just be simple/broken/disabled AND human. they had to have superpowers to convince the viewers. but I wish to hell I could remember the others that fell in this cluster... I just remember walking out of Gump and think "bleh" and being surprised at the outpouring of love for it from fellow viewers walking out of the theater.
I really dislike how they handled the disability. It's just so preposterous and is really just a propaganda puff piece. 

I think Rain Man technically falls into your cluster, but even though he was a savant, I think Rain Man did a great job of never being disingenuous and never giving the audience what it wanted. A lesser movie would have had Dustin have a breakthrough, but this movie stayed true to the character the whole way through. While it did create a very unrealistic impression of autism for a generation, it also stayed true the heart of the character and forced us to come to him on his terms. 

I can totally respect that. I'm not falling on the Gump sword, ya know? 

I never liked the Jenny story in the movie. It was better in the book.  
Art and entertainment is all subjective so my opinion is no more valid than yours. Obviously it really struck a chord with America so there was lots people liked about it. 

was just about to post this exact gripe about the flick - thanks for stealing my  Jennnnnehhhhh bashing thunder  :thumbdown:
It's got some very skewed politics. Jenny and her questioning outspoken liberals are portrayed pretty poorly. Everything they do turns out bad and she ends up a mess. Forrest is dumb and just does whatever he's told. He works hard and is always the most successful at whatever he does. It's really bizarre to me- is that the message they were trying to deliver?

It's got some very skewed politics. Jenny and her questioning outspoken liberals are portrayed pretty poorly. Everything they do turns out bad and she ends up a mess. Forrest is dumb and just does whatever he's told. He works hard and is always the most successful at whatever he does. It's really bizarre to me- is that the message they were trying to deliver?
It worked better as an autistic savant. He was in a one man band in New Orleans in the book. Perhaps the source material colors my take and affection for the movie. 

It's a funny-### book. 

From Amazon: Winston Groom is the author of twenty previous books, including Forrest Gump, Conversations with the Enemy (Pulitzer Prize finalist), Shiloh 1862, and The Generals. He served in Vietnam with the Fourth Infantry Division and lives in Point Clear, Alabama. 

It's Southern Lit. Hollywood has always tried to do Southern Lit, and never does it well.  

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It's got some very skewed politics. Jenny and her questioning outspoken liberals are portrayed pretty poorly. Everything they do turns out bad and she ends up a mess. Forrest is dumb and just does whatever he's told. He works hard and is always the most successful at whatever he does. It's really bizarre to me- is that the message they were trying to deliver?
Jenny's spirit is the crux of the love story - the physical character is merely a shell guiding us through the world Gump never could know - it works for me on that level, and i really wished she was fleshed out more - instead we got pure hokum set amidst a turbulent backdrop that deserved more extrapolation. 

Jenny's spirit is the crux of the love story - the physical character is merely a shell guiding us through the world Gump never could know - it works for me on that level, and i really wished she was fleshed out more - instead we got pure hokum set amidst a turbulent backdrop that deserved more extrapolation. 
She was reductive in the movie, very sociopolitical in the book. IIRC, she had run off to Africa and was in cahoots with the King of a -- possibly cannibalistic -- tribe of some sorts. Gump rescues her. It's actually an astute commentary, and funny. 

eta* Yeah, they were cannibals.  

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Ilov80s said:
Only watch the original. No matter how much you might end up loving The Matrix, don’t watch the sequels.
1st one is awesome.

2nd one has 2 good fight scenes but starts to head off the tracks.

3rd one is an absolute cluster####.

Hate to keep hammering this point home, but the more I think about it the madder I get. 

Never has a sequel or 2nd half of a trilogy angered me so much. Maybe because I loved the first one so much and thought it had so much potential.  I've shown my youngest daughter who is into sci-fi and action the first 2 and she liked them (except the boring architect parts of 2).  I pretend that I don't have access to the 3rd and have never showed it.

yeah- cannibals would've definitely made gump better.
Well, I think it was a commentary on the theory of the noble savage that was popularized in the late 18th century. Sometimes, in searching out the authentic, especially the authentic as love interest, we find some ugliness. Jenny was always doing that.  

Hate to keep hammering this point home, but the more I think about it the madder I get. 

Never has a sequel or 2nd half of a trilogy angered me so much. Maybe because I loved the first one so much and thought it had so much potential.  I've shown my youngest daughter who is into sci-fi and action the first 2 and she liked them (except the boring architect parts of 2).  I pretend that I don't have access to the 3rd and have never showed it.
Godfather III down?


I actually felt bad for her in that movie. it was obvious why she was in it- and it was obvious she had distractingly zero acting ability.
yeah, she was much better in pop's "the Outsiders" as the annoying brat pestering Dallas and Johnny and Pony as they dined al fesco whilst on the lam - "hey, mistah ... ya got a dime? HEY, MISTAH!"

Revised list submitted.

Also, I hope you keep going back in time, going through the 80's and 70's.
I will adjust a little later.  

I have 0 problems continuing on through the years, but I don't want people to lose steam and get bored with this, so I'm not sure what the balance is. One a month? 

I will adjust a little later.  

I have 0 problems continuing on through the years, but I don't want people to lose steam and get bored with this, so I'm not sure what the balance is. One a month? 
instead of going chronologically you could switch it up by using random years - would break the sameness of actors/directors/genres/etc - would keep folks on their toes

I will give you 2 teasers...

Here are 3 movies that got votes, but won't be on the countown:

The 13th Floor, Entrapment, Brokedown Palace

Here is my list.  Don't know why I feel the need to post my list, because it's still not like you guyswill know if I am fudging #s or not, but for whatever reason I think I need to post it for full disclosure:

  Reveal hidden contents
30pts:  Magnolia, Fight Club

20pts:  Audition, Eyes Wide Shut, American Movie, The Straight Story, American Beauty

10pts:  South Park, The Man on the Moon

5pts:  The Matrix, Austin Powers, Boys Don't Cry, Blair Witch Project
Weekend hasn't even started and one of my movies has already been voted off the island.

Works for me.  I agree with the pacing of 1 per month being perfect to avoid burnout.
I probably could add a poll and see if the majority want random or in order.  I know I am a :nerd: , but I would like at least to give people a notice of what the next year/poll will be so they re-watch a couple movies if they desire.  

I probably could add a poll and see if the majority want random or in order.  I know I am a :nerd: , but I would like at least to give people a notice of what the next year/poll will be so they re-watch a couple movies if they desire.  
easily accomplished by revealing the random year in question two weeks in advance 

I probably could add a poll and see if the majority want random or in order.  I know I am a :nerd: , but I would like at least to give people a notice of what the next year/poll will be so they re-watch a couple movies if they desire.  
You go to 10 years reverse at a time for order, but mixing it up.  1989 next followed, by 1979, then starting over at 1998, 1988, 1978, etc...  Just throwing that out there.

How about over the weekend everybody that submitted a list answer these questions and we can see what the majority might want:

1.  Would you rather have a random order, so go backwards through the years in order?

2.  What decades would you participate in an individual year poll for?  00s, 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s?  

I do like Ilov80s' idea of maybe doing a full decade one for the classics if people aren't hip to doing a year by year there.  Ie - one poll for all of the 60s somehow.  

1 i liked the idea of doing 99 - 89 - 79 and then start again at 98 but whatever is fine by me

2 individual is fine by me for all decades they all have greatly underrated movies that the movie snobs of FBG give no love

wasn't that the one with morgan freeman too? he camped the #### out that.

I'm a fan, but I don't think costner knows how to do anything BUT camp.
Are we talking about the same film? To me, Freeman seemed closer to deadpan than campy. 

How about over the weekend everybody that submitted a list answer these questions and we can see what the majority might want:

1.  Would you rather have a random order, so go backwards through the years in order?

2.  What decades would you participate in an individual year poll for?  00s, 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s?  

I do like Ilov80s' idea of maybe doing a full decade one for the classics if people aren't hip to doing a year by year there.  Ie - one poll for all of the 60s somehow.  
Random is cool, keeps a little bit of surprise. 

Man, I was going to watch a 1998 movie I hadn't seen tonight, but if we are going to end up with more votes to randomize the years, I might as well hold off.  

BTW, I watched eXistenZ last night, and it was more ####ed up than I remembered it being.  

Is it one of those things where Hollywood hears of a general idea for a movie in a year and just pass it around or something?  For 1999we had The Matrix, The Thirteenth Floor, and eXistenZ.   In 1998 we had Armageddon and Deep Impact, and there are other examples of movies that just have a general similar feel doubling up in other years.  

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